Coronavirus Whinging – Sturgeon versus Johnson

I have never seen so much bitter glass wall whinging from the population as right now.

On one hand we have worthless scum complaining that it is all a big fuss about nothing and unless we see two thirds of the population dying we have nothing to worry about so don’t bother protecting your health.

On the other we have people who think that “Nicola Sturgeon lacks leadership skills” and “Boris Johnson must resign” because they haven’t shut the schools.

I patiently explained to the worthless scum yesterday that as one of the people at risk from the infection, I do not trust hospitals and would rather not be ill, therefore I will be taking all the measures I can as not only do I not want to die, I do not want to see other people quietly offed in a hospital because they aren’t judged to be economically worthwhile.  I cannot even say that this is the Tories’ doing, it happens regardless of party.  I have seen it first hand.

I explained to the whinging masses this morning that Nicola Sturgeon and Boris Johnson are entirely unable to close schools because if they do that, the women who work for the NHS, the women who clean, the women who run quite a few of our services will then be unable to work because they have to stay at home to take care of their children, who are at a far lower risk of actual death in the first place.

This would also mean that elderly in care homes would be suffering, as care homes would be understaffed.  Closing schools is not an option.

Closing pubs is not an option because people voted for a society in which people have to work to pay their bills.  As long as pub owners are willing to pay a wage, people need the money to pay their rent.  And yay, this costs the country no money, which is what the majority actually voted for.

As for claiming that the spurious herd immunity bullshit is somehow Boris’s doing. The culprit is the Tories’ scientific adviser, who clearly does not understand that a virus that repeatedly infects you is not likely to give anybody immunity.  Boris Johnson got some bad advice and made a decision based upon the discussion he listened to.  Since then at least three of the people deciding that killing a few more useless eaters wasn’t such a bad thing have the infection, which can only benefit the rest of us since they might actually get a clue.

When are you going to understand that you can’t blame people making political decisions for making the most practical decision for your welfare?  Take some responsibility for yourself.

The last thing anybody should be considering is resignation.  This is a test, and we need to use it to create a better country and a more practical way of doing business as  a nation.

If you can’t formulate strategy, think for yourself or even be bothered joining a political party, mind your own business, and stop attempting to think.

That is what you do the rest of the time.



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Glad that is sorted out. That was a rather frantic and very tiring day.

Moving swiftly on, I am working hard on another project at the moment and will not be back in action as Ina Disguise for about a month, whereupon things will be looking a lot more like a recognisable business project.  This is a sad end to the heavily personal nature of Ina Disguise, but it is time to engage the ignition on this labour of love.

It is also time to do some writing, so this may delay things a tiny bit.

Wolfe, thank you so much for dropping in last week, it meant a lot to me.

Good luck with your Tiresome Tory Totty, Lucifer.

Here is my new theme song.

Toodle Pip


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Why Are People so Confused about Politics?

So we were discussing confusion about politics today, and for once I managed to get some sense out of my companion.

As he quite rightly pointed out, people are considerably more savvy than they used to be, particularly on the details of what is right and wrong in relation to themselves.  So, we might say that self interest has awakened some political awareness.

This does not fit with what is actually happening however.  What is actually happening is that people who have managed to get a little something, whether that is minor status, a basic living, a small house or whatever, frantically vote in a self interested way to keep what they have.  They are so terrified of losing their tiny something that they fear other people having anything.

By far the most intelligent and politically aware period in my family’s conversational history was the period at which people were at their poorest, the 1930s.  My rabid Tory grandmother worked night and day to feed her two small children, (her husband died when my mother was seven, which was very disturbing for them by all accounts)  buy herself a house and feed the poor neighbours.

On my father’s side, we had a couple of generations of highly intelligent and rather gobby communists.  My father was the black sheep of a large sprawling network of formerly religious political fanatics who did not like it at all when he obsessed over work and became successful.  Some members of the family stuck around, and he spent what spare time he had helping them for several years, which appears to have caused an unfortunate reaction with my siblings.  He made his choices and did not discuss them with anybody, including my mother as it turned out, who was very shocked when I passed on what little I knew about my father.

So, by and large, political discussion between my parents was between a more acceptable form of hard working socialism and military conservatism.  My father’s ideology was very heartfelt, however by sixteen or so I knew I did not entirely agree with him.  Had I the same experience of war as both of my parents, I might feel differently of course, but as with anarchism, pacifism does not take the fact that people are not very nice into account.

