Welcome home to Glasgow Little Shiva

Good to see you  back in Glasgow.  I have no idea where you are or why you are here, but I see you are here from the hits.

I am doing a bit of work on the website and car today, I think it is time to stop messing about and prepare for the necessary publicity when the chair is finally finished.

I will be bringing out a couple of small item collections before then, but it’s all good.  I think it is time for a bigger statement.

He is very beautiful.  Look out for him, chickies.

You will find a picture of Haram bawbag on the Interiors page and I have updated for tablet, if you want a laugh.


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Another Chapter closes

Well it is almost time to write up another adventure.  I have moved onto the tongues which form an important part of Little Shiva’s chair and have completed the metallic elements of the lining.

Now there will be several months of very careful resin and beadwork, and I am taking great pains to look for authentic elements to add to the exterior as I slowly construct the thing.  It is a very expensive and heavy piece to make, so it is important to get it right.

I have abandoned a piece of work I was doing for a person I mistook for a friend.  He was very unpleasant.  Really the last two years have consisted of having increasingly unpleasant people trying to interfere with my life, and I am a bit tired of it, although someone commented today on how unusually happy I am so evidently it doesn’t show.

Evidently letting go of social convention makes you happier.  Who would have thunk it?

I have no idea why I am so attached to Little Shiva, as he wasn’t a particularly nice person.  I am finding, however, that I am measuring people against him which is neither fair nor a particularly high bar in terms of whether they are nice or not. I am a bit fed up of people who are not nice, so I think I need to work on that. I really liked Little Shiva.  It is a shame that he evidently didn’t like me, but that’s life.

This last drama has involved spoilt rich people spending money on bullshit and ripping everybody off.  I have scraped these people off my shoe and am moving on to better things.


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Religion and Morality

Well this last year has been quite educational.  Only having spent much time with athiests I had not been around religious people much at all in recent years.

This year has changed all that, we have had the evil Hindu, who was actually the most morally upstanding of the three.

An immoral Christian, who apparently found it pleasant to attempt to commit adultery whilst telling me how inferior everyone else was.

A polygamist Muslim, as a person my favourite at the moment.

Of all of us, I with no practised religion, actually come out on top for moral behaviour, although it is interesting how Asian and Middle Eastern people see morality.

It all seems terribly Catholic to me, the idea that your fate is in God’s hands, so there is very little you can do about being a weak little human.  Almost as if your religion is an excuse.

Oddly, in terms of doing the right thing, the evil Hindu wins.  The Muslim, whilst a far nicer person, is more arty about it, finding flowery reasons for things that I can only dream about, and the Christian was a dismal failure.

For my next trick, I will be going out into the wider community for a large scale project designed to solve a number of problems at once.  Ina will not be joining me on this trip, although I now have several useful skills.

I want to hear from Little Shiva aka Staring Brat 2.  Inadisguise@mail.com or betterpersonproject@gmail.com. You don’t have to talk to me in person unless you want to.




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Making space for yourself

Okay, I said I would write a post, and here it is.

Love is not what you think it is.  I always wondered about traditional models of love, that of partnership, jealousy, possession, role playing etc and I did not like what I saw. It was not until I found my soulmate that I got to the bottom of it, in all respects.  For those who want to read about that, the Best Scandal Ever Series is the direct route to thought process over about five years or so.

Wolfe was the perfect candidate because there was no danger of us getting together at that time because I was not developed enough to fully grasp the philosophy, despite living by it.

I was correct in my assumption, fairly early in life that what we think of as love starts with us wanting to have something in us that the other person has.  That can be a characteristic, a quality, a perception.  We thrive on learning, and so love occurs when we want to learn something from the other person.

What people often think of as love is the need to procreate, the desire for companionship, the drama of the day to day.  None of these things are truly anything to do with love.  That is to do with lack.  Plato deals with this beautifully in the Symposium, video below although I seem to remember the 8th minute or so being significant.

I read this to death in my youth, so I am well acquainted with it.

