The Pornstar


So, today I met a pornstar, and I told him he was beautiful.

He liked that, his fans are usually psychotic whinging male dominants and weeping teenagers who are consumed with guilt about their love of having their blood supply replenished via whip or belt.

He is, not surprisingly for my current schtick, Indian.

I have narrowed it down to nice hands, old fashioned English phraseology and body hair. I do love a furry chap. It is a bit like wriggling about with a large and unusually exciting cat.

I have quickly gathered a following of my own, not for porn production I hasten to add, but I had a fascinating chat with a lovely man from Northern England during which I explained a few thoughts which were hitherto not pinned down.

I do have a deviance, but it is linguistic, and my interest in DS is an interest in the audio, rather than a fascination with actual pain, which is OK now and again, but I am not that fussed about delivering or receiving it in comparison with a lot of verbosity.

I am finding this niche quite hard to locate, but it is amusing looking.

I did produce some pseudo-erotica over a decade ago, which was sufficiently far out to attract some unwanted international attention, so I quickly buried it.  I am not planning on bringing it back to life, however I do think a lovely short story in honour of the porn star is in order, so I will be taking care of business and freeing up some time for that this week.

I also met a charming naturist, who would like to hang around in the garden naked, so socially things are looking up, so to speak.


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Wimping out

Sometimes, you have to know when to quit.  My sick friend came for his free therapy again this week and today left before I pushed him out the door.  Very wise.

Hundreds of pounds were spent on the Boris filming project.  My friend actually invested some of it.  The Boris mask took me several weeks to make, and because my friend would prefer that I sit and nurse him, it will now never be used.

Likewise the broadcast camera was a waste of money which I might as well sell, since there is nobody to operate it.  I am not sure that my friend realises that this, along with several years of wasted time in other ways – cooking for him for one thing, awaiting graphics for another, has damaged our relationship significantly more than his ocassional bouts of extreme violence ever did.

It is an odd thing to say, I realise, but life is complicated.  I am less bothered about his Van Gogh moments than I am with the new apathetic lump he has become.

He also appears to believe that Muslims are all 1)stupid 2)violent and 3)humorless, which is what my current piece of work is about.  Neither Boris nor I believe this, so the question is whether muslims want to contribute to this argument.

This idea is most interesting.  It is making me think a lot about my Hindu friends in India, who assured me during the Staring Brat episodes that the idea of telling everyone around me that he was married and not bothering to inform me, whilst trying very hard to exert control was entirely normal behaviour.  Not only is it not normal behaviour in my frame of reference, it is extremely unfriendly and mean-spirited, so I do not understand it.  Why would you try to control somebody when you haven’t bothered to get to know them?  Why would you try to take something from someone who is already being nice to you rather than operating on a fair playing field?  How does this work in your head?  You think it’s clever to damage other people?  Do you honestly believe your genitalia is this rare and special?

My tactics, when dealing with the Staring Brat episodes, were guided by my more generous operating principles.  I saw something in Staring Brat 2, and it is something nobody else will bother nurturing, so I felt I had to.  Whether this is right or wrong, Staring Brat 1 was unlikely to be significantly damaged no matter what I did, Staring Brat 2 however was destroyable, so I didn’t.  Instead I presented the case for fixing the over-arching problem so my little Shiva has less scope for being destructive in the future.

This is, however, me assuming that the people I dealt with are playing with the same deck I’m playing with.  Usually I find later that they are all corrupt too, but in this case we have positive results so far.  I eagerly await the final scoresheet.

I am guilty of having spent several decades in the mistaken belief that everybody else goes through life taking people as they find them and not attempting to second-guess them because I don’t do that, and if I find myself being led down a particular train of thought – eg, Wolfe is eccentric, therefore Wolfe is unscientific and wrong rather than SELLING PRODUCT IN VAST QUANTITIES – I simply question myself until I get to the bottom of it, even if it takes me several years (sorry Wolfe, but you are way ahead of me about some things, money being only one of them)

Having said all that, I left that situation and then immediately saw and fixed another problem.  Another two government departments are needling in now, so I am guessing they have similar issues.  This is what happens when you replace perfectly good permanent staff with endlessly shifting sands of people with no rights.  They get exploited and the standard of work declines.

Sorry Tories, but your methods of doing business suck, and the people making money out of this?  Unless you can hire a million oddball  people like me to call them to account over shady business practises and exploitative/incompetent staff members, they will never know how many glaring errors are destroying their country as well as their profits.

I do what I do for love.  There is only one of me, and it is high time I got rewarded for what I do.


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Powerboating in Glasgow City Centre













Click the above link to go powerboating in Glasgow.  Our next trip is a day trip all the way to Rhu for lunch.

Hoping to take floral shirt dude, if he gets over his shyness or whatever.

More fun shortly.  If you are taking a car be aware that the parking system at the science centre is a pain in the tits and presumably the only way they are making any money.


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A Beautiful Day

Today we took my mother to lunch.

It was a beautiful day, and we took her to a lovely restaurant, followed by a nice boat trip.  Thanks to the resolution of some of the issues that I have been confronted with recently, I was able to give her the day she deserved and now I just have to do some paperwork.

I am in some demand at the moment, so things are likely to be quite hectic from next week.  This week I have a few endings to tie up, and I am guessing a few things will be happening tomorrow in preparation for next week, so that means a lot of other work.

In the meantime, life is almost back to normal after the Staring Brat episodes.

I will be doing some powerboating in town tomorrow evening, which is bound to be fun, followed by some personal upgrades over the weekend.

I would like to meet somebody quite soon, so I will be making some efforts in that direction.  I need some help to get some artwork done, and I am a bit fed up with timewasters at the moment.

