America First and the Slave trade.

America first and the slave trade

There is nothing virtuous about virtue signalling.  It seems to be the new hobby of choice for thousands and thousands of people.  The irony is, that they did nothing when Obama banned Iraqi refugees for six months, and these same people are accusing Trump, who clearly knows nothing at all about political theory or philosophy, of corporate policies which he is actually counteracting with his for their benefit.

As somebody who actually does, I hate to point this out, but Trump’s policies so far have indicated that he actually cares about the 50 percent of people who have suffered from globalisation, and that he does not mind offending his billionaire buddies in the course of putting things right.

God forbid that a politician actually does what he says he is going to do, as soon as he can do it.  How dreadful!

Many of Trump’s policies have been prepared in advance by the Obama administration.  The pillage of the national parks in the form of the legal ability to frack was already scheduled. The American people seem only to be interested in finding a hate figure and putting the blame squarely on them.

To be absolutely clear, I am no fan of Trump.  He was a brash and messy operator in Scotland, and he does not have any interest at all in the welfare of individuals when it comes to his own interests.  However, his actions so far indicate that he wishes Americans to actually get jobs, shock horror, and that wage rates are set to improve if his policies last any length of time. It is a very sad day when the left does not protect the interests of the vulnerable, in favour of policies which can only lead to a reduced standard of living and income for the majority.

It is very similar to the common misunderstanding in the UK promoted by the media, that protecting your own interests in the form of an actual border is racist and backwards.  Anybody with the slightest understanding of how economies actually work can tell you that this is corporatist.  To scream for more immigrants is to lower wage rates, reduce opportunities for the population and to allow the development of an under-underclass who are exploited and make a mockery of minimum wage rules or basic living standards. Many of us who actually see what happens to immigrants when they get here want to reduce the numbers on the basis that in a situation of desperation, nobody is safe.

Far better to pursue a similar neo-colonial investment programme such as that employed by China in Africa.  Nigerian businesses have complained about the Chinese starting businesses there and undercutting them, such is their success in this direction.  If you really cared about the people fleeing their countries, you would invest in them, via charity or seed funding, but instead people appear to prefer standing about the street telling the world how wonderfully open minded they are whilst effectively reducing their own living standards. I say bullshit to that behaviour.

It is as ridiculous as the Caribbean demanding slave reparations from Scotland, a country who lost 100,000 people who were sent there as slaves.  Just because you are white, it doesn’t make you immune.  Meanwhile black Africans continue to enslave black Africans, as they have done for centuries.  Go and protest at that. Arabs continue to persecute anybody who does not agree with them.  I don’t see you all protesting that either.

Yesterday I tolerated some anti-Israeli bullshit from a Scottish Nationalist.  Right, so it is OK to hate Jews again, as long as you are pretending to be tolerant?  This makes no sense at all.

What does make sense, is that everybody halt the march of the New World Order and the spread of communitarianism, because this is a fast way to fat slavery.  The key to fairness is to encourage people in their own countries in the form of investment and care, not invite them to yours or demand to interfere with theirs.

Just eight people have half of the money in the world.  Eight.  Where are the protesters???





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The Joy of Trump


Now that he has seduced the rednecks with this lovely performance from his campaign, we are being told that the Rockettes have been told that they are not permitted to refuse to perform for the presidential inauguration.  Take a look at the Rockettes for comparative purposes:

This is a clear upgrade on the same theme, Trump is simply announcing a move to the big league of desperately old fashioned American entertainment.

In addition, Putin and Trump have evidently agreed to renew their arms race with a view to telling he rest of the world what to do, presumably involving killing a lot more people.

Expect increased radicalisation, more terror attacks and further moves to divide and conquer at the expense of hippy dipshit Europe in the developing nations.  There are cost-effective ways of countering this impending doom scenario, but will anybody in the Conservative government have the time or inclination to notice?  This after all gives permission to up national security and buy more weapons with money which is needed to stop sectors of the British population from starving to death.

So, as usual you are being told the opposite of the truth.  Buying more weapons is supposed to be the answer to world peace, spending more money will help people by killing them, and America persists in thinking they are policing the rest of the world.

Likewise we have now been told that starving the unemployed does not work No evidence that welfare sanctions work and that they cannot find a way of preserving the income of the one million millionaires, so they cannot figure out how to Brexit.  Brexit is essential for your future safety, never mind actually earning a living.  The misery of domestic political lies started a very long time before the crash of 2008.  As far back as 2002 we were told not to admit to the lack of jobs, because middle class people don’t talk about struggling.