Anyway, true love is about inspiration, it is not about being with the person at all.  Thus my true love was Wolfe, a person I neither wanted to bother by actually being there, nor change.  If you are fortunate enough to be with your inspiration, you then have to figure out how to be an equal partner in the force you create.

We are all forces of nature, and you choose the level of force you want to exude.  I am capable of far more than I have been encouraged to expect, and so the aberration of falling in love with Wolfe on really very little input was about growth and potential, both his and mine.

What you need to get away from is the idea of togetherness.  Togetherness is nothing to do with it.  Looking at yourself and figuring out what you don’t have and the object of your affection does have makes the process far less tedious and far more rewarding.  It also takes away issues of timewasting drama, ownership, jealousy and other more negative aspects of being in love.

You may find this a rather lonely way to look at it, but if you take this healthier view of what love is, it is far easier to lose the need for attachment.

Buddhists will tell you that it is not love, loss of love, end of love that causes unhappiness, it is attachment.  If you remove the attachment from your feelings of love, you not only free yourself from unhappiness, you allow yourself to grow.

This is what I want you to do.

I want you to experience love without attachment.  I want you to focus on what you feel you lack, and I want you to take the opportunity to learn about yourself.  Stop thinking of it as a burning need, and start thinking of it as an opportunity.

As an example, despite trying to move on with life, I won’t stop loving Wolfe as long as I continue to grow, which is probably never, and even if it isn’t never, I will be eternally grateful for not being lonely any more.  Neither he nor I have to actually do anything at all for that to be the case.

This does not mean I cannot love someone else, it means that the intangible exists.  It does not involve emotional infidelity of any kind.  Love is far bigger than almost all religions allow us to believe.

(FFS Wolfe, I’m weeping again. Hope I made a better job of it this time.)


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Another one bites the dust

The lovely effusive man was also married.

That’s four in a row, and I think I will give up now.

Even after all that stress, Staring Brat 2 was still the most appropriate in terms of wit level and response.

Sigh. Shame on him.


I think I will stick to cats and making chairs.  Very sad and weepy.

I have to work five jobs to avoid losing my income when some married dude goes mental and gets me fired.  I’ve worked hard to get nowhere.

Developing some vegan fast food, building a management structure for a business, mentoring ten small businesses, taking on the troubleshooting for another international business for no money and developing Ina’s first shopfront, so quite busy just now.  The chair is getting made whilst I work for another start up.

I’m fed up coming last. I’m a nice lady, I don’t deserve this BS.

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A Nice Post for Little Shiva

This is not related to the post, but I really liked it.  It is nicely done and very funny.

The chair is going very well.  I am using every trick in the book to make it pop this time, as I am determined that it lives up to Little Shiva.

This may seem peculiar to regular readers, but that seems to be what floats my boat.  With the exception of Boris, every single person I have ever made a piece of work about has been hurtful in some way.

So, I guess my extravagant chair says something different to my more direct thoughts.  I am usually trying to resolve something when I take time out to make a piece. This time my entire life has become centered around making the thing, so I guess, as a man and his small daughter said the other day as they strolled through Finnieston, I am an artist now.

I am a little bit obsessed with it at the moment, but this is, from experience, subject to change.  I sometimes get to a point and then put the thing away for a few months, so I am trying to get it to the waterproofed and resin stage before that mood hits.  I also have several more practical pieces to do fairly urgently, and I have two businesses still pending, but life at the moment, although superficially very hard work, is working better since I can sew during two of my four or five different commitments.

I absorbed quite a bit from him, without even looking at him, which is fortunate.  I think so far the visual idea is exactly what I mean, incorporating pride, an element of reservation which I really liked, and a strong element of anger.  He was a very angry person.  I don’t really know why.  He was also a surprisingly innocent person, which is why I have been quite so careful not to directly retaliate.

I have some idea about the outside elements affecting what happened, but being of a strong character I cannot understand why he would choose to participate in it, so I am still digesting what this means.  I usually draw some conclusions by the end of the piece.  Generally speaking mindless thuggery for no reason is an indication of inherent weakness, so it is important to bear this in mind when trying to understand what it means.

