
One of the staff on a recent project described talking to me as being a little bit like watching limitless, which I guess is a good thing.  I had better live up to it.

I will be releasing the first mix shortly.  We shall see how it goes, I do not plan to make a big deal out of it.  I have another two projects to launch and a lot of work to do now that I am not held back by the millstone of other people.

I think the summer planned project over egged the pudding quite a bit given that all I actually have to do to start a revolution is teach people how to express joy.  I was trying to get them to even discuss putting their hands in the air on the project and the response was terror.

It is quite alarming that people are so incredibly small.  We need to change that to get them to even think about changing their habits and work with them.

I have another couple of minor things to do in the meantime.  Boris is doing very well, but the sooner I can get some things done the better.

So happy not to have to deal with some things.

Here is today’s song for Staring Brat 2. Although we will never see each other again because you are a coward, at least I know how to make you smile.  I like thinking about you smiling.

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I miss Staring Brat 2

That’s a shame isn’t it?I was sitting today in the middle of yet another miserable situation at work, looking at the other person who used to work on the project and thinking how much I miss him.

You never can tell what’s going to float your boat.  Apparently I like being stared at and having a nervous wreck quivering whilst being horrible to me.  Apparently that’s my thing.

You’re a horrid boy for being married and annoying. Sulks.

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Yay I still have two stalkers

Staring Brat 2 was kind enough to show his face, so I am content.

I was just explaining what happened this morning, and it struck me how comical the entire story is. It’s nice that I can see the funny side.

I think it might be a good angle to tell the story from the perspective of Staring Brat 1, so I might work on that ,  It’s a good exercise.  I’m an absolute bitch for not falling at his feet, naturally.

You can’t help things like lengthy history of being treated badly and the wildcard incident of Staring Brat 2.  That is quite literally the only time I have ever been sufficiently overcome by what I assume was hormones to turn a perfectly ordinary conversation into what turned out to be the beginning of a lengthy nightmare.

Someone was asking whether he was a stalker, given that I again described him as being spectacularly beautiful?  One male staff member said that surely only ugly people were stalkers or rapists? That’s not how it works in this case.

He has no intention of ever speaking to me,  he hasn’t seen me for five months and still feels the need to stare at the website.  That is a stalker.

He was clearly very interested in me and still went out of his way to damage me as much as possible.  That, again, is a stalker, not someone who gives a shit about you.

Most unfortunate, but that’s life.  I was still glad to see him yesterday.  He had a beautiful smile.  It is very sad that very few people are likely to get to enjoy it. I can’t help him with that.

Anyway, hard at work, I have a lot of things to do this week, so toodle pip.




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Effects of Trauma

It is most interesting seeing the effects of trauma first hand.

I am currently working with someone else who was put off the last banking project, and she is completely unaware that she has been replaced for no reason other than money squandering.

She remembers it as a fantastic place, with great money – she was clearly on the winning team at one point, as she actually got some overtime, and she also got some actual training at some point.  It is fascinating to see from this just how much trauma I experienced from that episode.

I do not know if she was on the same shift, I dimly recognise her, but I think I probably only saw her on her overtime days, which is probably why she is a) happy because she would have been getting an outrageous sum per day on those days and b) not traumatised because she had no extensive experience of the Staring Brats.

Needless to say, I do not wish to discuss it with her, which is going to be awkward as apparently we are all to be on the same team for the forseeable future.

Trauma colors everything.  You remember different things than when you are left alone.

It is not okay to have somebody staring at you for 12 hours at a time, keeping control of your wages although he is not your team leader, and poisoning every breath you take because he just cannot manage a conversation.

It is not okay to put a person like that in charge of people. I was not the only person he did this to. In fact my non-friend, that didn’t bother to let me know the story with Staring Brat 2  had to be pep talked into not walking out more than once because she was getting similar treatment in terms of the staring.

Anyway, this chick that I’m working with has no idea that her contract has just been terminated for no reason other than some poor management strategy that involves bleeding a major financial institution for as much money as possible for the next year or so.  In fact they have just had their contract lengthened, so presumably there is some reason that they don’t like having money.

Most interesting, and a lesson in letting go of trauma as fast as you can, because it literally makes you physically ill.

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Hard at work – notes for Wolfe

So right now I am working hard on the affordable range for ebay, the shoes, and the Supermix project.

I am planning to release Supermix in stages, and in small amounts. This is for two reasons, one is that it is in test marketing phase, and I want to iron out any potential problems before any significant outlay, and the second is that I want to talk to Wolfe about my supply chain when the game is finished, since I am rather confident that he will have significant input on both.

I am doing this now, so that I have another store or ten set up whilst I am doing further immediate work to generate more working capital.  This is to avoid borrowing or outlay that I would rather spend on the house.  I have a number of projects to do on it before any further aggression from the scum family, and I do not require any input from stupid people.