Fuck that, frankly, we have been mismanaged by self-interest for some time.  At some point during the Thatcher government, the brakes were taken off the banks in the form of them no longer having to ensure that virtual money represented real money.  We have ridden a false wave of spurious growth ever since.

This has not been helped by the fashion in recent decades for employing people who will say yes to anything to pay their mortgage.  In real terms the economy of the UK as well as America benefited hugely from a culture of honesty and innovation, which is why Trump is so fond of using this terribly old-fashioned imagery.  He has no intention of backing that up, but this is why it is appealing.  Those of us who remember the popular post-war culture of honesty, bravery and growth feel some fondness for the spirit of patriotism in the form of working together towards a common goal.

The reason for the encouragement of dishonest behaviour for money, lack of empathy for others, labelling people who do not share our views, and fear of admitting that actually borders are a good thing is corporate expediency, which is what both Clinton and Trump represent in real terms, but on a different basis.  Trump is all out for himself and his fellow billionaire, with the same trickle down lies that goes with that that Clinton would support in the form of open globalisation.  It is all at your expense.  At no point does anybody want to help you, unless it involves you giving them yet more money.

And so the cycle continues, and as long as you use the same shops, vote the same way, respond emotionally with helplessness and play facile games on facebook instead of actually taking action, the cycle will continue until one day you will find yourself walking past a starved corpse on the street and not caring.  At all.

Think about that whilst you eat your Christmas dinner.


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Immigration and cultural problems

Earlier this week, a young lady was posting about unemployed people sitting on their bottoms and complaining about immigrants taking jobs.  She was very young and clearly had a job, and so I said:

“Spoken like a person who has never filled a garbage bag with rejection letters.”

She immediately retorted that as someone who has, I was not her target.  So I wondered, does this mean you are to pay for your assumed racism with job applications?  This is the logical conclusion of her conversation so far, is it not? She is basically saying that in order to have a legitimate complaint against immigration, you need to have an unreasonable obsession with finding work and not getting it.

For one thing, unemployed people sitting on their ass and not applying for jobs no longer exist.  These people are sanctioned and are supposed to starve to death under the current rules. Other ‘useless eaters’ such as the disabled are also penalised and told that with three limbs missing (in at least one case) they are fit for work.  For another, concerns about immigration rise directly in relation to the availability of work and other resources.  THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH JOBS IN THE UK TO SUPPORT THE CURRENT POPULATION.

Syrian Girl, a vlogger on youtube, was actually the first person I heard who was keen to ensure that everyone is aware that the European experiment, free movement and the welcoming and dispersal of asylum seekers is actually just about depressing wages and making it easier for employers to exploit workers.

The people who you are keen to blame for their unemployment, meanwhile, used to be employed in factories, in catering establishments and in small businesses which the European experiment has gone quite a long way to phasing out.  Manufacturing suffered because it was cheaper to outsource, catering suffered because of the reduction of cash in the economy and the smoking ban, small business suffered because bigger businesses successfully lobbied for concessions to expand, hence the corner shop is being replaced by mini versions of the large supermarket chain.  Tesco, Sainsbury’s both have a presence in the smaller main streets to wipe out the sole trader businesses that immigrants and locals alike started when they could not otherwise find work.

Hence, your opportunities are more limited all the time, and more people means more competition for jobs which pay less.  No sensible person that genuinely cares about the people around them supports unlimited immigration and a reduction in basic wage and self employed opportunities.

And yet we hear people doing this all the time, associating it with being a ‘right on’ open minded person.  The population have been conned into a trap, where they are exploited in order to justify spending their taxes on bombing other countries, whose populations quite rightly decide to leave and seek safety and work elsewhere.

If you are following what I am saying so far, you will now be aware that you are screwed, and that continuing with the same views will ensure that your children, and their children will be even more screwed.  The alternative, of pulling out of violence in other countries, of being more prudent with your borders, of safeguarding your own opportunities, may not be fashionable, but it creates a healthier micro level economy and competition for the future.  Supporting business at the expense of the individual is basically supporting corporate fascism.

So, the next time somebody calls you a Nazi for being concerned about your country being overcrowded, you can easily explain why the real fascists are pro-Europe, pro-immigration right on liberals who want to see you crushed out of starting your own business, earning small wages for your underemployed situation with one of the big players such as Walmart (Asda)  who in turn have direct ties to pharmaceutical companies. They also tend to have places on the Board of Nutrition to tell you what to go out and buy.  Hence, you adhere to the nutrition guidelines and wonder why you always feel under par, ending up with heart disease, diabetes and dementia in line with whatever drug is most profitable.

