Will You Marry Me?

It is the 29th of February, and I could not think of anyone else I would bother proposing to, so I guess Boris got lucky again.

My argument for this match, Boris, is as follows:

I am a lot more fun than your current girlfriend.

We have not been in trouble for at least five minutes.

I cannot think of a less appropriate and yet more fun pairing.

We could cause a magnificent scandal of gargantuan proportions.

I gather from Cummings’ blog that I would get on quite well with him.

I am very good at thinking, and nobody else seems to want me to do it.

You haven’t been horrible to me.

I am unlikely to produce yet more babies.

I tried looking up your offensive poem about Scottish people today, and found that it wasn’t even yours.  I do know the reason for the PR, don’t worry, but I was most disappointed as I was planning on writing a hilarious riposte.

Marry me, Boris, you know it makes sense.




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Hello Bojo

Right, since I have spotted you peeping at the website, I am now not going to talk about you until I am confident that you have gone away again. I am funny that way.

My Slovenian friend, who is a bit like the equivalent of Kirsty Wark in Slovenia, have been discussing the news quite a bit this week.  It seems that every country is encouraging corona hysteria at the moment.

In reality, coronavirus seems to be aimed at meateaters, men, the elderly and has the viral capability of a cold.  I very quickly gathered from the statistics quoted that if not reported, it would basically just be a big case of the sniffles.

For some reason, we are being encouraged to think about this as a spooky dangerous thing from China, potentially lethal and probably man-made.  Are we to take this as a threat, or is there some other reason why we are being fed this as a crucial news story?

The likelihood is that something important is being ignored, and all the spaces are being filled with yet more information about this virus.  So the probability is that something crucial is being hidden.  I do not even want to know what this is.

Meanwhile in China, word on the street (I work in China)  is that people are returning to work next week, and so the fuss is dying down.  It is just not as exciting as people thought it was going to be.  Not likely to become the next Spanish flu so far.

Back in the UK and we seem to be having a lull in the cripplingly low speed race towards Brexit.  Farmers who voted for it are wondering how they will find workers, and closures which had been scheduled for years are being blamed on it.  It is all a bit sleepy really.

I await the rude awakening.  In the meantime I am continuing with my plans and awaiting the call of duty.  Resolving a few health issues in anticipation. Spring seems to have come early in my fevered brain.


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Officially no longer friendly

It is very sad, but I was pushed one step too far today and I wasted no time in indicating to the person that I am no longer friendly.

This was as a result of the person talking over me and making entirely unreasonable demands based upon a series of assumptions he had made.

  1. His requirements are more important than mine.
  2. I am available, therefore he can feel quite free to tell me what to do.
  3. Nothing that I would want is as important as he is.
  4. I will respond to insipid flattery.
  5. I am nice, therefore I will do whatever he wants.

I put him right on that score.  I also indicated that as my gift to Bawbag was effectively taken from me, two men had been driven sufficiently insane by the sight of a woman sewing in a car to batter on the side of it and shout at me, and my actual job is apparently invisible, I am not interested in talking to any more timewasting people therefore he can piss off and bother someone who cares.

I wonder what any of the people over the last two years think they have achieved by this? I will now not be kind, biddable or interested in what other people want.  I do not think this is an improvement.

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Day ten of 2020

So this morning I qualified as a teacher, which will make life somewhat better, and this evening I completed the first design course.  Four more to go.  I have abandoned the cushions for the moment, as I will just ruin them.  Apart from that, it is that tax return time of the year, so I am busy doing that.  I also have a number of interviews to attend.

I do not understand why Little Shiva, Haram Bawbag and Grumpy chose to act as they did, as their actions would appear to be sexist and/or racist.  I did not treat them at all badly.

I do not wish to speak to any more people for the moment. I am busy.


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Nice to see you

All of you, bizarre that you all chose to drop in to see a post about a dude walking past my car.

For clarification purposes, there is no romance going on, Grumpy Dude and I communicate a bit like angry meerkats. We have a weird emotional but not at all romantic thing that involves a lot of appreciation from a distance.

For the benefit of one of my readers, I would appreciate it if you would check in on Bawbag.  I am a bit worried about him, but there is no point in my attempting any input and there is no need to involve me whatsoever. It is your issue, not mine.

Otherwise, hard at work again, although I am very much looking forward to a couple of days off this week to push things forward on Little Shiva and the new stuff.  Hoping to get to the final stages of Haram Bawbag and get the windows off the ground this week.

It would be nice if I could get some of the stuff moved on whilst I complete the rest.  It is looking like another month or three for the first stages of the cushions. The shoes aren’t even started yet, beyond my perfecting a superfast seamless base, which was quite a task.

If anyone can think of a subtle way of my ascertaining Grumpy Dude’s shoe size without him noticing, I would be very grateful.




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A moment of sheer joy

Only people who have experienced a lot of unpleasant episodes in their lives really understand how important moments are.

Grumpy Dude gave me a moment of sheer inexorable joy this evening, and he didn’t even have to stop and say hello.  I didn’t want to ruin it.

We had a brief conversation earlier this week, but tonight was quite remarkable.

I took a night off sewing this evening, I was feeling stale, a bit sad, and it was busy at work for most of the night.  Near the end of the evening, I was enjoying some supermix and looking at the world go by, and Grumpy Dude appeared out of the night, in much the same place that I was sitting last week or so.

