Love’s a funny thang

So far the film is progressing very slowly.  The trick with filming is to plan everything to the maximum degree and accept that nothing is right.

The first day of filming was the anniversary of an important death, so I was doing an athiest art funeral, which perturbed the stupid English people I was working with no end as it involved social conscience. It would take too long to explain to them what that is, so I didn’t bother.

The shoot was attacked by someone we know and love from a couple of years ago, so had to be abandoned since his needs were apparently very urgent.  I have since tried a reshoot and decided I was unhappy with the costume and set up, so it will have to be done again in a different way.  It is hard to be patient when you have to wait for everything to arrive before you can proceed.  In the meantime I have been left to ponder the nature of love, and our approach to it.

The person who attacked the shoot was desperate for attention in any form, so he would say that his getting up in the morning and deciding what he wants at the expense of other people was perfectly natural.  He probably wonders why I dropped everything and went and did ask he asked despite his destroying my equipment and insulting me.

It would never occur to me to do otherwise, I just didn’t question it.  It did make him look very stupid as he has been trying to get me to lose my temper with him for months and has spectacularly failed.  I just don’t think like that.  I think if one is in possession of a fragile and damaged ego, one assumes that everyone else is too, which makes life very unpredictable when the person you are trying to upset simply says “if that is what you want, I’ll go get it for you.”

Anyway the whole thing was a mess, I have to replan a few things to hit the values I want to hit, so it was a worthy practise.  The costume did look a little bit as if a wee lady who likes sewing made it, which of course she did, and is now being revamped into something a bit better.  This is because a very nice lady I see regularly is waiting to see how I have done this and I am kind of using her as the muse for the outfit.  It is important to know what triggers you into improving.

I did get a bit cross after crying for a week or so about having to deal with this and finding the idiot still cruising around looking for more women to torment, and swiftly regretted it when I discovered that he had again blotted his copybook elsewhere and I had unwittingly played into the entire scenario, even though I knew nothing about it and was just trying to get some work done.  Sigh. It seems that my guiding principle wants me to avoid losing my cool altogether.

It is high time to finish this work, so I am focusing on that in the meantime.  I am bored with it lying around and I want to make a beautiful silly film.

It is tiresome being misunderstood.


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For those who may be new to the site

Work is about to start on the Joy is Power film project.  I will be checking in with the local police, and disruption will be kept to an absolute minimum.

Some of you I have only just met for the first time.  So, to answer your questions, yes I am making a statement, no it is not overt and it is very positive, particularly about the area as I am very fond of it.

My biggest fan is the Prime Minister, however this is a non-political project and I am not actually in the slightest bit conservative.  Boris knows this, he likes me anyway so expect the unexpected as I have his head on my kitchen table.

Toodle pip, and I trust I will be seeing you soon.  I do have a couple of businesses to run and a couple of intense jobs, so you may not see much of me, but have faith in the fact work will be proceeding at ungodly hours.

Many thanks


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Hello Prime Minister


I see I haven’t managed to lose my biggest fan.  I hope you are OK. I have not been at all interested in seeing what is happening since the pandemic.

I was busy dealing with the death and estate of one of the victims of the extended cull, so I was unable to keep updating for some time.

I am making a film, it is not the No Glass Walls series I was planning as I need another person for that, so I have created an interim idea benefitting some of my friends here in Glasgow. Hopefully in the course of the large scale organisation needed in the next six months I will find someone that wants to participate in No Glass Walls.

I do not know why you find me appealing, but it is certainly very encouraging that you check back, so thank you.

I do not think you should marry Carrie, regardless of whomever else you are seeing at the moment. I do not think you want to either.  I am not the only person to think she is actually MI6 and the headless person was not her.

Perhaps you should grow a pair and go for what you really want before it is far too late because she has married somebody else? I could not possibly say who that might be?



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A New Post At Last

So, it has been some months since my last post.  I got a bit demotivated by various bits of news over the winter, but it transpires that I am on a deadline.

I have a massive new project underway, which is being nay sayed by the only people I talk to, so I think I will be buying my coffee somewhere else as it is becoming rather depressing.