If you particularly relish this, carry on pretending that borders don’t matter.

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Kindness is a Sin

Businesses do not exist to take care of people, they exist to extract money and provide something that the customer wants.  The businesses that tell you that they are taking care of you are often the worst of the lot.  Take the cuddly advertisements for chemical companies, which often use childlike graphics to persuade you that they are doing something good for you, your family and your immediate environment whilst doing the exact opposite.

Until this point in global history, governments have been, with the exception of very unusual circumstances, bigger and in possession of better credit than businesses, and people have trusted them to take care of their welfare.  TTIP and TIPP seek to reverse that.  I forsee several developing nations collapsing entirely, jobs going to the ASEAN nations whilst America and Europe become rather backward regions where most of the population exist at the mercy of the very few.  This will be enhanced by modifying education and the media to enable people to genuinely believe that money means merit.  A scanty look at the people you know will tell you that the smart ones are not the same as the rich ones.  It is a matter of priorities as well as your ability to look convincing when you say yes to anything said to you.

As I have mentioned in several previous articles, it is in your hands.  You as the consumer, could reverse this progress tomorrow if you stopped feeding the companies large enough to control governments.  You probably won’t do it.  Why?  Because you have a busy life, scraping your living from your employer, who requires you to say yes in order to pay for the roof over your head etc etc.  This makes, for example, going to the supermarket more convenient, which in itself precludes you from starting a grocer’s, deli, goods store etc because everyone else is, like you, going to the supermarket to hand over their money to the same people. It is as much a question of convenience as it is belief.

It is not complicated to think that if you do enrich smaller businesses, it puts them in a position where the barriers to entry to compete with larger businesses  in a hugely monopolistic situation are more manageable.  I would like to know what happened to Anti-trust laws, now only non-cronies appear to be prosecuted for creating situations in which small versions of large supermarkets, for example, put successful corner shops out of business. Another example was Remax, who had the employees pay for over-expansion to reduce their competition. We all live in an inherently corrupt society, where we are told that we have no power because we have little money and we sit back and believe it whilst sustaining a system that cannot work well for us.

In the event that you have a problem, the simple answer is to pick up your wallet and go elsewhere.  That is the nature of capitalism.  There is now no other way of rebelling against a system that does not suit us, because we allowed businesses to become bigger than government, and the trade agreements that America is conning our middle management politicians into signing will nail this to the wall.  Never trust a corporatist.  America is a corporatist country. Mussolini had very interesting things to say about corporatism, feel free to look it up yourself.

In contrast, I wake up with a list of things I would like to do to help people every morning.  Many of those things make no sense to anyone but me.  I do not think that it is odd to do this, it would take more effort not to.  I explained this to many of my friends before I removed them from my life.  Why did I remove them?  I was told that this was a crazy way to live, that you should always consider yourself first.  When it comes to parting with my money I understand this, but not when it comes to giving people what they actually want.

What everyone, no matter how scatty,  longs for is a sense of becoming what they dream of being. There is no shame in asking for what you want, however oddly this is presented.  There is shame in rejecting what you want when it is offered to you.

My personal system of responsibility is entirely different from someone who has other wishes, for their children’s future, or a new car, or their parents to be neatly tidied away rather than free to make a mess, keep them awake and generally tell them they are awful. My responsibility is to the soul.  I think there should be more people like me, and less corporations who exist to take your money, your future opportunities and those of your children for their own growth, in order to dictate the future of a declining planet.  I am goddess of my own personal religion.  I do not ask anyone to join it, but I do care to point out that my crazy, kind little niche is a lot more pleasant than the current future of the Western world. I do not play by the rules, because the rules are wrong in the first place. Dreams are real.  Reality is transient. I plan to remain defiantly kind, even if it means my inability to tug my forelock or respect the cash means that I will be financially poor.

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The Problem with Money

When I wrote my note to Boris the other day, it occurred to me that it was probably very stupid of me to mention that I do not do my work on the basis of making money from it.  Of all people, Boris knows the value of money.  I could probably wheedle my way into a position of influence if I threw my principles on the bonfire of vanities that is my usual MO.


Here is the problem with money – money makes people insincere – money is a great motivator, but it is also at the root of many significant problems. As I have discussed in previous posts, fear of mortgage payments is at the heart of many significant societal problems.  What your average white collar employee would term indiscipline, bad planning, rebelliousness or simple lack of predictability is often what we used to call integrity, back when we actually grew the economy instead of paying for votes.


David Torrance was objecting to criticism on the basis of a mere mention of journalistic impartiality today.  When I asked who pays journalists, and that it is entirely obvious that nobody is impartial, he responded by blocking me.  So now I am presumably on his list of dangerous radicals.


