Why the UK needs le Pen to win

Greetings fellow couch potatoes.

Never did I think I would see the day that I would actually want Front Nationale to win in France.  I spent some time observing them in Second Life, and the crowd ten years ago were not particularly edifying. An older le Pen was in charge then.

Times change and so do we, and I was commenting only last week that our fortunes in the UK depend heavily on the outcome of the French election.

Why?  Macron is the French equivalent of Tony Blair, a corporatist who welcomes Europe and wholly imaginary ‘unity’ in France (Front Nationale has always been a far stronger right wing force in France than we have in the UK – my ex, who was rather swarthy himself, was a keen supporter.)

If Le Pen wins however, our negotiating position significantly improves in Europe.  Two feeder economies in negotiation are far stronger than one.  It is, to put it simply, our best chance of having a country at all in a century or so.

The EU was set up on the basis that there was safety in size – you can easily see the future being China versus India versus Russia versus the USA in only a couple of decades.  An attempt to form a super-state rather than forge shaky alliances with other countries in Europe is therefore considered desirable for defensive and negotiating purposes.  The other reason for the EU is corporatism.

Labour is significantly cheaper when there is plenty of it and it creates a nice division amongst the population in terms of fighting for employment rights or even having a job at all.  As far back as 2002, there were over three hundred applicants for each relevant job available in Scotland, and I am sure if you asked other people, it goes far further back than that.  In the event that you want 30 or so specific PHD qualified applicants, you can easily have them under a system of free movement.

As I have said before this is bad for you as an individual.  More supply means you are compensated far less for your skills, and you have limited means to fight back if you simply cannot get a job at all.

So as a Scottish Nationalist, I am afraid I cannot buy into the idea of unlimited immigration in the face of the lack of employment I have experienced.  It is utterly soul destroying to find your government offering grants to people from other countries to stay after their degree, whilst doing nothing at all to aid natives in the form of providing relevant jobs in sufficient quantity.

The entire system in fact, falls down if you cannot secure a sufficient supply of jobs.  The sociological basis of racism is competition for resources, as we have seen from the example of the north of England.  These people are not all racist, they are starving and living in decaying circumstances.

This is why Brexit was a good move for the English population, and an unusually intelligent decision.  Weak pound equals jobs, stalling immigration means less competition for jobs.  This adds up to a potentially better standard of living for everybody in the UK.  A revival in manufacturing was exactly what the UK needed, and a low pound is the most exquisitely democratic way of making sure that happens.

We have not even begun the system of starve-in-order-to-boom yet, and people are complaining, backtracking and I am getting the impression that the Conservatives believe that we cannot Brexit at all. This is extremely shortsighted, and there seems to be a prevailing misunderstanding of Conservative history in the party.  Conservatism has not always been the party of the rich cutting taxes.  The idea is that you provide opportunities for the masses, and the government is thereby enabled to cut taxation because everybody is paying it.  What we have now is a system where they cut taxes at any cost, including people quite literally starving to death.

Perhaps it would take a messy haired free thinker to point this out, once we have secured a Frexit.  It would seem unlikely that a thinker is going to emerge from anywhere else in the party.  A more egalitarian, conscience-led Conservatism would be considerably more popular.

I will be going further into this topic in Lucifer Ogilvie, but I thought I would just plant the seed, if it is not already there.

Boris’s carpet is going very well, and the first layer is almost complete. I think it is going to be rather nice.

Toodle Pip, chums




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That Theresa May Speech in full

I am here today to talk about government.  The kind of Strong and Stable government this country needs to move forward, with clear vision, preventing the kind of disruption brought about by the inevitable coalition of chaos that voting for anyone else would bring.

When you vote, you should vote with the idea that we plan to create jobs – jobs for London and the Home counties, paid for with your taxes and the suffering of people who don’t live in the Home counties or London, and who rely on the benefits we plan to cut.