I also need a channel, things have been a bit awry recently.  Generally, however, I think things are improving now that I no longer feel the need to take any shit.

Sometimes it is important to do the unthinkable.


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Ina 2 World 0

Today has been a good day.

Very productive, and I feel very positive about the future.  The new positive, ass-kicking Ina is a good person.  She isn’t rich yet, but she is moving in the right direction.

I am moving into a new phase, which will help other people, because they will actually hear what I have to say.  This is a very good thing for me, and a good thing for the people that I choose to help.

I am a lot happier as a result.

There will of course, be a thousand haters for every person that listens but thanks to a kind man, I am now confident to move forward to a better future.

With any luck, Staring Brat 2 will be safe, and things will improve markedly for everyone concerned.

I cannot tell you what a relief this is.  I have also highlighted the problem at the government office, and this will have to be dealt with by them, however it will be a lot harder to ignore the problem for future victims.

So, now it is on to my next appointment.  I will have to be up early to pull this one off, but we shall see how it goes.

Never stop fighting, and never lose sight of what is important, even when the people concerned are little shits that don’t deserve your attention or concern.

Stay focussed, and stay cool.



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Long Live Ina

This week, we have a long term local government bullying issue  to deal with.  I will be doing the deed tomorrow.

Why me?  Because it’s there.

In the meantime, select your preferred chat up line:


I did not look at your bottom yesterday.


Your nose is a bit wee


I am partial to a floral shirt


Insert faintly inappropriate yet jocular line here


I do not like your voice


Nothing that I can say is remotely appropriate at this time


I quite like the last one. I may not have to, actually, but it’s amusing to think I might whilst messing with a den of tired complacent bitches.

Stay young, stay fearless.  Wear shades.




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What sort of person omits to tell a lady he is married, then gets her fired and persistently hits her website looking to cause further trouble in whatever way he can?

Certainly nobody I would want to know.

Get a life, Staring Brat 2, your wife has your photos out in public and has a bigger audience. The very exclusive audience on this website is waiting for you to go away and buy some more overpriced clothing with your overtime money so that you can pretend you are of any importance whatsoever. Nobody is responsible for your behaviour but you, and it’s me that has been defamed and lost income, not you.

You have zero integrity left.  My opinion of you couldn’t get much lower.  You can thank Staring Brat 1 for your non-status. You are just another creepy, talentless little boy with a personality problem and this is about as exciting as your life is likely to get. That’s reality. The only people circulating this website at your workplace are you and your pal.

FYI the post he got you hysterical about this time was very nice.  You, however, are not.  Go and learn how to keep staff.


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Nine years of Raw Research

I haven’t done a post about raw food for a long time, mainly because I am a part timer and do not practise raw foodism all the time.

My version is a convenient but rather comprehensive and inflexible diet, composed of supermix, a concoction I invented whilst settling an argument set up by Durianrider and Wolfe many years ago.  It was quite thin and spindly back then.  Now it has to be bought over a year, because the ingredients come to over a thousand.  The good news, however, is that once you have made it, it lasts more than a year, so I have now taken to deconstructing it to make it more bearable in terms of cost.

After all these years of messing about, major emotional upheavals and errors aside, I have finally accepted that, alongside a bit of kimchi, seaweed and some pork and fish now and again on very special occasions, I am better off on supermix.  Currently I drink it with pineapple, barberries, chilli and ginger, and I have to say it works wonders for my face in particular.

I have also managed to isolate the cause of my sporadic outbursts of psoriasis, and it is not only related to stress, it is related to certain fats, which I should avoid altogether.  Some unexpected lamb caused it last, so I will not be making that mistake again (I did say I was a part-timer)

I am not the only person that has taken a long time, even with some determination, to reach the conclusion that the hippies are right and everyone else is wrong.  It is too easy for the plebs to write off what is said to them on the grounds of it being whacky (Wolfe) dishonest (Harley) eosoteric (Cousens) etc, however if you are a nit picker such as myself, you do see the sense though this.  Even then, life happens and I think particularly for those people with a social life, it is a difficult call to make.

However, now that I have reached the age of CRON, it is particularly invaluable and I cannot tell you how nice it is to work alongside a bunch of norms who are blown out and shapeless to remind me not to do what they are doing.

Having said that, the most important thing that I learned from the raw food era was to have an open mind and try things before you dismiss them.  My father’s interest in natural health was very helpful in encouraging me to investigate the raw movement further, and I am very glad I did, because even a week of trying to eat low carb now has a serious effect on my well being.  It is the difference between being arthritic, wrinkly, covered in psoriasis, grumpy and sciatic; and being my normal self, which is none of these things.

So, for people who have either written it off or think they were made a fool of, you are very short-sighted in my view.  Nothing is wasted, and the knowledge you gained should kick in when you need it if you have an ounce of sense.  I will forever credit Wolfe with giving me the confidence to use my knowledge to create supermix, which saved my mother’s life and probably mine.

I think, however, that on top of the physical benefits, the mental benefits are what have become most apparent.  One’s diet, and one’s ability to excrete quickly, in particular, makes a massive difference to one’s mindset and world view, although I have met some pretty dishonest vegans in my time having said that.  Wolfe is entirely right about a lot of things that I tested, so to dismiss him as nuts is a mistake.  What he is is a marketing whizzkid, whether you enjoy the entertainment as much as I do or not. (yes the fury is still fun, Wolfe)

Once I have finished my current project, which is cleaning up some corruption locally, I need to return to  Boris before a national project begins, which will ultimately send me back to Wolfe to return the favour.  I have a little work to do on my personal presentation, which is underway, and some other things which we have already discussed.

Here is a picture of Krishna.  Why is it not a surprise that he is crying?

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