The Continuing Adventures of Ina

Well this week we had a suitably operatic ending to the tiny little boutique investment job. Wifezilla went crazy after only a couple of minutes talking to me, so I am now relieved of having to deal with the fascinating face.

It is OK, we would both have found it fairly insufferable I suspect and I would not have tolerated it well for much longer. I do not like the automatic dismissal of questions. I’m glad I met him though. That was a worthwhile adventure for that alone.

Amongst the new research subjects are a company with a more traditional approach to HNWs which involves a lot more relationship building. This suits me far better. Nothing good is ever sold quickly.

Tried to get involved in the world of carpets, but I do not think the world of carpets particularly wants or values me, sadly. I do need to earn a bit more anyway. In the meantime I shall engage in some more thrilling research whilst I get stuck into the Finnieston collection and move on to the Geo collection, which is yet to have a proper name.

I already have the plan for this one, so it is a case of finishing a lot more mini bawbag pieces for Finnieston and then I shall utilise the opera in my head to create the new stuff. I am doing a lot of tenor singing. I don’t really like the contralto nearly as much. It seems to work wonders with my health.

Yet another company suddenly went bust after recruiting nationally. I am a bit fed up with this, I think it should really be within the realm of DWP to control people being put out of work or lied to to sustain dying business. Another project I am engaged in seems to be proceeding at a snail’s pace, but I have had several people ask me for work this week, so hey ho.

I shall think of a proper name soon.

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