Scotland has been divided, by voting firmly against Brexit and against the Conservatives.  You should now consider the matter of union.  For Strong and Stable government, with clear vision, free of disruption, you should immediately change your vote to Conservative, even though most of you have never ever voted Conservative in your lives.

I am not here today to talk about policy, which is obviously above your head because you are stupid enough to consider voting for me.  I am here to remind you that anyone with clear vision can see, that what we all need is leadership with strength and stability.

A vote for me and my team, will offer an opportunity.  An opportunity for a future with clear vision, leadership, and strength and stability.  An avoidance of disruption from anyone who disagrees with me, taking the country forward to a future free of the NHS, free of those messy disabled and long term welfare claimants, free of pensions and free of well-maintained schools outwith the PFI agreements.

The Scottish majority, who voted against Conservatives, against the rape clause, against killing people, against Brexit are divided.  They are divided by the lack of the Strong and Stable leadership required to take the country forward with clear vision which only me and my team can provide.

So for Unity, for strength and stability, for policies that I plan to keep a secret until after you have voted, for clear vision, and to take the country forward, vote Conservative.  We promise that we will employ decent speechwriters if you vote for us.  Using your money, which you aren’t getting back because you are too dumb to get married to a hedge fund manager and have a ten million pound house like me.


Nobody of course, is mentioning the terror threats of whomever planted parcels saying SNP out, Tories in in Scotland this week.  Can you imagine if it was the other way around?  It would have been on every channel.

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Is the UK turning into America?

In the last twenty years we have seen the full death of integrity in the UK.  Integrity at work is frowned upon, and in some cases is a sacking offence. Integrity of belief in politics is to be sneered at unless you are a Conservative.  Integrity in product development is often dubious.  The integrity of the BBC has been severely compromised.  Only this evening I commented that Tony Parsons and Julie Birchhill hadn’t been on for a while, and then I realised that this was because Labour is not in power, and they are probably quite lazy now anyway.

The media is pumped into our homes by an inflated and lower quality supplier, in my case free of charge, although I could just plug in the box my broadband supplier sends me and get a lot of extra useless channels if I really wanted it. Freeview is more than enough, I do not need anything extra, and to be honest I could live without that too.  All too often, we see the same faces presented to us year after year, sometimes being paid millions of pounds to appear, and the people concerned are neither talented nor interesting.

We have lowered the denomination of information to the point where it is largely useless, education is of considerably lower quality to improve the statistics and innovation is apparently to be discouraged unless it relates to mass market products.  From ‘the bland leading the bland’ days of Tony Blair, British culture has been in a downward spiral until we now apparently have a population so stupid that they respond to our unelected PM repeating the words strong and stable over and over again in place of anything approaching attractive policy.

What became of the questioners, the innovators, the creative thinkers, the academics straying into other walks of life and seeing a new angle, or even discussing it?  What became of the BBC I used to be so proud of?  What became of honesty, hard work and the individual?  In their place we seem to now see subdued lackeys lazily carrying out the mugwump instructions of people with too much money and no imagination, who in turn are carrying out instructions from people with even more money and less imagination.

I have written many previous posts on the danger of corporatisation. It endangers education, creativity, healthcare, public service provision, politics and the nature of your daily life.  Nobody listens, because life is more convenient if you do not have to think. Perhaps if I appeared on Sky or Dave making jokes about it people would take it more seriously.

True freedom takes work and confrontation.  It involves actual debate, and an actual exchange of real ideas.  It does not need to be repressed by strong and stable leadership, and there is no passing the buck.  Sometimes freedom costs, and sometimes you really should start paying, in the form of putting some actual work in and saying NO to things that you know perfectly well just won’t work.

If the UK is to stop the American rot of complacency, lazy thinking and blaming others for their problems instead of actually helping them solve these problems, now would be a good time to do it.  No thanks, we do not wish to bomb Syria.  No thanks, we do not wish to sell the NHS.  No thanks, we do not wish to be sucked into more American economic mistakes in the form of the ‘consumption-led economy.’