I am also setting things up in case I manage to land a regular public speaking gig, which I think will help with the Wolfe side of the project – no I am not trying to distract him from his children, I am entirely confident that we can cope with putting things on a more professional footing once the work is actually done.

Everything I have done so far has been groundwork, and there is significantly more to be done before any question of money arises.

I do realise Wolfe will find this astonishing, however we do have tortoise versus hare situation here, and my tortoise is moving significantly faster in some respects than his hare. I think so far I managed to get him into several arenas he would not otherwise have covered, and there is still more work to do.

For those readers who fail to understand this, I am neither a superfan nor a servant, I am employing a complex and large scale strategy which costs nothing and covers a lot of ground, in order to lay a foundation for a taller construction in terms of the eventual outcome.  If you don’t understand what that means, it is probably because your brain is under developed because you do not practise the correct exercises in terms of development.  It is of great importance that you balance any academic or self development work with a three dimensional sense of how it eventually looks, if you want to create more advanced strategies.

Anyway, I happen to think the outcome of the project is worth it, so it is important to get all this stuff done.

I want to get a series of business books out, they will be quite abstract, the work for Boris needs to be moved along, and I need the current range of more immediate products to be sitting advertising my brand before I even think about doing anything else.

I have three jobs alongside the contracts, that I would like to be doing on top of this, each for different but important reasons.  It is important to have contingencies in place, for one thing, but for another it is very difficult to create if you are worried about stupid mundane things like money.

So, reasonably happy with progress now that I lack distractions.  It is lonely and tiring – I fell asleep mid sentence earlier, but come the spring, I think we will be seeing some positive developments from the Ina Disguise project.


Much affection,






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Accept that TV is bad for you.

I am working on some teaching material at the moment, and from what the teachers are saying, children are even more difficult than they were ten years ago.

When are we going to just accept that TV is bad for you?

We have all heard plenty about computer games being bad for you, suggestions of movies being bad for you, but what about the audio visual drug pumped into your home every day?

It is a propaganda machine drilling your head full of political ideas, whether you agree with them or vehemently disagree, soap operas telling you to be unhappy, because family instability is good for the economy (think of the furniture you will have to replace and the new dates you will have to go on)  a nanny to dump your increasingly unhappy children in front of.

My father used to use it as a method of subduing any possible input from the family when he returned from work, turning it up in response to any attempt at conversation.  I developed my dislike of this challenge early on in life.

That is not to say I have never watched it, nor does it mean I fail to appreciate the work that goes into creating and producing the drivel.  I just don’t allow it to determine what I do, how I think or what happens next.

I am sure my father was tired of listening to the two eldest listing their wants every day, and he certainly worked very hard, so I can’t really blame him for not wanting to be forced to deal with the family.  I don’t want to either, they are very unpleasant.  I objected to the idea that I wasn’t to get to know him at all, and the volume change in response to any question was just plain rude.  Therefore I see TV as an unwanted guest.

The later generations are not so lucky.  They have been encouraged to spend their lives looking for validation from a screen, and I do not see that they derive much in the way of happiness, connection with others or basic decency out of it.  A meme drifts past, reminding them to be nice, and once they have clicked like the job is done.  Then they go back to pointing, staring and getting people fired for a laugh.

So when are we going to accept that TV is poison?  It causes unhappiness to make you buy more stuff.  It ruins your relationships.  It makes you unfit. It tries to tell you what to think and how to vote. It dissuades you from asking any questions in case you look stupid.

It is a dictator’s dream, and these teachers have just nailed it.  People are losing their ability to parent their children or function.

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Train your child to bully and lie

Well, today I learned that the best thing you can teach your children, that is if you actually had the opportunity of having any, is to bully other people and lie.

We celebrate bullies and liars in many ways. Primarily by promoting them.

The Bagel Study, which you are welcome to look up, established this some years ago, when it was shown that people higher up in the company are more likely to steal bagels than people on the ground level.

Therefore, with the benefit of quite considerable experience of being a nice person and having got to the miserable position I am in today, I now advise you to teach your children to lie, steal and bully other people.  In this way they will get on well in life, they will be respected at work, and they will get on much better generally.

The fact that they will spit in your face for being old shouldn’t bother you because you will have done your job and the ‘professionals’ that your disgusting offspring pay to get you out of the way can then have a free hand to mistreat you in a care home or hospital.  You can be given inappropriate medication, based on the assumptions of stupid people who don’t care about you, probably someone else’s dishonest and bullying child who didn’t quite make the big time in sadism.

When your child bullies people, lies or steals, they are to be praised.  This will reflect the promotions they will get later on in life.

And did I mention that they should be male?  Yes, please drown your female children, because they are clearly useless and will not even get decent training at work because they aren’t worthwhile.  I used to think it was just women of child bearing age, but today we have established that simply being female is sufficient.

On no account should you encourage any type of empathy, because that will get them fired.  Any kindness, any willingness to help others, any stopping to assist must be punished.