To save anyone’s confusion on this issue, and evidently David is extremely confused – what do you think would happen if I started spamming the Spectator with offers of a series of posts on Scottish Nationalism?  How would the Daily Mail respond if I generously proffered my witty scribblings on the underperformance of the English economy?  How would the Express feel about me jotting down my thoughts on petunias and dead disabled people?


That’s correct.  I would not get anywhere at all.  Despite my being a perfectly normal, respectable person, I would be rejected, laughed at, disparaged.  If I then somehow managed to make their contemptuous responses public, there would be howls of disparagement.  There is nothing impartial about journalism.


I tried illuminating Loki the rapper on this earlier this week – no response.  Asking for money before an ‘honest debate’ merely means that you are offering your opinion for sale.  As Loki is likely to concentrate on personality rather than economics, his opinion appears to many to be bought and paid for.


I then considered the issue of Wings – why would it be OK for Wings to do much the same thing?  The difference is that Wings made his agenda very clear, and stuck to it.  I am not a big follower of Wings, so I would not care to comment on his work, but I am sure it is what it says on the tin. You have what you paid for, in the event that you are a funder.


So, in terms of my work, I do not approach it with the intention of generating money.  If my investigations, which tend to be critically affectionate, as with David Wolfe, turn up a good guy I will say so.  If they do not, I will say that too.  I am a very gentle puppeteer, so I can say that my muses tend to be in very safe hands.


Having said this, the idea of money becoming involved before I do the work is horrifying and would seriously impact on my work, and so it is important that my muse keeps their trap shut until I have done it for best results. Money is helpful, but it is also a bigger influencer in most people’s lives than anything else.  Sex, religion, politics all pale into insignificance next to the divine cash.


At least two aggressive unionists, both English, swore, cursed, disparaged and tried to malign me in the course of answering their questions on various formats this week.  Both were silenced when I pointed out that Scotland does not vote Conservative, and had nothing else to say.  It was that easy.


Be aware that the vast majority of people form their opinions from a cursory look at the headlines, and they have been told that we are insignificant whingers.  They have no understanding of the active resistance to allowing foreign investment into Scotland, no understanding of cultural erosion, no concept of income/road/stamp duty/inheritance tax leaving the country and going elsewhere.  They have been led to believe that Scotland is trying to steal something that actually belongs to England.  Scotland would be so nice without Scottish people.


This continued policy of English domination is backfiring.  They do not seem to have an alternative course of action.  I see no wooing.  Therefore directing your career towards the ‘might is right’ economic domination is not a sign that you desire to become a top level journalist.  In other words, individuals who choose to write for money, without stating their agenda, forge their careers on the basis of doing what they are told. I am sure that David and his pals have nice flats, but they have no real fire or depth.


Who are the real whingers?  Those of us who would like to take up our tools and build our country, or those of us who see nothing, say what they are told to say, and have no feeling for their own nation?

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Superficial Liberalism and Racists

Today I had a very irritating conversation with a dude that could not understand my retweet.  It was in relation to Poland.  He was feigning horror at Poles in England having said they would stay forever, but since the attack in Harlow, they do not think that they will.


My retweet informed him that since sending the 1-2 million workers, and in some cases entire families to the UK Poland has, in the meantime created conditions for the subcontracted employment of workers from North Korea, who work in closely monitored gangs for a very small wage so that the regime gain foreign currency.  They pick people with families, who are at risk until they safely return.  They also employ Portuguese workers, who are apparently willing to work for less than the Polish workers were.


Who decides who the valuable humans are?  Is it Poland, whose politicians have described African immigrants as ‘human garbage?’  Is it the trendy liberal implying that I am a racist?


Members of the Polish government have suggested scrapping benefits altogether, to dissuade immigrants from wishing to settle there, and their sense of nationalism is so strong that they have openly said that Muslims, and refugees from countries such as Syria are not welcome.


To your average British racist/xenophobe, the fact that the Poles come here, undercut existing business, work for less money and send what they do not spend home directly damages their welfare.  British wages are lower, the local culture changes, the appearance of the street changes with populations who prefer to live together in a sometimes hostile environment.  This greatly aided the case for Brexit, since it is perceived that supply outstrips demand.


With my economics hat on, this is not strictly the case.  Full employment is a case of prioritising the case for full employment.  Business does not want full employment.  If a bank requires 6 hedge fund managers to turn up for interview, for example, this means that there need to be at least 40 unemployed hedge fund managers at any one given time.  Hence, the unemployed population must reflect this.  Likewise, if a shopfitting company wish to choose from 200 carpenters for ten temporary jobs, this creates a perceived political requirement for 500 unemployed carpenters willing to work in that particular area.