Overall it will be a very glamorous piece, and I will be following it up with some other less practical work once the initial small item collection is complete. We also need to do some photography, filming and I think Ina will be releasing a book of work fairly soonish.

I also have a great deal of other work to finish, and a lot of reading to catch up with, so at some point I will have to worry about that.

In the meantime, a whole lot of needling is necessary.  I am hoping to finish the basic shape in the next week or two and then I have to add the tongues, which will take at least another two weeks.

If I decide to also do the base, I will be adding about 800 gbp to the cost of making it, so it will be held up by money.  This is not really what I want, so I am considering a variety of options.

To the person that asked me whether my focus indicates love for Little Shiva, I do not have that luxury.  He belongs elsewhere.  It isn’t up to me, thanks for asking anyway.

Back on 10 veg a day for the forseeable future as I ate too much salt at Christmas and am too busy on the chair to walk at present.




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Ideas about Love


Okay so the top one is a meme which I stole from Lazy Nazi, a young Hindu gamer on facebook and the second one is a list of ways in which marriage happens in the bible.  As you can see, neither looks particularly edifying from a female perspective, and basically you are to be regarded as little more than a hole for sticking their bits into.

So, we ask ourselves, what would we want with any of these arrangements, particularly if we had also had our genitals mutilated?

The answer that most of Asia seems to have come up with is that the alternative is much, much worse.  I don’t live there, however, so I would frankly rather spend time with the cats or writing amusing things for Wolfe and Boris.

I said to someone fairly recently regarding the Wolfe thing that it is a love thing, it doesn’t have to be a sex thing, so it didn’t really matter all that much since he was in a different country and our initial flirtation was kind of fleeting anyway.  We are just a bit intense, which is why neither of us particularly want to look at or speak to one another.

I wouldn’t want to be wifelet number 51 or whatever and I wouldn’t want him to give up his lifestyle.  You don’t get much more affectionate than that.

Anyway, getting away from all these ideas of people as possessions and attachment, which inevitably, as the Buddhists say, leads to misery, what is left?  If, according to my Hindu friend, love is a black and white chapati compared with a full banquet if you don’t bother with anyone, why on earth would you want to bother with anyone?

This question is something I am pondering whilst working on Little Shiva’s chair.  I had a very angry day of sewing today, during job number three, and between wondering how on earth I am going to render a Chinese gold Indian, I pondered why someone who has no intention of doing anything about his feelings seems to want to squirm in misery on his own for months on end?

Naturally, having spent several years doing just that when it came to Wolfe, I am inclined to imagine that it is a voyage of self discovery.  This person probably struggles with actual emotions or being touched in any way in much the same way I did, having been asleep for some time before meeting Wolfe.

I don’t have time for it any more than he did, so it is going to get us nowhere fast.  The sooner the dude accepts his bitter little life with his bitter little wife the better, to be honest.  At least his meals will be in colour, apparently.  The Gods prefer you to marry by arrangement than have feelings of any kind.  Feelings are, apparently, for barbarians.

I can see the value in this.  It helps to maintain societal roles.  In theory it means that women are to accept doing the typing for an underqualified, untalented moron on the basis that he can afford kids and a wife, whilst she struggles to pay her bills unless she has sold her yoni to the nearest bidder, whether he is worthwhile or not.  I am sure this is fabulous if you happen to have a penis.

It isn’t the way I would choose to live, but unlike the people who like this sort of thing, I have actually experienced life.  If I hadn’t I might feel differently.

Anyway, the chair is going well, and I am adding an extra third or so to the  basic sculpt so the struggle now, involving architectural salvage and a skip around the retro furniture stores, is finding a base to support something that will ultimately be very heavy once it is beaded and gilded.  It is quite a weight already, and that is just wool.

Nicer problems to have.  I wouldn’t waste five minutes on a person that didn’t care about me these days. I’m done with cowards and stupid people.



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The Deal with being Married

Okay, so apparently I need to explain this to people, because they are too stupid to figure this out by themselves.

Here is the deal with being married.

When you sign up to get married, you make a promise to another person to be with them.