I have never heard such rubbish as I heard on the news today on this very subject.  It is lazy, stupid thinking to make consumers with ever-shrinking disposable income the focus of economic policy.  It is a cop-out which leads to disaster, and if that disaster fails to affect you, it will certainly be visited upon your children.

Boris may well have had a Brexit accident, but it was a good accident.  A weak pound encourages the export trade, which is the only way of having a genuinely strong economy.  Small businesses are proportionately far better for the economy, in much the same way as feeding the poor makes more sense than tax breaks for the rich, who merely squirrel their extra money away instead of spending it.  Small businesses employ more people, innovate, answer problems far more effectively, just as the poor spend and stimulate their local area instead of sending their cash to the nearest tax haven.

If I can see this, and our government cannot, who do I vote for?  Sort yourselves out.


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Dull Sport from the Conservatives

We in Scotland learned a lot from the 2014 referendum in Scotland.  We learned that any information presented to you is heavily massaged.  We learned that the BBC can be used against you.  We learned that prominent Scots hoping for a nice job in the Lords are quite happy to sell us out, regardless of political persuasion.

I mentioned in a previous post that the Conservatives do not seem to want to be in power, and nothing they have done since has disabused me of this.

So, on top of the potential loss of the NHS and the removal of the triple lock on pensions, we seem also to lack any entertainment in the form of a rapier wit in Westminster.  Sending Boris to Moscow would at least have given us some positivity in the face of the crushing boot of lowering taxes for people who don’t really need the money in comparison with people crippled with debt and relying on foodbanks despite working.

I am rather disappointed with Boris’s article too.  Calling Corbyn names is not a particularly crisp approach.  All in all it is looking a bit too easy.

Unless the population of England and Wales are in fact morons, and do not realise that giving Theresa a mandate means that taxes will rise, they cannot be sure of a pension, PFI payments to New Labour and Tory investors will continue to rob the economy and despite inflation, there will be little in the way of improved wages for the forseeable future.  Private healthcare will be heavily subsidised as preparation for ridding the UK of the NHS, or the NHS will be plagued with another series of scandals to garner support for further abuse of the population with the intention of making already rich people even richer.

I happened to catch the hilarious article in the Spectator today about the alleged 33 percent support for the Conservatives in Scotland.  I am quite sure that whoever came up with this has been reading a bit too much ‘law of attraction’ because one thing we are entirely confident of in Scotland is that only an Aberdonian or Edinburgh resident would relish the prospect of dead welfare claimants, more nuclear power or fracking.  Whilst such morons exist, I doubt they would feel safe to communicate their charming ideas to others.

What we need to see from Labour, rather than more Keir on TV (nice face, but forget the public speaking – send him on a course for fuck’s sake)  is somebody who at least has a grasp of basic economics or someone to seriously challenge the still unclear ideas about Brexit negotiations.

What we should also be doing, is completely ignore the BBC, since their production of bullshit seems to have gone through the roof.  What is the point in inviting guests on Newsnight if we have to suffer the constant interruptions of Evan Davies when anybody tries to speak?  What is the point in Newsnight at all, if they use up so much time on irrelevant crap?

As for Andrew Neil, who even I have caught directly lying – I can only assume his dishonesty since he has plenty of resources to report the truth and cannot manage it – is it not time you force fed some other money-pig with cash to lie for you?  He has plenty.

So, another disappointing and dull week.  I recommend raw chocolate instead of all that cheese and port.  Try upping the vegetables in your diet.  You will feel better in about four days.





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Fun with status

Here are three people, each believing that they are very very important:

  • One believes she is very, very important, because her mother did not inform her that she is not. Her only achievement in life was getting married and driving her husband into making a lot of money.  She now believes that every word she says is automatically true and that everything she does is correct because her bank balance and spending capacity tells her so.
  • Two believes that he is very, very important because he managed to land a job paying twice as much as his last job, despite both of these jobs consisting of doing nothing apart from wearing a suit and signing documents as if he knows what he is doing.
  • Three does not believe she is very important, but does what the other two tell her to do and spreads malicious gossip on their instruction to gain approval from them.