The EU is a nice idea.  Free movement is a nice idea.  It is open to extreme exploitation by countries such as Poland, and it is certainly highly desirable for companies who want more and more choice when it comes to their employees.  What is not OK, is shifting millions of people from the Polish population to a country which already has an unemployment and welfare problem in order to exploit suffering people from a poorer country.  Hence, we see that the EU is not a good idea for the general population, particularly if you are on the shittier end of the stick.


In no way should these attacks be happening, but if you can imagine what will happen if Scotland achieves independence and stays in the EU.  There are only around two and a half million jobs in Scotland currently.  It will not take much before the Scottish population takes much the same attitude as the poorer English regions to immigration.  Do you really want to see Scotland covered in hastily built housing, crippling native unemployment and circulating currency which is continuously sent to another country?  Even Spain has an astonishingly high unemployment rate now.  This suits business, but people are stifled, from having families, buying houses, starting businesses.  People suffer. The economy suffers.


What irritates me intensely is that you are not allowed to speak about this.  If you do, you are immediately branded a racist/xenophobe.  If I put it to you that eventually you should be willing to share your bedroom with 22 Europeans, would you then understand what the problem is?


I have seen many friends, former socialists, who have gone from heartfelt defence of ‘the glorious worker,’ class hatred and the pretension of solidarity to absolute and very real racism because they are frightened.  They already have very little, and they fear losing it.  The same social classes who both at school and afterwards assumed that I was ‘a snob’ and did not understand them, now direct their hatred at immigrants.  Such is the nature of having very little, fully expecting that the future involves having even less.


The point is that we have an increasingly stratified population looking for things to tut at in the same way old ladies used to tut at the News of the World whilst buying it on a regular basis.  They tut at attacks on foreigners, they tut at people who want to leave the EU, they tut and look for the nearest foreign person they can patronise so that they can then look down their nose at anyone who has the audacity to say “Actually I was first in that queue.”  It is the usual very successful strategy of divide and conquer.  Fear of poor people is only to be encouraged in a conservative world, after all.


So, I ask you, who is the real racist?  The person who chastises you for using the word Muslim, even though you have far greater awareness of the Muslim population than they do and have the vocabulary to discuss it rationally, or the little oik that openly says they hate Muslims and wishes they were not in the UK?  With the latter, you can reason with them and educate them, with the former, you are condemned to silence by their stinking sense of entirely fake knowledge and self-worth. In the meantime, hate groups of other faiths, nationalities and interests feel no shame at all in protecting their interests.


Are you willing to allow your culture to be destroyed?  It would not, as I have demonstrated, take a great deal of erosion for you to view the world very differently.  In Scotland, we currently have the now Marks and Spencers-led attempt to call anything Scottish, British. We have been in an economic war with Westminster for fifty years.  Are you ready for the cultural war which they have already declared?  Once you have fought that, are you ready for the cultural war with the EU which is likely to follow?


Finally, I will leave you with the example of the Andaman Islands, in the Bay of Bengal.  These islands had four untouched colonies.  There are hundreds of islands, but India decided to settle on the occupied islands.  Out of four colonies, three are perishing and losing their land and seclusion to India, who have actually been fairly gentle in their domination of other people’s land.  Only the Sentinelese are likely to survive, because they have refused to speak to the emissaries sent by India.


Nationalism is not all about hate, it is about survival and very wisely protecting yourself. Globalism, on the other hand, is for people who got lucky, feel very superior and cannot see far enough into the future to see their children’s children made slaves to corporations who have long since lost sight of their role serving, rather than dictating to consumer populations.  Cling to your nationalism, because once you have lost it, you have no way back short of destruction of your enemy.



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The new political era begins with…

The new political era begins with….

The last couple of days have been interesting with three key pieces of news

Bayer is suing Europe for preventing them from killing the small number of bees we still have
Poland, who’s workers are elsewhere in the EU earning more money, are employing North Koreans
Neil Oliver throws his toys out of the pram because somebody used his own words against him

Why am I putting these three pieces of news in the same post?