So, when I look at political ideology these days I see structure, I see monoliths with cracks, graffiti etc., and I see the wounds and rotting flesh over the bones.  I see the engine and I see the car shape.  I do not see things the way other people see them at all. Politics is circuitous, and when you examine far right and far left, you are quite surprised at how much these ideologies have in common.

The vast majority of people, including people in power of whatever persuasion see politics as something directly pertaining to them personally and are dutifully offended by disagreement.  This prevents healthy discussion.

It is important to realise that as with religion, you are actually just using convenient labels to express self-interest.  In the case of the less powerful, this self-interest is expressed by a group, and in the case of the more powerful, the self interest is expressed by a form of enlightened corruption – that is to say a ‘might is right’ mentality that takes little to no account of weakness or dignified poverty.

The latter is what we have currently presented to us as conservatism in this country.  This is for several reasons:

Latterly, we seem to have a crop of young Etonian bucks who are determined not to seem Thatcherite, even when the alternative is basically wrong for most of the population.

A great example of this is Cameron and Osborne, who pranced through parliament like school prefects, openly lied (Osborne)  made really poor strategic decisions (Cameron) and attempted to cover all this up by using substandard PR companies who made very bad decisions – Cameron’s bloky paternalism was quite sickening and not entirely his character.  I have met Cameron, and whilst he is a bit like an over friendly accountant he isn’t the character he portrayed as a Prime Minister.  (they appear to be trying to repeat this model with my beloved Boris, but we shall see if I can gently talk him out of this without actually interfering as it is crushing his tutu somewhat)

Another example of bad PR was Theresa May’s strong and stable ranting.  This demonstrates that the thinking at the top has been that the vast majority of the population have the thinking skills of a hamster. (they are at least partially right) They appeared to be attempting to market her as a Girl Guide leader and sensible Matron figure.  In the absence of charisma this may have seemed a sensible decision, but it did not present well at all in combination with the shitty speech writing.

What I can see from this period is that the internal philosophy is weak at present.  The wounds in the flesh are exposing the damage to the structural thinking.  The structural thinking, therefore, is what I seek to resolve.

We also have a bit of an issue with inspiration.  Churchill is not a good example to follow.  We are not likely to be repeating an era of colonialism in the same form and I do not forsee ground wars as regaining popularity.  Countries are far more likely to reduce populations by biochemical and policy making means.  Unless we find a reason for defensive ground troops, used with considerable economy, you aren’t going to find huge support for generating wars in the name of Merrie Engerland.

What do I mean by this?  Well the reason we pay for big giant weapons is so that we do not have to actually use the small ones.  Conflicts involving big giant weapons do not involve the same loss of life as conflicts with little tiny ones, hence actual warfare is, touch wood, never going to be quite as useful a tool for mastering the economy. No, what you have to do with any issues of population reduction is foster individualism and contempt for others, a cultural shift that is enjoying some success at present but it isn’t actually all that good for productivity, motivation or happiness.

So, assuming that a desirable outcome is a happy and unified country, what you ought to be shooting for is inclusivity, social mobility, (whether that is up or down) high levels of happiness, hence motivation, and a sense of collective purpose without the need for war.

My proposed solution to this, which I touched on several years ago, is a form of neo-colonial economic expansionism.  In our current situation, this has to come from ground level up, not the other way around.  There are several ways of expressing and implementing this, all of which require a different kind of management than I am seeing much evidence of.

We are in a relatively good position at present to create an economy which makes it far easier for people to acquire marketable skills, move into employment and push the entire economy up a notch.  The focus ought to be on manufacturing, tourism and, for the sake of foreign currency, online activity at micro level (I am personally involved with this at the moment.)

I have no idea who is attempting to formulate strategy at the moment, nor do I particularly care, but sticking to a ‘fill your pockets boys’ mentality WILL NOT DO for very long under the current circumstances, and you will require altruism that no longer appears to exist to recover.

I would suggest that we discuss this further rather than messing about waiting for me to be bothered writing blog posts.




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28 Days

So I decided to pursue my plans to woo the Prime Minister this morning and investigated the rules on getting married in the UK.