They are, I am told, members of my family, who decided when I was working in England for ten years that I was born to serve them and that they need not participate in their parents’ care because I would do what I was told.

They have apparently not noticed that their refusal to pick up a paintbrush, be even basically polite or assist at all with the work that is necessary to keep my mother’s house and gardens going means that they have declined to have any status when it comes to the care of their mother or this house.

In the last twenty years, I have cleaned, maintained, cared for both of their elderly parents whilst working up to five jobs at a time.  I only gave up working round about the time of the first referendum because the Scottish Government stopped funding research for a period around that time, and my job ground to a halt.  It was expedient to do so because my mother was requiring more in the way of care at that time.

It is interesting that they associate status with money – number one made a false statement to the police because she believed that I had escaped from the house at one point (I kid you not) and gave a statement indicating that the slave had escaped and was to be returned to the house forthwith so that she could dump her sick mother there.

None of them are either capable or emotionally equipped to have dealt with any of the problems associated with their parents becoming ill, and they attempted to deprive my mother of her money entirely seven years ago on the basis that I had gone out for an afternoon.  They apparently still believe that this is justifiable behaviour.

Fortunately I got them out of the prosecution that would have followed this activity by putting my foot down, however I am now feeling considerably less sympathetic as they are currently attempting to interfere with my mother’s medical care at the hospital. The last few years have consisted of them running to the nearest authority figure at every opportunity to have me punished for refusing to acknowledge their imaginary superiority.

Frighteningly, everyone I have spoken to in the caring profession says that behaviour such as this from absent, lazy and toxic relatives is actually normal.  No help is available for carers in terms of protecting them from their own family, and if you accept help from social services for any other reason, such as care or respite, anything such people say is used as grounds for action against your sick loved one, in the form of removing them to a Conservative Care home and making you homeless.

So, if your family owns anything, you are left with little option to protect it than trying to avoid being in the care system at all, effectively putting you in a situation of modern slavery, just as my deranged sister described in her false missing person’s report.  I was fortunate, the police officers involved knew me and simply ascertained whether I was being held against my will or not.  Other people may not be so lucky.

It has horrified me that my parents early life apparently led them to instruct their first three children to be grasping lower middle class scum that I would not want to be associated with under any circumstances.  I am guessing that these are the ‘ordinary working families’ that Theresa May is so fond of referring to.

I am not sure what kind of mentality you would require to sit and gloat over your paycheque and begrudge every penny in tax, since prior to taking care of my parents, I used to work up to 20 hours a day as a normal routine.  Even when I was studying, I was working three or four part time jobs.  At no point did I have time to even look at my paycheque, never mind consider that my tax and national insurance was something to be grudgingly given.  I just loved working.

So then, are we to believe that the majority of voters are small-minded, lazy, grasping scum that would rob their own mother given half a chance, and who begrudge the less fortunate a means of eating or heating their house?  If this is the definition of an ordinary working family, I would suggest a cultural change is in order.

Taxes paid are just that, they are paid.  What is left over is yours.  It is then up to you to budget around that.

Status is earned, and it is up to you how you choose to earn it.  If you choose to earn it via piles of cash, then naturally you should seek validation from other people who believe the same thing.  If you choose to earn it via malicious gossip, then you should partner yourself with people who are idle and stupid enough to listen to you.

If however, you choose to earn it via actual work, you will swiftly realise that other people, such as the above, are essentially worthless and should really be the first ones to go in the event of mass extermination, since all they seem to be capable of doing is hurting other people and consuming goods which would be better to be sent to people who are actually worthwhile.

I noticed when I was interviewing a cross section of the population that worthwhile people are often the least valued, and who are repeatedly told that they are not entitled to status on the grounds that they are poor.  It got to the point that I asked my dear brother why people earning 50k or more so often know considerably less about the world around them than people scraping a living.  Are they stupid or just cheats, I asked?