I have been warning of the dangers of over-large business for a very long time.  Basically, if people had any brains, they would research everything they buy extremely thoroughly to ensure that their money is not supporting:

indentured labour (Cadburys chocolate, Apple, Asda via Walmart)
land redistribution to the wealthy and destruction of the planet (GMO and the chemicals, such as Round up which support their distribution, and the Bayer equivalent)
investment in unethical practice (most large banks)
monopolisation of retail (supermarkets, chainstores)

Now we have a lovely example of what you have to look forward to following TTIP.  Big business is now ungovernable, as they will be able to sue to get whatever they want.  You can look forward to branded everything, with no alternative if you change your mind.  Your opportunities will be extremely limited unless you can find a crazy benefactor to provide you with sufficient capital to compete, even in a limited way, on almost every product.  Bayer haven’t even bought Monsanto yet, and they are already illustrating what will happen constantly after TTIP has been signed.


For those who still do not understand.  80 percent of France’s bees are dead due to pesticide poisoning from Bayer products, and Bayer would like the right to kill the other twenty percent by selling pesticide.  Without bees, the world is likely to hurtle towards a very swift unnatural end.  GMO is bad for small landowners, bad for the environment, and bad for your personal freedom.  The giant chemical companies producing your lovely cleaning products, garden chemicals and chemical weapons do not wish you well, or think far beyond their next quarterly performance report.  In the meantime your food supply will be under the control of a guy who wants a bigger swimming pool and could not care less if you are healthy. (think Tories)


Things are not looking good.  If you replicate this example for retail, you can see what I mean about your children, or their children, not being able to do so much as open a shop if they want to, because as soon as retailers like Walmart have the right to, they will prevent this via very tight regulation, or simply move up the supply chain until the consumer has no effective choice but to give them money.  Just so you understand how this works – in the USA, Eli Lilly did a deal with Walmart to produce diabetes medicine which could only be sold by Walmart.  Hence, you go and buy your Frosties on the basis that sooner or later you will be at the pharmacy buying diabetes medication.


So, if you are following this, food at source, food at the point of retail, and pharmaceuticals to cure your food related illnesses are provided by extremely large companies who collude to direct your consumption.  You should really ignore 99 percent of what you are told and find out for yourself just how corrupted your life has become, whilst you did nothing.


The world is not an innocent place, and there is no need for you to play the game and become sick because the Board of Nutrition is infested with representatives from companies such as these.  You could simply opt out, accept the fact that you are lied to every day, and go and find the truth for yourself.  Give your money to companies who do not act like the above, and who need to grow to compete and prevent the abuse of the consumer.  I have told you this several times already in previous posts.


So, that deals with point one, here we go with point 2:


With governments and business alike small is beautiful.  Being in a large state, even the UK is too large for me personally, is a bad idea, because you lack control of key decisions.  Poland is now sending its labour force abroad to send money home and employing labourers who are being exploited by the regime in North Korea.  NATO and the UN get their boats fixed by North Koreans.  Yes, the very people who claim that they are the enemy are now exploiting them and feeding the regime with money these people earned.  Meanwhile, jobs are still scarce in the countries the Polish have been sent to and it is you, the native population who are told that you are scrounging scum who must take repeated losses in wage rates.  Poland is doing OK out of it.  The UK doesn’t care as long as the plumber comes quickly, and there is nothing at all wrong with the Poles.  The key point here is – you are being directly lied to at every turn, and the North Koreans continue to suffer.  This time, however, the blood is on your hands.


Point 3


Neil Oliver has effectively just announced the beginning of the UK’s drive to prevent a second referendum/yes vote.  Using the word cancer against him would simply have been using his own words, and he has illustrated perfectly what the Uk is planning on doing to prevent independence.  They did it to India, too.  England imagines that if they just keep telling people that their culture is subordinate, they can carry on taking resources.


The good thing about this is that it is entirely predictable.  Blocking the most aggressive trolls and concentrating on the swing votes using actual data would be good.  Keep an extremely cool head and double check everything before you use it, as Twisty fell foul of Wing’s ‘Gingerbread’ post earlier this week.  I will post some facts and figures in a handy post at some point relatively soon, for those who want a lazy reckoner to refer to when challenged. I managed to turn an abusive troll into an apologetic worm this morning by simply staying calm and ignoring most of what he said, so I recommend getting up from the computer at frequent intervals when irritated.


The reason for Neil kicking this off before a referendum is even being discussed is fear.  Westminster is now seriously worried about losing the golden-egg laying goose.  This is a positive sign. Whilst I am concerned about leaving England in the lurch, I do not think they would show us any concern whatsoever.


Taking these three pieces of information, I am more convinced than ever that Brexit was a good accident, although I do not trust the Tories with power long term.  If they show me some evidence that they can cope with real responsibility I may think more highly of them, but at the moment I suspect that cash will still be king with these individuals.


