Hindu and seeking publicity?

I’m going to be looking for a male Hindu that wants some publicity in a few months, so if anyone knows one, please get him to email. I don’t care what age you are, what sexuality, or what you look like.  All of those things are pretty irrelevant, to be honest.  A story would be nice, but again, I just need a nice Desi boy really.

It is a long story, but I’m making probably my most ambitious piece of work yet, inspired by some dude that objects to his name being used, even though it means nothing to anyone.  Going by some of the stuff he has said in the past, he is likely to use it to attack me, so I obviously cannot link it to him. I don’t know why he is like that, but I suspect somebody stupid implied he would get something out of it.  In any case I wouldn’t trust him now even if he said it was okay, which is a shame because I was fond of him, but he apparently didn’t appreciate me terribly much. It is very sad that I have to think like this, but I don’t see any option.

I did try doing a few posts to see what the hit pattern was like, and it doesn’t look as if anything has changed, so either we do it this way, or I will ask my friends on facebook to find someone in India.

I do like to have a name on my pieces, as you can see from the website, so if you like very strange furniture – it is adapted from the idea of an egg chair and will be very, very lush in terms of colour and texture, please get in touch and let’s have a chat before the design is finalized.




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Commiserations Boris and Jacob

We’re stuck with it, although very much like the Brexit vote itself, the confidence vote might change the direction of things somewhat, so you could argue it is a success.

It is unfortunate that we seem to suffer from a lack of political flexibility in this country, to the point that even career politicians cannot separate the ‘good’ from the ‘good for me.’

I think a nice succinct bit of economic history education might be a good idea, since nobody appears to have any.  It is extremely tiresome explaining conservative history to people when I am not even a conservative.

I am not sure why 60 odd percent of the party don’t do any reading, or if they do they don’t seem to understand how to interpret the information.  This is not a small issue, and I am starting to see strong similarities with New Labour, which is not a good thing really.

I am also getting a bit tired of seeing the old guard Thatcherites defending Remain when it involves running a deficit forever.  I am tired of seeing people getting killed. This just isn’t working, and I am not sure why resistance to change is so much more powerful than allowing business to restructure the economy to bring us closer to ‘ignition.’  Should I bother explaining how the machine works?  They would probably pretend not to understand anyway.

Sorry I have not been doing much serious writing of late, I have been messing around with ephemera. I ‘m also a bit lonely at present, hence poking my stalker with a stick for rather dull amusement.

All I can say is consolidate and capitalise, and see how far we can push back.  I will give it some more thought.

Good luck,


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Egg show on the road

Uff, since last night I have had a lot of shifts dumped on me, so I guess this chair will be well underway by January since that is what I am most interested in doing whilst sitting in the car.

I would suggest you leave this on headphones whilst doing something else, it is very long.

Did a long religious text today, it was extremely tiresome listening to Americans at a waterfall discussing futile aspects of metaphysics.  They really are tiresome.

Went to the supermarket last night.   I have been studiously eyeing up Indian dudes since I met Staring Brat 2 in an effort to figure out why I was so unusually assertive about him.  I’m usually a very cautious and shy person, especially as I do not trust people at all any more. You can make all the excuses for them you like, most people are basically quite shitty and have very little to nothing in their heads.  That was not news in the case of the staring brats.

Anyway I met the eye of a new age Indian dude in his 20s with a man bun.  This is the first one that had something like the whatever-it-is. Otherwise he was unremarkable and not somebody I would even notice, and I’m sure the feeling is mutual. We both duly scuttled off to a different shelf.  He looked a bit less married, but otherwise I am not really into chasing dudes around a supermarket. Interesting though that we both did the same searching thing before moving on.

I am into the Shiva moment now on the egg, so a lot of serpents will be involved in the next day or so.  It is very big, and very tiring and I am glad of my sunroof in trying to coordinate it.

Live show tomorrow.  Also appearing intermittently over the festive period.  I am sure it will gain more colour in due course but at the moment it looks like a piece of crap, which I am sure is quite appropriate.

Toodle pip,




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Working from bed

Oddly I measured up my work, and I had somehow managed to calculate the exact centre of my work despite the fabric being incorrect.  I am astonished.  So a rather violent flower that I was using as a center of the seat, which should have been entirely incorrect, after I corrected the fabric anomalies, was in the right place.

This is not the first time I have somehow managed to do something like this.  I frequently find that if I am using one colour, I calculate exactly the correct amount without having to think about it.  I guess at least I am good at something.

Right now, the piece is looking dreadful.  This is normal.  I also have a stack of half finished handbags, and the shoes are still in the early stages.  I have an awful lot of work to do before I start on the more serious books.

I am also waiting for the American Tax Office to get back to me, which takes some weeks.  This is a bore, but I do have to reshoot a lot of the artwork for the higher resolution print covers and do some editing, so I have a lot of work to do to make Ina work properly as I was more concerned with getting started at all for the first few years.  It is not a good idea to fanfare when there is so much to learn at once.

I have another story to write about last summer.  It is not directly related to the Brats.  I do not know why this has caused quite so much trauma creativity.  I guess I was feeling particularly raw because of my mother.

I think I may also write about the disaster that came before it, which is an interesting political story.  I will see how I feel, but at least I am developing good habits.

I cannot tell you how nice it is to actually learn something as I work, and how nice it is to work without having to deal with more numpties.  I would like to meet someone that is relatively pleasant reasonably soon, however, so I am looking into doing some public speaking in a different industry sector, just to develop some useful skills.

Life is rather uphill for the next month or two, just to get a couple of things out and available, and I am effectively launching three businesses over the next few months, although I plan to make them rather low key, so it is neither an expensive nor loud operation.  I have taken to pottering rather than yelling, and then seeing how things go.  It may seem crazy in this day and age, but I prefer to make mistakes quietly.