I’m thinking Gretna is a suitable place for us to run away to, so I reckon we have to get the paperwork started quite quickly, as 28 days notice is required as a minimum.

After the 28 days has elapsed, we can simply meet up, pop off to Gretna, get that sorted and then get on with our lives.  I can then provide any required assistance via Skype, meaning that we are both free to pursue our otherwise busy lives.

This also solves the sock issue, so we don’t need to negotiate that.

Thereafter, there is the question of public appearances.  Bearing in mind that I have two very spoilt cats, I will have to conduct this new life making use of the excellent transport links between here and London.  Some fresh security arrangements will have to be made, so I will have to do a bit of organising in that respect.

We can then work on the strategy we discussed in 2016 and life will get a lot easier all round. We certainly don’t have any problems communicating, now do we?

Looking forward to your request for documents.

Much love,


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When is a Lady not a Lady?

Being a lady is a complex business.  I have just been schooling a gaggle of clucking chickens who were bullying a woman for using the word stupid.

She was using the word stupid to highlight a problem with epoxy resin.  As you know, I work with epoxy resin, and I am well aware how dangerous it is long term, despite being fortunate enough not to have an instant reaction to it.

Sometimes being a lady involves being self effacing and backing the fuck off, as was the case with Little Shiva.  Had I not backed off, the evil giant would have gunned for him instead of me, for one thing, and the beautiful married chick I thought he was with might have been upset.  I did everything I could to remove my eyes from that boy, to no avail.

Sometimes the stakes are somewhat higher.  Being a lady in the case of Haram Bawbag involved dissing his ex girlfriend so that he would stop stalking her and boring the pants off me talking about her and their very dull relationship.

Sometimes, however when the stakes are incredibly high for more than 70 million people, it is important to assert one’s self and let one’s inner cavewoman out for a bit, whether this is practical or not is another matter.  I am not genuinely concerned about Lucifer’s life choices.  I am, however, concerned about some pretty serious shit that affects everyone, and I would like to help if possible.

Tonight being a lady involved telling some poor chick that using a negative word is fine when you are trying to alert people to danger.  I am not sure what these women do when there is a large fire, but saying ‘please exit’ in a quiet voice will not cut it.

Anyway, that was fun, I hope Lucifer enjoyed it as much as I did.

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The Demise of Lucifer Ogilvie

“I never thought in a million years you were serious.”  Lucifer messed up his hair and looked faintly incredulous.  “I’ve got what I wanted now  with the career and such, all that’s left for me is watching the cricket.”  He looked almost forlorn.

The scruffy artist peered up at him, a grumpy expression contorting her bluish Scottish skin. “Honestly, Lucifer, if you had just kept your hands off the Tedious Tory Totty, everything would have worked out fine.  You know what will happen now, don’t you?”

“Cripes, what?”  Lucifer’s expression turned to one of terror.

“Well, some tiresome and unimaginative money man will decide that Brexit is yet another golden opportunity to punish the poor, kill off the elderly and sell off national assets, and it will all be blamed on you, even though it was your predecessor’s fault.  History will positively hate you.” The artist looked smug.  “At least the other 55% of my unbelievably stupid country might see the light and leave, on the plus side.”

“How was I supposed to know though.  I mean you’re really cool, you’re kind of rebellious and Scottish and stuff and I’m just a dull old Conservative.  How would the party have taken it?”

“Fuck them, Lucifer.  Fuck them.  They lack vision anyway.  Now we can’t do anything for the poor, and we can’t do anything fun globally.  It’s all over bar the giant canal I plan to build in the Borders.”

“You can’t be serious!”  Lucifer was now aghast.

“Of course I’m serious.  And what’s more, I will be planting giant Saltires along my side. And you can forget that potentially lethal bridge over that mess of munitions in the Irish Sea, too.”

“You know how I love bridges.” Lucifer sniffed.  “You ghastly woman.”

“Ha!  I care nothing for your bridges, fool. You made your own bed, you can lie in it. See if I care!” The wild haired artist smirked and turned on her heel. “Enjoy your cheese, while it lasts.”

“Not the cheese!”

“Yes, the cheese shortage will get you, if nothing else does.  No more Camembert boxes for you.”

“Golly!  What have I done to deserve this!”





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Dignity – the unexploited niche

So I was at a meeting for business peeps tonight, and one Scandinavian chick was talking about her work, which is trade union related, loosely, and she wants to do some public speaking related to people who do not seek senior management or even middle management roles.