Frankly, you would be safer if it was in the hands of Prince Charles, who saw the light about GMO and big business a long time before the government did some years ago.  I realise many of my nationalist readers will spit on that for an opinion, but it is a fact.  Honour and duty are not quite dead yet.


To summarise:


The world is about to turn to a corporatist shitstick, and you will be at the wrong end of it.  Rethink your plans and think smaller and more locally.  Keep a close eye on government, as they are no more competent than you are.  Stay cool, and make positive decisions.  Reread this post.




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Finest British Bullshit

OK, so according to the media, we are supposed to believe that Andrea Leadsom was so hurt by the Times that she immediately gave up to go home and wear an apron, that Theresa May is now an angel, that Boris has been thwarted in his attempt to take a massive pay cut and be PM, that George Osborne is strutting around a remarkably fake looking New York street waiting to be puffball interviewed about some vague double dealing on Wall Street, and David Cameron is doing an impersonation of Dick Van Dyke on his way out of Downing Street, having been released from his weighty responsibility for the entire country.  (Still no mention of the several thousand dead disabled people we are not supposed to notice)


According to the media, we are supposed to be doubting Jeremy Corbyn as a leader, we are all basically Conservative anyway, and the country is supposedly past the need for collective representation because we all worship money and if we don’t, we deserve to be repeatedly stabbed in the face until we do.


Angela Eagle is a false flag, designed to thoroughly put anyone off voting labour until the UK is safely out of the Brexit zone.  I have rocks in my garden with more charisma and leadership ability.  As is usual with the former New labour, someone we cannot see has told them what to do, and they are all repeating the same line because if they keep repeating it, we will eventually believe it.


So what has actually happened?  Here is my view:


As per my previous posts of the last week or so, Boris was not interested in being Prime Minister at all.  He was somehow volunteered for/pressured into the Leave campaign, and could not really be bothered with it, so stupidly trusted Gove to do all the actual work, hence the rather out of character and lame campaign.  They all imagined that people would vote to ensure that everything stayed the same because they don’t actually see people, they see statistics, and according to the statistics, everything in the garden is just lovely for everyone, including the 3.9 million shoeless children and dead disabled people nobody cares to remember.


These statistics are now produced by private companies who do not take a huge interest in responsibility or accuracy, as in order to land the research contracts the line managers pressure the staff into getting high returns. I know because I have extensive experience in social research data gathering.  Even when you are conducting a survey to determine people’s views, the questions are ordered in a way to determine the result.  In a way, all research is futile because in the absence of a previously formed opinion, you basically force one on people. Hence, our governments are deluded into getting the response they wanted in the first place.  Months of work used to go into making sure you got a result approaching accuracy, but the level of response was not enough when the companies were honest, so now they are not.  This is important, because labour are making decisions on the same faked statistics as the conservatives.


So, this morning, in a very predictable turnaround, Leadsom steps down, meaning that no plan has to be published for our Brexit from the EU.  Had the leadership campaign been allowed to continue, we would be told how they plan to go about actually doing it.  The ‘sophisticated opposition’ mentioned by one of her supporters was basically just the Conservative elite deciding that more interesting deals can be struck without the watchful eye of the public.  Whilst some are arguing that Murdoch is responsible, in the form of the Times article, I do not think that this is the case at all.  Leadsom gives the appearance of extreme malleability, so were I a billionaire powermonger, I would push her for PM.  She was clumsy and inexperienced.


Now we are being told that May is the best thing to happen to the UK since the much-lauded Blair.  We already know that this is not the case, and in any case we are a bit more savvy than we were back then.  The line they are taking, that fat cat executives are now to be scapegoated to appease the angry public, is not helpful at all.  It is a commercial irritant, and it will not change the structure of business, the nature of business, or the threats that we absolutely must avoid of business legally challenging government and avoiding taxation on the promise of job creation. The latter is literally killing the country.


So, the usual Conservative rhetoric, that they are going to beat up on the boardrooms, and give you more control over your level of misery, is just that.  Leadsom said she was concerned about mothers getting no stimulation, and her solution was to cut maternity pay – this is the Conservative way of solving problems.  And yet people vote for this self-inflicted punishment, over and over again.  Will the English ever learn?


I have already suggested an alternative solution, and this solution involves taking a larger scale approach altogether. You do not prune a garden by taking off single twigs in the form of fat cat executives and pointing at them.  That is extremely wasteful of your time.  There are far more effective ways of decrowning trees in order to let your newly propagated seeds grow. (HINT HINT)


Anyway, I digress.  Labour, on the other hand, appear to be being directed by the invisible hand of Blair’s PR machine.  I am now wondering if this guy is a narcissistic sociopath.  He appears to feel no genuine remorse for his errors, and is enjoying a very nice life thanks to his devotion to his own wallet. I do not believe for one second that Labour consists of New Labourite robots, tainted with with the poison of the genuine socialists in the party and devoid of any memory at all of what Labour are supposed to stand for.