It does not mean that you then turn around and either lie to other people that you have not made the promise in order to get bonked, or state upfront that you have made the promise to someone as some sort of absolution of sin.

Being married means you are legally attached to somebody.  Your attention to people beyond that relationship then becomes an insult. An insult to their intelligence, an insult to their attractiveness, an insult to their ability to find someone that is not attached to someone else.

If you do not wish to insult the single members of the population, then stop trying to hit on them.  We are not interested in a relationship with half, quarter or less of a person and those of us who are are frankly a bit sad and desperate.

There are many ways to relate to other people that do not involve creating fake arguments to create pseudo passion, role playing or other bullshit in order to get your end away.  It is boring and is only regarded as a worthwhile pursuit by pretty low grade people.

I hope that this is clear.  I do not appreciate having my time wasted and I am NOT INTERESTED IN BONKING MARRIED PEOPLE OF ANY KIND. I have never bonked a married person and I have no intention of starting now.

If you do not want to fall into the category of insulting people with your sexual attention, then don’t get married.  Simples.





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A conspiracy of charming men

Today was rather dull, but I got a lot further with the chair.  It is still going rather well, and I have ordered a few hundred metres of stuff from China for the lining, which is the basic structure. It will make more sense once there is something to look at.  It will require professional lighting and photography this time, so I will have to save some pennies for that.

I still need to order something for the base, as it needs to be extremely sturdy and yet fairly tall to pull this off, unless I make it an old school dangling chair, which would take up too much space and be a bit too expensive I think.

A charming man stopped by for a chat at the car, so should he stop by, hi.  I will perhaps come to work early next week or so and stop in to say hello. He is a business owner opening a cafe, so I guess it is his lucky day, since I am obviously going to be interested in interfering with that.

This seems very strange to me, but I didn’t really leave the house or go anywhere without someone I knew for many years because of previous experiences, so I guess it is normal for other people?  Quite a lot of things are a mystery to me as a result. I seem to have a big sign up saying ‘single and looking’ at the moment.

I have about 48 hours to make as much money as possible now, so I will not be sleeping much for the next two days. I am having very strange dreams, featuring a selection of intensely staring people. I have no idea what this indicates, but I don’t feel the same sense of impending doom that I did when it was actually happening. You can’t lose a job you no longer have.

One of the charming men that has presented themselves in the last couple of weeks is a fat version of Staring Brat 2.  He is Italian, but could easily pass for a brother.  He is very very shy and dislikes my Russian soldier’s hat.  Another author friend that I chat to was getting too depressed to recognise when someone was interested, so after a quick pep talk took less than 24 hours to find his new lady.  Congrats. (I hope she likes football.)

Glad to see that I was wrong about the approval of the use of hemp in the USA.  I am guessing this means big corporate interests have lobbied to use it for something.

Otherwise, the only remaining regular readers of this blog all have Cluster B issues, and I am a bit bored of feeding them.  I think I might work on a different project for a while.





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I’m Socially Inept

Here is how crap I am at being a person.

I was asked out on a date for the first time ever today.  I could have been asked out on this date months ago but I failed to answer a question correctly and didn’t even realise until this morning. Because I am so used to male company I took it at face value and replied that yes I quite like being single.  It did not cross my mind for a minute that this was an incorrect response.

I am officially hopeless.

Fortunately I was a bit sleepy and in a dream-like state this morning, so I rolled with it a bit more. No, I said, it’s horrible.  People are really nasty to you for no reason at all.

He’s very assertive, which is a nice change, and my mother would laugh and laugh at this situation given the number of times I said I would never meet anyone staying in the house.

All of that is really good, but now I will have to pretend to be a proper person, which could be more difficult.

Tomorrow is a very important day, so I must now work all night to prepare.  I have just finished my other work, so now I must study whilst reheating.

My skin and chest issue has been triggered by delicious Uber Bars from the vegan store on Dumbarton road, so I do not think I shall be indulging any more, which is a pity because they are the food of the Gods.  Back to low carb seaweed and grass and 10km a day I think.


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