“Thoughtless” he said.

Nice to see some self-awareness.

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Suggest a Policy for UKIP

  • UK population 65.4 million
  • Population of Greater London and the home counties 19 million
  • Population of Greater London 9 million

Now that Brexit is allegedly underway, UKIP seem to be at a bit of an impasse when it comes to policy, given that we were treated to some vague policies focusing on Muslims on TV this evening.

As this is unlikely to be a big vote winner, here are some alternative suggestions for UKIP.


  • Keep the pressure up on immigration, but avoid focusing on one group.  Instead, point out that the working population in the UK is overqualified, (we have the most graduates, native or immigrant in Europe for no apparent reason since we do not have the corresponding jobs) and offer to concentrate on job creation so that people can actually eat and perhaps procreate if they feel like it.
  • Clamp down on rogue landlords and employer-landlords who pay their tenants a salary to work in their other businesses.  If this is investigated, this will clean up a nasty third world part of the economy which relies on imported exploitation and flouts every employment law in the course of providing sweat shop labour right here in the UK.
  • Reverse the smoking ban or find an alternative way of accommodating smokers.  This caused the loss of approximately 3 million jobs in the hospitality industry in the UK.  Nobody seems to mention this, with the exception of David Cameron, who briefly mentioned it and then forgot about it, since it would involve admitting that smokers actually pay for their burden on the NHS twice over in tax.
  • Nationalise employment agencies so that the unemployed population can enjoy the benefit of temporary work to enhance their future prospects.  A return to the labour exchange system, now that we have mobile phones, could work extremely efficiently and would waste considerably less time for people who spend all their time either looking for, procuring or failing to enjoy temporary  jobs which all too often consist of waiting for days for an inefficient manager to tell you what they actually want you to do.
  • Partner the DWP with a large team of employment legal experts, in order to clamp down further on jobs which either do not exist, or involve doing something that is inherently dishonest.  Have a system where employees can report employment scams which benefit nobody.  Partner with colleges so that the overpriced courses, currently run by a host of companies which provide no benefit to the claimant, can be tailored to the requirements of particular areas or claimants and bring actual value to the unemployment experience.
  • Improve rent controls so that the rent paid by tenants accurately reflects the property value.  Housing benefit exists to benefit Conservative property owners, not the tenants themselves, who are frequently short changed to fill someone else’s pocket at their expense.
  • Social housing projects which employ the people desperate for work, so that they learn some skills and end up with somewhere to live.
  • A flat out ban on all religious schools, since church and state, whatever your persuasion, are really supposed to be separate.
  • Distribute job creation efforts to areas which actually need them, instead of spending every penny in London, which seems to be doing very well without further help.

UKIP are still a very raw party, and they are green as grass in front of the media.  Try weeding out the particularly stupid representatives and present a more mature front generally.

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Work and Play

Today we took a trip down to Troon beach and enjoyed watching some dude kitesurfing whilst I dug a large hole.  For some reason this was extremely therapeutic.

Waiting for my mother to come out of hospital is a big worry as apparently carers are supposed to go to the jobcentre when their charges are in hospital, and find extremely short term work to prevent them visiting their patients or catching up with house related work.  Eating is apparently unnecessary according to our benevolent government, as is keeping up your property since you are also deprived of any income for the property holding patient.  I wonder if anybody in government considers that since they already spend more on lunch than people who are ill get in an entire week,  perhaps they might like to consider those of us on a 24 hour commitment for sixty pounds per week?

Once I had enjoyed all of an hour on Troon beach, I returned to work and prepared the materials for the Theresa May piece, which I will be unable to work on until my income is restored, provided my mother makes a recovery.  Iain Duncan Smith is proving to be a fairly complex piece of work, since it has rather operatic overtones and a fairly deep level of expense.  I also need to test part of it to see if the ink will survive the process, although I did find a rather nice glass eye for it earlier this week.