I will return to the egg show at the weekend, but until then I will be tucked up in bed working on some international stuff.  It is not nearly as glamorous as it sounds.

I am so sick of BS. I don’t see why life should be difficult or complicated.  I find it quite simple.


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Slow Handclap

Rather tedious day in which I did a lot of stitching and felt rather fed up with this enormous chair.  It will require a lot more work to get to the correct dimensions.  I do not currently think that it is worth the effort or the exorbitant amount of wool, to be honest.

Providing a lot of folksy entertainment in Finnieston as I do it.  I am not sure if the ladies of the red light district are aware of it, but sewing seems to intoxicate men to the point of them making several visits to watch some woman in a car  in the course of her day.

Wondering whether I should turn it into performance art, but I might actually have to speak to someone to do that.

Can’t be bothered even getting annoyed at the usual BS from SB2.  There is something seriously wrong with you to be so full of bile.



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The Problem with Banking

The problem with banking is that it requires only followers.  I am not sure how you expect to run efficiently with no leaders.

Without exception every team leader and manager I have met this year has been extremely mean spirited, thoughtless and inefficient.  This is not how to run any kind of business, never mind a business where working within strict guidelines and communication is so important.

I am done with it personally, it is not the fault of any of these people that this industry is in such a cripplingly bad state.

I welcome the disruption of Brexit.  It might actually force things to improve.  As it stands, this is the worst run part of the UK,  because it has been safe for so long.

Also, I have noticed since my hop and skip through the business, is that it is ass-backwards in terms of risk management.  I am not sure why the back end is so tightly managed that nobody is either happy or capable of any initiative, and yet the front facing end, which has by far the highest cost-risk implication is run as if it is of slightly less consequence than the average wine bar.

Please do continue to take on stupid inane people who can’t see beyond the end of their nose, and take an industrial scale nosedive, because frankly this business has so much money that they actively seek ways of disposing of it.  The people who benefit from this are largely very dull witted and there is no way of saving the industry as a result.

There are people starving to death in this country whilst you piss money at the nearest wall.  Personally I look forward to the long awaited reset of wealth and economic reshuffle which we sorely need in the UK and the rest of the western world.

That was a nice break, I think I will go and do some real work with some real people who aren’t closet racist/sexist, closed minded twats with no life to speak of.

For the benefit of my readers, I am doing some editing as I notice my ‘type fast and throw it at you’ technique is not so good for the reader.  Sorry about that, but it takes some front to put the stuff out there, so I tend to work too fast. I don’t enjoy quite a bit of what I do.



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Maybe he was right to be angry with me

I don’t know.  Maybe it was really patronising of me to assume the beautiful girl in the office was more suitable for him than me.  That seemed to really piss him off.

My more cynical head says he was already being told what to do by The Sadist by that time, and I was supposed to get angry with him for being visibly involved with the girl in the office. They created some sort of scene to indicate involvement, which I immediately took to mean that he was insulted by the initial comment from me.

Anyway, it all seemed a bit melodramatic and for simpletons at the time, and I hadn’t really meant to steam in and hit on some dude anyway, even if he was uptight and gorgeous, which is a very cute combination.  If only I had known how attractive it was when I was still uptight, I would probably have had a different kind of life.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter now. He needs to get busy knocking his wife up and maybe actually getting to know her, as the conversation we had indicated that they appeared to have no click, which is a bit unfortunate, since it happened so easily with us.  I did notice he seemed to have a thing for older chicks, like way older than I appear to be, so maybe that’s his thing, I don’t know. I was dating a 37 year old at 21 so I don’t really give a shit about age, although I am actually used to being the younger party.

I do remember some moment where I was supposed to be impressed by dishwashing, and didn’t quite understand it at the time.  Yes I am sure he would be very impressive doing that, but I’m more interested in taking away that servile, nasty tendency that I didn’t like.  It doesn’t need to be dog eat dog out there.  The world of work would be better with more people like me and less people like the Sadist.

I wish I didn’t miss him, but it will go away as soon as I get this design done, and then we can make something beautiful out of it. He can be miserable for the rest of his life, I don’t really care, he probably deserves it.

Here is another song for the charming Shyam Singh.



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Angry Chair


As I have said before, my work is about repression, which is particularly apt in the case of Staring Brat 2.  I have found a film star to name it for, since he was so determined to get me fired that he objected to my naming it.

You would think it would be a compliment to have a piece of work named for you, but not for him.  Far too busy serving his equally stupid master.

Anyway, as you can see, the process on this occasion is making me quite cross.  I don’t particularly like having a potential career destroyed when I am returning to work after taking care of my mother for several years, especially when it is because of a stupid boy marrying a girl he doesn’t particularly like.

Here is song of the day. What a tosser.

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Staring Brat 2 song of the day

Still feeling a bit ropey with a recent bout of banking infection, but resting a lot to recover.  Went out in town as Ina yesterday, got a really good response in Buchanan Street, Argyle Street with elderly and younger teens.  I think this is a gentler and better idea.

Got back to the car to find I was parked right next to Staring Brat 2, which made me laugh quite a lot. He won’t know, but it was an amusing blast from the past.

Very busy with mundane stuff for the next two weeks, after this I think I will be building back up to the project I didn’t get to proceed with during the summer because of the Brats. (if you haven’t looked, check The Sadist, and Stories for an Ignorant Man  on the books page, although the latter is probably one of my nicer meanderings for Staring Brat 2)

I am indulging this brief focus on Staring Brat 2 despite having no intention of seeing him because it is time to work the design for the chair, it is a very expensive piece and will take over a year because of some of the more expensive elements, but we don’t care!

I quite like me.  That’s a nice feeling.


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