Ina 2 World 0

Today has been a good day.

Very productive, and I feel very positive about the future.  The new positive, ass-kicking Ina is a good person.  She isn’t rich yet, but she is moving in the right direction.

I am moving into a new phase, which will help other people, because they will actually hear what I have to say.  This is a very good thing for me, and a good thing for the people that I choose to help.

I am a lot happier as a result.

There will of course, be a thousand haters for every person that listens but thanks to a kind man, I am now confident to move forward to a better future.

With any luck, Staring Brat 2 will be safe, and things will improve markedly for everyone concerned.

I cannot tell you what a relief this is.  I have also highlighted the problem at the government office, and this will have to be dealt with by them, however it will be a lot harder to ignore the problem for future victims.

So, now it is on to my next appointment.  I will have to be up early to pull this one off, but we shall see how it goes.

Never stop fighting, and never lose sight of what is important, even when the people concerned are little shits that don’t deserve your attention or concern.

Stay focussed, and stay cool.



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