Bordello Rhetoric may require some professional help for the hinges, as I have tried two types now and they are not working as well as I had hoped.  I polished a couple of lovely Georgian handles for it, and they have also rebelled, so it will be some time before I can consider this a success.

Boris without artifice,  which will probably be called Al once it is finished, is coming along nicely, but even when the design is finished, the work will only be a third of the way along as it is a technically complex and very novel piece of heavy textile engineering.  It is fascinating that textile artists will spend hundreds of hours on something that people maybe take 20 seconds to look at and write off, or on depending on how they feel.  I remember reading about another artist that had forgone her alternative career of being a GP to earn six pounds an hour messing with textiles and agreeing with her Indian relatives that she was probably making the wrong decision.

Two massive boxes are awaiting my attention, so I am certainly not short of work, despite not really having a hope of making a living out of it for another year or two.  I am not sure if Wolfish is really worth pursuing as it is a good three months of work to finish, for an animated and yet functionless bit of spectacular fun.  It might be worth doing for the sake of future Wolfe books, but I cannot help but think it is really just a nice picture, which I should then remake into a carpet.  I also have a chair to do for the Wolfe related work, which is going to be pending for at least another year.

So, things are coming along in their usual juggled and complicated way as I seek to create entirely new products which may or may not capture somebody’s imagination once they are finished.  You basically have to cling to the idea that somebody, somewhere will look at it and decide that you are a genius.  In the meantime you suffer messy clothes, messy hair and a messy life as you stagger about scraping together the money to do anything in the first place, in the absence of hope of the life you worked for before your loved one became ill.

I did manage to get the shoes for the shoe collection, so I hope to release them later in the year.  I think I should probably make them a priority for this year, as the prototypes will at least pay for some materials  if some mere mortal likes them.

In the meantime, I have enough to keep me working for about a week. Thereafter I will be seriously struggling to keep everything going, since I am responsible for making sure my mother has a home to come back to if she does not die.

Enjoy your bollinger.



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Manifesto of Murder

So far on our trip along the path to the General Election, we have some disastrous proposals from both Labour and Conservative.

Speaking as a Scot, I am glad that I do not have to consider any of them.

Your choice in England is as follows:


  • Tenner an hour official minimum wage
  • A spurious fake tenner for carers which would immediately be lopped off income support
  • Common Purpose ‘Let us pretend that we do not have an underground third world economy run by people of other colours exploiting each other by using a noisy liberal racist agenda under the banner of diversity.’
  • Let us also cling to Brexit as a vote winner because the North of England is tired of having massive populations of immigrants using up all the social housing and yet having no work.
  • Let us continue to pump money into London despite saying that we are doing something for everywhere else
  • Let us set up a committee to discuss the above for at least ten years without actually implementing anything
  • Please let us not notice that the ship is sinking and we will never be out of debt
  • Let us enjoy more PFI and employ Irish builders to rebuild the last lot of crumbling buildings we still haven’t paid for.


  • We must continue to kill the disabled and welfare claimants rather than create jobs anywhere apart from London
  • We must expand the commonwealth and exploit it as we no longer have the will or capacity to create jobs in the UK
  • More tax breaks for American companies!
  • More tax breaks for foreign billionaires!
  • More tax breaks for us!
  • The NHS must be destroyed!
  • No more pensions and useless eaters!
  • Tax rises for the squeezed middle!
  • We will pay for a hard Brexit by punishing you for voting for it!
  • Negotiation is hard, please vote Labour


So basically it is not looking good for England.  People seems to be very stupid, and the dangerous assumption that politicians have some sort of divine right to distribute misery rather than shock, horror actually administrate the country properly seems to prevail very widely indeed.

Just to remind you, no politician is more talented than you are, you are perfectly capable of taking action yourself and those very impressive soundbites they are so fond of are actually written by graduate interns who barely know what they are doing, never mind anyone else.

In other words, nobody is capable of running the country and you should drop the assumption that either political theory is better.  One leads to your premature death, the other leads to bankruptcy.