I miss Bawbag, but he is just as bad so there is no point in me going to see him, unfortunately. I have a lot of work to do regardless of whatever he is likely to come up with in terms of stress.

Made some very sweet new friends and am looking forward to working with some of them.

Other projects still awaiting some movement.

It seems to me that milennials are depressed.  They are physically underconfident and they are depressed.  This is likely to cause, and has already caused them to have poor health.  They are considerably less healthy than Boomers or Gen X.

Otherwise, still trucking, have met some amazing people, chatted up by a fitness model, of all things.

If you are one of the people that I am told are badmouthing me or my current project, fyi people smile and take photographs when they see me, I doubt you can say the same.




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Haram Bawbag (Blurb)

Haram Bawbag is the first in the Joy is Power collection, and is in memory of a brief friendship.

The title is also intended to convey the informal nature of emotion and consists of a word meaning ‘forbidden’ and a Scottish word for idiot or fool.  My former friend refers to himself as bawbag when talking about me, as such it was never a term of abuse during the time that we were friends. It was a bit of a magnet relationship, we were very close friends and then I was discarded overnight after he bought a new hat and decided he was an artist.

The story is a complicated one, Bawbag was in trouble when I met him, and remains so, and so I decided to make him a present for his new cafe to let him talk it through.  He did not understand why I would do this as his understanding of relationships was based upon power and the subjugation of women.  The entire Joy is Power collection was inspired by this relationship as his final assault was based upon preventing me from using power tools – being female I was supposed to be incompetent or pretend to be and let him do it. This seeking of a role is flattering, but not really relevant as we weren’t interested in each other romantically.

In any case, the original piece is with him and had to be abandoned as he became increasingly erratic.  This piece is the replacement and took over a year of careful thought.  It lights up at night and is really intended as a children’s piece despite the tabletop mosaic being a visual depiction of his relationship with his former girlfriend, who has gone on to destroy as much of him and his family as she can.

The piece is now also a political statement as I have had to ask questions of the Minister for Justice in order to establish that the title of the piece was legal.  Everyone in Glasgow understands it perfectly well.  I have a friend, he has been foolish, he happens to be Muslim, the words Haram pronounced properly and Bawbag go together beautifully in Glaswegian.  If you don’t get the gag, you are the racist – is the subtext.

There are ten or so pieces to follow this one, each will have a location around the west end of Glasgow and a label.  This is with the intention of getting people out and about and supporting shops.

Hence, I have turned malicious gossip and a failed friendship into something beautiful.  If you can manage to twist something negative out of that, there are frankly some issues you need to think about.




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A message for Haram Bawbag

It has come to my attention that bawbag is still spreading malicious rumours about me, so this post is just for anyone who happens to see me passing through and is told the same rubbish.

Bawbag came to me, not the other way round.  I was minding my own business and in love with Little Shiva at the time and not at all interested in meeting anyone else.  This was not rational, there was no interaction between Little Shiva and myself, mainly due to my being convinced he was involved with some woman we worked with, it then transpired that he was married to some other woman who seemed to be locating herself as far away as possible.  There was never any expectation of a relationship and I averted my eyes due to there being pressures from elsewhere in the office we worked in, in the form of a giant steroid abusing English lout who took a notion for me for no apparent reason and with no encouragement.

At that time, I was looking for a partner on the grounds that I would like to have had a child before it was too late, and as far as I am concerned, the series of disasters since then has meant that even superficial trust is impossible. Little Shiva was beautiful and had a fast wit and only one moment was enough to persuade me that I would have been happy watching him watch cricket (presumably)

At no point did Bawbag boasting about his money factor into anything, and he is not that great in terms of company. I call him Bawbag for good reason, quite apart from it being his favourite word. He is neither graceful nor witty.

In point of fact he was a screaming bore who eventually took to ranting complete drivel.

Two months after I refused to return to his shop, he started making accusations and he has stopped only to try and retrieve me ever since.  I am not at all interested in speaking to this person, as far as I am concerned he is bonkers.

His unpleasant ex was the ideal person for him as far as I am concerned, however she is no longer interested as it turns out he is a compulsive liar and abuser.