I have found over the years that beautifully dressed men – and when I say beautifully dressed, I mean they have taken their shape and emotional self into account, and have chosen very carefully –  are extremely thin on the ground. This is as much because very few women appreciate it as because they don’t consider it worth the time or lack taste.  Male clothes horses quite rightly often choose to be with other men who appreciate them, so finding a fabulous dresser that is heterosexual is something that happens only rarely.

Anyway, out of the night emerges Grumpy Dude, in a quite marvellous outfit, detailing his curviness rather beautifully.  He was quite clearly aware that he looked particularly magnificent, and my eyes duly popped out of my head as I drank in this vision of loveliness crossing the road.

He smiled, I smiled, he sailed past.  It was perfect.  After the miserable day I had, I drove home perfectly content.

Thank you grumpy dude, although I may have to rename you Foxy Dude if you keep up this level of sartorial brilliance.


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Explaining yourself

I think we are into double figures for narcs and other cluster B candidates staring at the website now.  These are just the ones I know about.

The latest addition to the mob doesn’t understand what is going on and tells me that this is my fault. He doesn’t seem to understand that it doesn’t actually matter.

So, for those drop-ins that wonder what is going on:

I actually live a very quiet life, mostly focusing on work since I used to believe work was a comparatively safe place.  It isn’t, but it is still more interesting to have adventures at work than directly emotional adventures, which are also more hazardous.

A lot of the posts contain very little overt information, unless you happen to be the other person.

Little Shiva gets a lot of posts, because he is lonely and a little OCD and we have got into a habit.  He likes looking at it, and I like to see him looking at it. Things could have been very different if he had made different choices, and I am happy for him that nothing was really disrupted his end.

Bawbag drops in if I happen to talk about his artwork, because bawbag expects me to be like him and indulge in very negative feelings.  He has never understood, for example, that it really doesn’t matter to me whether he finds me attractive or not as we don’t have that kind of relationship at all.  I did try to explain to him that all my friends have always been male, but he didn’t really get it because he thinks in terms of women as unruly cats and men as rather inept custodians of said cats.

Wolfe likes to check on me every now and again, to see if I have made progress towards the biggest goal, which was rather curtailed by Little Shiva and Twisty preventing me from doing the Boris project.

Boris checks rarely now, but was very kind to me and I am happy to see he doesn’t need me at present.

Grumpy Dude is busy having an actual life, so I don’t expect he is looking at it at all.

Whether you personally understand the line of thought does not matter in the slightest. It isn’t actually designed to particularly appeal to other people.

Hope that makes things clearer for you.

Normal people do not rant for over a month at people for disagreeing with them on a facebook thread, by the way.  That is obsessive behaviour.



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This beautiful man stopped by the car for the second time. I love looking at him, but if he knew that I think he would be extremely surprised. He is very welcome to stand and be looked at at any time.

I do wish he wasn’t drunk, however as he has a terrible tendency towards talking nonsense, and he has now told me that he is Jewish about 97 times. I am not sure why this is quite so important, but he has a a nice wicked thing going on that I evidently like seeing.  Like a raven haired Wolfe.

Apart from that, almost finished sorting out some practical problems, and am doing some work towards the reclusive lifestyle I mentioned yesterday.

Bawbag has finished his shopfront, I am sure it is a work of artistic genius.  I am not sure that mac owners will quite believe it.  It is certainly different.

Finished a lot of ephemera for Haram Bawbag the artwork, too cold to do much with it at present.  I will see if I get a day off this week whether I can find enough jumpers to persist with it.

Cushions moving forward at pace, but very time consuming and I have had to purchase specifics for them, which is a pain.

Looking forward to moving things on shortly.

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Humanity is not worth saving

Many years ago, after the island I built for Patrick McGoohan, I started a book.  It morphed over time into a kind of state of society critique, and when I first met Wolfe, he was the person I wanted to discuss this book with.

I never did get to discuss it with him, because he was always in trivial mode when I spoke to him, and despite being extremely helpful in other ways, it proved impossible to get a simple direct conversation online.  That is Ok, he wasn’t to know.

I had a massive crisis in confidence after the incident with him, to the point of almost a form of breakdown.  I was taking care of my mother and working various tiny contracts, did some geo work for GPS systems and such, wasn’t idle,  but could not bring myself to write the book until I could fathom what exactly the stuff with Wolfe had triggered.

I am very glad that I was patient about that, because it created a lot of new work, worked through a number of things although it did not allow me to actually do the initial job of writing the book.

Likewise I still have work to do on the visual novel, although I will need to data scrape a hard drive or two to get moving again on that.

Since my mother died, and even as she was dying, I learned a lot about humans that I had tried hard to forget.

With a very small number of exceptions every single person I have met since 2016 has been venal, stupid, vitriolic and has made absolutely no attempt to even appear to be anything else.  I am now quite satisfied that humanity should wipe itself out.  Probably the sooner the better.

Be aware of the effect you have on other people.  I was originally a cynical and shy lady, after Wolfe I became a positive, relaxed and confident person.  Apparently this offends stupid people, to the point it is now impossible to even do anything well and avoid censure from them.

I am now seeking out ways of avoiding people altogether and instead of having the career I worked for, I will be prioritising the avoidance of any more worthless people. They are a waste of time.

I am not entirely unhappy with this outcome, but it seems rather a waste of some very good material.


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