Perhaps the answer is to vote for whatever is less painful in the short term, perhaps you enjoy reading about the suffering of others.  You have certainly been conditioned not to feel it if you have followed the media over the last few decades.

I miss the days of my childhood, when people still had meetings that you were allowed to disrupt and protest and actually cared about the cause they pretended to support.  It is all so fake now, and people seem to be drugged into stupidity.

Personally, I suspect that looking at Liam Fox, Philip Hammond and David Davies, Theresa has decided that she would like to just take the pension and run.  As manifestos go so far, it does not look as if the Tories actually want to be in power at all.

Whatever you do then, prepare for a thin Christmas, because as far as I can see, disaster now looms, regardless of Brexit.

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Why versus Why not?

Emotions are very odd things.  Back when I was escaping misery caused by my family by indulging in misery caused by the unpleasant backstage behaviour of Wolfe, I stopped writing my original book as I constantly asked myself why.  Why should I write the book, why would anyone read the book, why would I assume that I was the right person to write the book?

Whilst you can waste a lot of time on pointless projects, world events since then have indicated that I should have been arrogant enough to go ahead and write the book anyway.  Apparently few people have tackled the agricultural history of America with a view to the impending disaster of GM, and even fewer people care about it.  The history of marketing has been covered by a few people, but nobody has seen fit to link it to the history of psychology or the effects on the modern population, to the point that we now view survival as entertainment on TV and we are increasingly being encouraged to look on creativity as madness by a variety of corporate sponsored research studies.

Looking on creativity as madness is a particularly dangerous and limiting viewpoint.  It does not benefit the world, it does not benefit the creatives.  The only people it benefits are the companies that would much rather you wanted to buy something.  If we allow this to continue, alongside the view of science being superior to nature as justification for destroying the very efficient natural resources we have left, we will be unable to make progress and the planet will be destroyed.  It is no coincidence, for example that our Victorian ancestors used their free time to indulge their whackier ideas with the additional benefit of a liberal view to products from the colonies dispensed by the local chemist.

This book has strayed back into my to-do list in the last few days as I consider how to go about dealing with my Boris Johnson book.  I have a fairly complex plan for this book, which is a bit more literary and a bit more fun than my previous comic strip style books to alleviate the Wolfe melancholy.

Hence, I am considering the matter of how different people, neither of whom I have met or plan to meet, have a different effect on one’s confidence and general sense of self.  Wolfe turned out to be a thoroughly depressing and very limited person whose obsession with money and women rendered him very boring unless he was speaking.  His speaking, which is technically fascinating, is limited to what he believes will extract the most in terms of immediate sales, at the expense of long term respect, which has left me with the feeling that a potentially great man has rather sold his soul for the gratification of the immediate.

Gratification for the immediate is all very well, but as aims go, it gets boring.  Boris has a different set of limitations, and in many ways he is also trapped by ambition, but not in the ways you might expect.  I shall explore this alternative way of viewing Boris in Lucifer Ogilvie, but for now it is producing a new development in my work which I am finding quite challenging.

I think overall that there is a long way to go with my work before I am happy.  I am doing something original at least, which presents its own challenges in terms of setting the bar I am happy with and taking it further.  Several of the existing pieces will be modified shortly, and a completely new set added as I throw a few ideas around and develop the product.

My friend is at pains to tell me that I should view all work as finished and ingratiate myself with potential dealers, that my pricing is nonsense and that I should not be too concerned about development.  My response is as follows:

  • The pricing is at cost – cost of labour, cost of material replacement, cost of storage – were you to purchase my items in a shop it would have to be at twice that price – yes I am flexible on prototype pricing, but the prices as they are reflect an accurate costing of the effort and are in fact quite low.
  • Ingratiating myself with dealers when I am not totally happy with my product is a waste of time – I am not so vain as to assume that everything I do is marketable or in fashion. That isn’t what the work is about anyway – this has been a period of self development in which I have been forced by circumstance to look for validation via something other than money or other people.
  • Making 3d objects has its own reward in the form of developing a range of skills that you do not get by buying things or even learning them.  I have previously complained to the BBC about this very topic as they seem to prefer encouraging children to buy the things they want instead of making them.
  • Writing as a form of expression is also useful and makes you more confident about other things.

