The Current Job Market

So in the last three months we have seen:

One company of stockbrokers, who did not communicate with each other and ruined five people’s lives because one partner thought they were recruiting and one partner did not. Even after this they went on to ruin the lives of several accountants before I stopped them.

One company who recruited a national workforce and dissolved less than a fortnight later without telling anyone.

One company who pay minimum wage on the basis of getting a full year’s charity donations from the charities they raise funds for. They were actually the best ones.

A company who run by overcharging for house upgrades. I have seen this business model before, so it is interesting seeing it from within. Frighteningly, it is not illegal to overcharge for house upgrades so shop around when thinking of investing in technology for the home.

A company, owned by a woman but run by boys and wives, who unsurprisingly cannot see that their entire ethos is now boy centred, to the point that their pitch is ineffective when delivered by a woman. I was invited to a charming party involving watching Cash in the Attic whilst in my underwear, however.

A company who are unable to communicate because they are related. There are a lot of those around, so this is no great surprise. I no longer support this company.

Yesterday I took a recruiter to task because he refused to put me forward for a role with the heavenly scent of career. I am not to be put forward for this because I have too much experience and should have stayed in a dull job with no prospects for several years, apparently. Today I had the same experience from a female recruiter, who refused to put me forward for a job I was interviewed for by the same company ten years ago.

Let me tell you about people who stay in the same job for several years. They are unadaptable, inflexible and their brains become stagnant. Their envy becomes so palpable that they become dishonest, and they become ill because they are so bored. These are the people favoured by recruitment agents. It is a model that is out of date, and yet it is young recruiters who still perpetuate this aged model because they are trained to. Earning a living is not to be respected at all.

Then we have the woman who had me jump through numerous obstacles to make it to the interview with the full intention of making sure I did not get the job and then gracing me with her entirely useless career advice. She apparently thought I was much younger than I actually am, so I am sorry to say she was given the shock of her life, which the company is now also delivering to her at considerable length.

Anyway I will now be working for a different company in a different industry, which fortunately I had the forsight to also invest time in. Next month I will be in talks with a much larger company for a much bigger job. I also have a couple of contracts coming up which may be quite interesting and am still messing about with City of London opportunities, even after the last disaster.

Much of having integrity in the workplace is knowing whether to take what you are doing seriously. Sometimes you try taking it seriously and then discover they weren’t, so you were wasting your time. I have been blessed with the priority of knowledge over wealth, so I find this less tedious than most people would, but to be brutally honest, I am surprised more women don’t become arsonists in their dotage. For me, the workplace is far more sexist now than it was thirty years ago.

Several companies I have had the misfortune to investigate over the last six years have had literal wall to wall white male junior management. A Muslim lady I was working with and I joked about it. The first day we were there, I turned around and observed that there was no point in my being there, to which she immediately laughed and said ‘try being Muslim as well’

When you point this out to them, they act as if nobody has noticed. Of course they have, they created it by promoting only each other, and the company then neglected the issue by not delivering effective bias training.

Little Shiva was another case in point. As an Indian national, Hindu male, he was still at an automatic advantage compared to me, and I have considerably more experience than he had. Then consider his position. As a team manager on his probably 250/300 a day, he in turn was at a disadvantage compared to his thick-as-pigshit gym bunny friend who was white, racist and English, who was on 700 a day for a not very labour intensive analysis and management role.

Therefore, all diversity has done is push working women further down the slagheap. Boys will still favour boys, women considerably below them as disposable staff unless they can cosy up to the higher ups, who got there by some mysterious process of ass kissing I cannot identify with.

I cannot say that it is at the feet of men exclusively. The unpleasant woman mentioned above started haranguing me about my lack of children and husband mid interview, and that was not the first time I had had this happen at interviews. I eventually had to tell Barclays bank to stop bothering me because they pestered me with endless timewasting interviews with women just like her.

Nothing is more frightening to any of these people than an ambitious, career focussed woman with a brain. They must be stopped. They must be excluded. In no way should their work be rewarded because standards might go up.

How terrifying for them. I am not impressed.

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The Continuing Adventures of Ina

Well this week we had a suitably operatic ending to the tiny little boutique investment job. Wifezilla went crazy after only a couple of minutes talking to me, so I am now relieved of having to deal with the fascinating face.

It is OK, we would both have found it fairly insufferable I suspect and I would not have tolerated it well for much longer. I do not like the automatic dismissal of questions. I’m glad I met him though. That was a worthwhile adventure for that alone.

Amongst the new research subjects are a company with a more traditional approach to HNWs which involves a lot more relationship building. This suits me far better. Nothing good is ever sold quickly.

Tried to get involved in the world of carpets, but I do not think the world of carpets particularly wants or values me, sadly. I do need to earn a bit more anyway. In the meantime I shall engage in some more thrilling research whilst I get stuck into the Finnieston collection and move on to the Geo collection, which is yet to have a proper name.

I already have the plan for this one, so it is a case of finishing a lot more mini bawbag pieces for Finnieston and then I shall utilise the opera in my head to create the new stuff. I am doing a lot of tenor singing. I don’t really like the contralto nearly as much. It seems to work wonders with my health.

Yet another company suddenly went bust after recruiting nationally. I am a bit fed up with this, I think it should really be within the realm of DWP to control people being put out of work or lied to to sustain dying business. Another project I am engaged in seems to be proceeding at a snail’s pace, but I have had several people ask me for work this week, so hey ho.

I shall think of a proper name soon.

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Confirmed Single

Well the fabulous job turned out to not exist, this was a well known finance specialist who apparently cocked up this time. I was not the worst off out of it, I am quite sure the rest of the people who were supposed to start the job had handed their notice in before Christmas and are now jobless because of it. I hope he is happy with destroying a few lives.

So the next thing that happened was I was in the running for the best possible alternative option, and the person in charge of recruitment turned out to have a personality disorder, so as usual mistook me for a doormat. It is amazing how many people percieve kindness as being a weak thing. My siblings could now tell you the two do not go together. Fuck with Ina, and Ina will cheerfully fuck with you.

This week, started a few new ventures in the world of sales. Having a lot of high and low level research experience is helpful if you wish to investigate the world of sales, since research involves an ability to engage people extremely quickly in order to extract information needed to complete whichever task you happen to be doing. Time will tell how this goes but the most fascinating role at the moment involves speaking to wealthy people.

Because this realm has traditionally been the realm of male salespeople, the pitching is rather dick led, so I am experimenting with ways of making this work with a female voice, as surmounting objections with ridicule doesnt tend to work if you sound like a bowl of melted chocolate on the phone.

Saw one of the most fascinating faces ever this week. Did not know who it was when it popped up on the screen and spent what feels like ten minutes scrutinising it. Was probably actually about forty seconds but it has cheered me up immensely. It is amazing what you can pick up from a face, even in the absence of audio. I have come to the conclusion, however, that I am not going to have any more relationships with anyone. All most men need or want from me is validation, and I find it pretty easy to supply that and then everyone gets on with their day. I am not sure I could tolerate anything more than that anyway since I do not trust anyone.

Anyway, that’s it, tired of incompetents but the new stuff is quite interesting. Off to sort out my neglected self since I am pretty sure the fascinating face will be staring back for a bit of self soothing of homesickness.

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