The only thing he has told anyone the truth about is that his family has a lot of money.  Unfortunately this is not particularly worthy money and no respectable person would entertain it for this reason.

I hope that covers everything, I am heartily sick of this moron now.

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Sick of Confused Young People

So, we have had quite a few confused millennials trying to interfere with various parts of our life over the last few years.

Frst we had a bunch of blisteringly thick nurses that decided it was time that my mother was dead regardless of how she or I felt, backed up by power mad social workers who appear to get some sort of bonus for taking people’s properties from them.  When presented with what they were actually doing according to logical observation, they simply pretended not to know.

Then we had a company that thought spouting right wing corporatist crap about putting the disabled to work wasn’t political.

Then we had a bunch of people at the bank who imagined that only TV is a safe activity, and anyone creative is to be viewed with suspicion. I was horrified by this one.  I was the only person in a huge roomful of people who did anything other than watch fucking box sets.

Then we had Little Shiva, who decided that I was to be deprived of a job I desparately needed for no reason other than he didn’t feel like telling me that he was married despite doing quite the peacock display.

After this we had some nutjob actually chasing me out of a building for not being exactly like her, screaming ‘you’re not like us, what are you doing here?’  I kid you not.

Then we had the homophobic author who thinks being married gives him entitlement to dox a gay man for chatting him up and then try to get him arrested.  He has repeatedly stated that he plans to stalk me, and is apparently too stupid to know that this is not really a very good idea.

Up next is Bawbag, who is a misogynist, but I find misogynists quite funny and after being a chef usually handle them quite easily.  He seemed to have some sort of special arrangement with the police, who actually took the trouble to come out to ask if I wanted to return to his not very pleasant care.  This is a forerunner to the world after Humza’s hate law. The Scottish habit of friendly fire to defuse abuse is going to be made illegal because a mediocre private school Hutchie boy doesn’t understand.

Finally we had scummy Sikh dude.  I worked with a Sikh family for months, and they were lovely, but scummy Sikh dude had a poor self image, so he thought he could take a pop at me too.

From all of this I have to draw the conclusion that we live in a very confused society, and being reclusive anyway, I am inclined to avoid people and their boring self interest and sense of entitlement entirely, since it is actually based on nothing.

They also seem to lack curiosity.  Facile crap is what they seem to want to consume.  Comedy such as the above is going to end up banned if we allow stupid people to point and say offensive every few seconds.

Thank god I am not young, that is all I can say to this.  Your world looks bland, idiotic, very constricted and very, very boring. I feel sorry for children being brought up like this.



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Humza says I can’t answer back

Today I have written to and called Humza Yousaf about his Hate Crimes Bill, which potentially means I have to rename Haram Bawbag as Bawbag has been historically vindictive and extremely unpleasant when the fancy takes him.

So here are my three proposals for names.  The first is what I had to tolerate from Bawbag whilst I tried in vain to keep him from landing in jail.

The second is the current title, which is a combination of forbidden and his favourite word bawbag.

And the third, which may be preferred by Humza:

I no longer care which it is – let me know Humza.  I take this as a war on Scottish culture.  We have always called each other names, that’s why we are good at war. If you don’t get it, that’s too bad. I daresay you can do without my £15 a year and I promise I won’t try to have any kind of relationship with any Muslim person of either gender because I will not be safe to do so.


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In Praise of Glasgow

This week has been educational, as I made some publicity stuff for Haram Bawbag.  I do not see him using it, but I have a nice ‘kiss my ass’ sticker on my car for his amusement when I pass by.

I am proud to say that Glaswegians have grasped this in the spirit that it is meant.  I would not be calling him names if I didn’t know and like him, therefore it is a positive rather than negative art statement. Long live our proud tradition of calling each other horrible names for fun.

I do not know if he has managed to persuade his moll to read the story to him but although I have not been uncritical, I could have gone into a lot more detail and the whole thing could have been a lot worse.

I do wish I could actually speak to him, but I am in no mood to be messed around yet again so I do not feel like compromising my comfort zone for a person who acted as he did.  If he wants to see me before it is no longer possible for legal reasons, he can do some work.  I should not have to.

Haven’t managed to move anything on this week for various reasons, but should get back to it shortly.



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