So, despite my lack of funds and pension, I am certainly a well rounded person these days, with an aim in mind.  I now have to figure out why musing on Boris makes me feel so much more validated than musing on Wolfe, which made me laugh a lot, but also made me feel very damaged and unhappy.

Such is the adventure of the imagination that is being stuck in the house, wondering what happened to the twenty hour days and the burning ambition you used to have, wondering how the hell you will survive with no family, no money and no pension because you were kind to your parents and left with nothing but your lust for obscure carpets.

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General Election blues

In a shock move, Theresa May has decided to call a general election in 7 weeks. This after saying that a second independence referendum would cause instability. The only instability she refers to, of course is the instability of losing the collateral of a billion barrelsworth of oil that Andrew Neil blatantly denied the existence of only a few weeks ago.

Whilst I am grateful to Andrew for circulating my every tweet on facebook in addition to promoting me to his own fans by openly denying the truth that we in the village of Scotland already knew before the 2014 referendum, I am thoroughly pissed off with the hypocrisy of the English war against my country.

After conducting a small survey a few months ago, I ascertained that the Scottish electorate were not particularly clued up about economics and that even the most diehard supporter of managing our own destiny was not playing with a full deck of cards, I seriously considered leaving the SNP due to the hostile and rather hysterical response of the members to my short and comic survey on the attitudes of yes and no indy voters to the issue of brexit.  People are easily shocked, confused and inclined to crap behaviour, and since the class war is alive and well, particularly in central Scotland, there often seems no point in considering anything beyond your own nose, since inevitably someone will try to cut yours off without actually hearing anything that you had to say.

In any case, our feeling is that we have a hope of scouring the last Conservative from our fair country, leaving the rabid killers of the disabled few choices in their war against Scotland.  As someone with quite a pedigree in the long term issue of Scottishness and the crushing thereof, with feet in the communist and conservative camp due to my odd but extremely healthy gene mix, I am hopeful that we will get the issue of a more realistic attitude to the management of Scotland cleared up.  We simply do not need to be paying for more bridges in London or killing disabled and long term unemployed people to sustain Scotland.

I still do not agree with SNP policy in regard to immigration before job creation, and the word is that I am not alone, however, as a voter, they are on safe ground.  It is only backbiting, status seeking and rather sickening empty headed mortgage victims that need persuading as far as I can see, so rather than fighting with each other, I would suggest that cybernats concentrate on actually constructing arguments for Edinburgh types.

What I, and many others who remember and have actually bothered to study Labour Party history wonder, is whether Corbyn will actually remember that Labour was supposed to support PEOPLE WHO GO TO WORK in addition to bleating about diversity a la Common Purpose.  Immigration is still a huge issue, particularly for people in Wales, Yorkshire and Cornwall, some of whom have even less hope of ever working than people in the more obscure areas of Scotland.  Grants for computers and internet access would go far further towards making work available for such people online than persistent starvation, but apparently it is preferable to force people onto useless courses, run by recruitment agents that have gone into the welfare punishment business.  Making an extra tenner available for carers, which would in any case be removed from the accompanying benefits, is not a vote winner and so I am unsure as to why this was the chosen carrot this morning.

Anyway, I am unsure as to where things have gone wrong in terms of Theresa’s lack of actual mandate, since it has never bothered the Conservative Party before.  I can only assume that your vote in the General Election refers to the willingness to starve part of the population to death, blame them for pisspoor economic management, the sale of the NHS and the continuation of the totally fucking useless trickledown policy that makes the luxury goods market the only growth sector worth being in.  Show me the jobs, show me the quality industry and show me the poor that sustain their local shops by actually eating, and then we will discuss my vote.


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