So, next time your child shows any negativity towards others, make sure that it is potentially violent, spiteful and dishonest negativity, because that is the best thing you can do for them.


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Life Changing Moments

One of my friends on Facebook is an writer from Australia, and this week he decided to ask about life changing moments.

Out of all the horrible, interesting things that have happened the first thing that sprang to mind was

David Wolfe’s wife blocking me on Facebook.

Now at the time, I was on a knife edge.  I was grieving for my father, uncle, 2 cats and my best friend.  I had just spent 2 years researching a huge book which morphed several times as I hadn’t written anything with any purpose before, and I wanted to speak to David about the direction and how it could be used to help him.

I live in a different continent but it just so happens that we were born 12 days apart and we are oddly similar facially in photographs, despite me being a small sturdy Scottish person and him being a slight, German-American-Iranian.  This was not sufficient however, it was the whacky yet compelling presentation of usually fairly mundane health information that I was interested in.

Anyway, after years of being told how shite I was by my friends, who really just wanted me to be shite because they (probably) still feel that they are shite, I had found over a very careful year dropping in on David’s page every fortnight that we got on very well, apart from sporadic flaming tantrums on both sides, so when I was blocked by a person on his page, I just assumed it was him and was duly devastated.

When I say devastated, I mean completely destroyed.  I had just spent 6 weeks working on an incredibly well thought out yet bizarre film about him and Durianrider and I was still waiting to have a conversation about the book I was intently working on instead of wasting my time playing Farmville.

This was 2011 or 12, I forget which.  I had got through a horrific family experience and lost about 160lb at the time thanks to him, so I felt I owed him, regardless.  It was not until probably two years after this happened that I accepted that I was terribly in love, with a random stranger who just happened to be extremely famous.

Anyway after a few false starts on projects that did not work out, I finally descended into despondency but had sponged up enough of what David had to say to say fuck it, nobody wants to listen to me anyway, I might as well be louder about it.  Hence Ina Disguise was born, sometime during the writing of Best Scandal Ever.

The only reason I wrote anything at all was because I could not speak to him, and I thought it had been him that had blocked me as I knew nothing about his wife.

So now, five years after Best Scandal Ever, this has become a pivotal moment in that having been so incredibly damaged by trying to compensate for whatever anybody said was wrong with me, no longer giving a fuck allowed me to finally speak.

Admittedly, I have just done what I felt like doing, when I felt like doing it, because 24 hour care for my mother has always come first and everything else took a second place to that.  Now I have the problem of day to day survival, and that has to come first.  However, I have put time in every day, whether that is:

15 minutes to write this blog,

half an hour to spam the books to a few million people,

a couple of hours on putting a story together ,

a month of intense sewing to create a handbag

three months of intense work to create a carpet,

18 months to create the resin pieces, due to money

conceptualising new ways of putting out work, although that has been scuppered by my lack of support from other people.


Within a year of putting out any artwork I was in GQ.  Tatler and World of Interiors, and I now, after five years and five months have about 80,000 readers.

I do not make money out of this, but I did it on the basis that I could not otherwise ever get the message across to David, and the notion of a subversive marketing strategy that didn’t actually cost anything.

There is far more that I could be doing.  I have been quite lazy.  I should try some of the other stuff that I have in the armory – for those interested January 2016 entries have a lot of useful links you can try.

There are an awful lot of authors out there who do not understand how the marketing in publishing works, because it is not at all obvious.  I have heard some horrific stories about people spending nine years writing a book and then squandering their life savings on trying to make it sell.

This is not how it works any more.  As an author, you should regard it far more as being a pop singer.  Nobody is going to pay a pop singer they haven’t heard before, and by far the biggest challenge is getting them to notice your name in the first place.

So, although I have not made any money, I probably have more readers than David now.  This in itself is not important, this is not the point. The point is that it doesn’t matter who you are or why you do what you do.  The important thing is that you do it. I have a friend in Slovenia, an international level political journalist, that is still resisting writing her first book, on the basis that she is concerned about how it is regarded.

“Use a pseudonym and get on with it.” is my response.

The general thinking on online marketing is that you have to get people to see your name nine times before they even read the byline, so focus on that.  Wolfe is crazy like a fox, not to put too fine a point on it.  I was open enough to figure this before I started the experiment, but not everybody gets the point of Wolfe. He is a complex creature.

By the looks of things, it is time I did some edits and took this more seriously now.  To start with, it was a case of spitting the words onto a page next to a name and then throwing it out there.  Now I definitely have some attention, it is probably time to up the quality and time somewhat before I even think about money.

For those authors who read me and think how dreadful I am for putting work out free, here is the comparison:

You can spend 3 or 4k per book on marketing on the basis of getting a small proportion of it back, put out only long titles and wait for 30 years or so for someone to notice, or you can accept that nobody knows or cares who you are or what you have to say.

I think my way is better, and it is certainly cheaper and more rewarding.





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