July Progress 3 halfway

Almost at the halfway point for veneering the new piece, which I have provisionally entitled “Two Grapes.” It is morphing a little, but not too much and is a nice mash up.

Halfway down layer 3 of Little Shiva.  A fairly well known art dude stopped by and invited me out for coffee, which is very exciting.

Haram Bawbag is awaiting the glass, and I will update later in the week as to whether it is yet possible to get on and finish it.

Reopening an online store which I allowed to lapse.  Another store which I had not checked for a while had an invitation to participate in 100% Design in London in September, which I am still considering as it is expensive.

Apart from that, exploring some work opportunities whilst trying to get the labels done for Supermix.

Feeling very happy and certainly looking a lot better, but something is being fixed so no huge changes yet apart from my face. Updating the wardrobe and jettisoning some stuff shortly.

Should Bawbag stop by, your ex is at it again. Behave.

Trying to make sure that I sleep now and again.



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