This is a large unexploited market area.  How to negotiate your position when you do not seek to improve it and are relatively happy in whatever job you managed to land.

I immediately said yes – dignity – the unexploited niche.  Everyone is falling for this American idea that we are all unemployed millionaires.

Of course, with the globalist ideal of ever decreasing wages and borderless countries, we have not had any alternative to this. Collective bargaining is out of fashion, even with our once socialist Labour party. This is not doing anybody any good.

It was a long and interesting meeting, everyone from unemployed doctors working in medical areas that are poorly served to dog trainers, home stylists and web designers were there.  Most interesting, but as office hours go, probably not hugely constructive for the person developing the course.

Another course I am working on at the moment is also very interesting. I would really like to do this one more seriously, but I have to focus on getting a number of other things done first I think.

Anyway that is thought for today. Dignity, the unexploited niche market. Let’s capitalise socialism!

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A Grotty Health Post

So, today I have done another couple of courses, am working on another one and am considering one which involves taking a day off work, shock horror.

My throat is very swollen because I have returned to the diet I was on before I had to take one of my current jobs.  I am now on a couple of bulbs of garlic every day and am drinking supermix once more.

This is a good thing, as it verifies that I was harbouring an infection that was unlikely to ever be picked up and I will be feeling much better soon.  I do not think I will be stopping the garlic again any time soon.

The reason I had not been on it since having this job is that pooping quite as often as one does on supermix is not very convenient when you are relying on other people’s toilets, however I do not like the health problems associated with my age group, and so whenever I encounter one I do something about it.

Over the winter, due to the cold, I had been indulging in my winter diet, which is more convenient as it involves fewer toilet visits and is more comforting.  This involves a lot of steamed vegetables, sweet potato, some meat and raw chocolate.  Comforting though this is, and extremely healthy, it is not the ultimate diet for keeping you away from health problems.  Supermix is pretty much always the answer.

So, I have been back on Supermix for a few days, and started on the garlic cure the day before yesterday, now I am processing infection which involves a little misery before you experience the bliss of feeling twenty years younger than you actually are.

I had an actual spot a couple of weeks ago, which came as a bit of a shock as I have not had a spot since the first time I went raw ten years ago.  This means that I was getting some toxic build up, probably from protein bars which I was also enjoying over winter as when not raw I low carb to avoid incessant weight gain on a ‘normal’ diet.

Now I have gone back into full detox mode, I will not be experiencing this again.  I can look forward to looking and feeling much better soon.

Apart from that, all good, not doing any work today as I am a bit annoyed after some rubbish I encountered over the weekend.

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Free of three projects

So, obviously I will be dropping the Conservative Party work, the Lucifer Ogilvie collection and a more recent attempt at communicating with other humans, although I will be completing on some of the remaining Boris artwork collection as it is expensive and unfinished.  I obviously wasn’t that fussed about doing it, or it would have been done by now anyway.

This is a bit of a bore, since I was quite interested in the exercise, but Lucifer Ogilvie now has a very dull, rather than amusing and open ending, so I don’t think it is really worth writing. The Conservative stuff was lurking around for two or three years and I was allowing myself to be distracted by the most mundane tedious garbage so a case of the usual procrastination being the enemy of getting any actual work done.

That and time, because I always have a lot to do.  The work I actually do want to do does tend to get done, although with the number of things I do at once, relatively slowly.

I have found over the years that this makes for a better result.

I wonder what this says about my attitude to family life?  Evidently I do not rate children as a worthwhile pursuit. I am sure that there is some dude somewhere that could inspire me to fire one or two out before it is too late, but I wouldn’t trust him and by the time I did it would be too late anyway.

Working on the writing for Haram Bawbag at the moment, and I think I will be doing the Sikh dude at some point.  Still avoiding sewing because of the breathing issue, and seeing if switching to my summer eating habits early will take care of some other problems which have arisen.  I no longer trust doctors at all, so it is important to deal with one’s health issues.

My foreign work is going reasonably well, and I am hoping to do something worthwhile closer to home shortly too.

I could tell you a fabulous and fascinating political story, but I don’t think I will bother doing that either.  It is very topical, but I don’t care enough about it to contribute to the massive time wasting.



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