Jeremy Corbyn, their most popular leader in the last four decades, by far outshines Blair with the public, which ought to be telling our political parties that people are suffering.  You have to starve people into being politically motivated, whether this is starvation of opportunity, starvation of hope, or literal starvation makes little difference.  The population is clearly hungry, and Jeremy Corbyn is shaping up to be a contender.


We are supposed to believe that the PLP consists of extremely stupid people, obsessed with the memory of Blair and Brown, reading incorrect statistics, believing that they would really rather be in the Tory party, but lacking the expensive education.  We are supposed to believe that these people are all suffering from a collective delusion in which they burn the Corbyn witch and return to bland, centrist politics which does not genuinely change anything apart from making life more expensive for the squeezed middle.


It is my view that the people trying to bring Corbyn down are career victims, on a party line set by a retired politician so obsessed with his own image that he is prepared to destroy Labour in order to preserve his creation, New Labour.  They are deluded by a politics which is out of date.  Corbyn represents the core values of the real labour party that we remember pre-Blair.  As such, if these people are so far gone that they fail to recognise it when they are reminded of their own values, they really need to leave the party and form a new one.


As I have said in my previous post Capitalism, Socialism and Corporatism, Conservative and labour are supposed to mutually regulate, and allow us the illusion of choice in how we treat each other.  They are not supposed to determine our culture, our values and predetermine that the poor are to be left behind whilst we create elites that care for nobody.  Money is not supposed to accumulate in vast piles.  It is supposed to circulate, to benefit everyone.


In case nobody in our political class understands this, I repeat once again:








I am sure you can all manage to do better than this.  Should you require further input on core social values, I am sure you can either read a book, or ask questions.

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Underemployment and the new reality

Underemployment and the new reality

I have talked about sticking out from the crowd, the indignity of constant temporary work, and the failings in the treatment of carers by family and state in previous posts, which you are welcome to go through from the news tab.


Today, I am going to talk about the years following graduation.


When I graduated, I already had a successful career under my belt, and had run a business.  This made me unemployable for several reasons:

Desperation for a new career
Being a threat to middle managers responsible for recruiting trainees
The perceived likelihood of my staying only until I found a better job
My location, even in a major city in Scotland

I can say this with confidence for several reasons:

I was obsessed with work to the point of working three jobs at a time for the sheer hell of it
I had enjoyed an almost 100 percent success rate at interview in my first career
Since I had got to the top of that rather limited career ladder it was clear that work was a priority

Several reasons were given for my lack of attractiveness as an employee:

Why would I want to work alongside graduates ten years younger than me?
Why didn’t I have a family on the go in my thirties? (they would also have rejected me if I had)
Too much experience

One employer became irate, because I quickly applied for jobs which did not require a degree, and which I would have got easily without it.  I applied for a job typing this guy’s letters twice, and eventually he chased me away on the grounds that I was more qualified than he was.


I did apply all over the UK for the first year or two, and as my father became more unwell, and my mother showed no signs of really understanding the responsibility she was attempting to bear, I eventually shrunk the geographical region to the one I was in.  Even with these restrictions, I managed to keep myself in temporary and part-time work until 2014.  Fortunately this coincided with my mother requiring more in the way of attention.


Obviously, in the course of all this mobility, I met a lot of people and worked my way through a number of industries, which made my CV rather messy.  Basically, my view was that earning money and doing something was better than focusing on one industry and being unemployed.  I am not what you would call a lazy person.  When you are fielding 30 rejection letters a day, at times, and working in jobs which will only last a week or two you have little time to do anything apart from secure more work.  It is amazing how many companies and agencies expect you to participate in not one but two interview processes for a two week job.


As you can see from this, an economy which is strictly aimed at benefit to business does not allow individuals to get a mortgage, commit themselves to loans of any kind, or to spend any money, since you have to ensure that you have enough in the bank to see you through to the next job.  On one notable occasion when this did not work, I tried to extend my credit card, which I had restricted the limit on myself, in order to get to work to pay the next month’s bills, and was told that I could not do this as I had placed a limit on my credit rating. This astonished me.  Being careful with money rules you out for money to get to work to pay the bills.


Employment agencies are yet another way of putting you another layer of administration away from gaining employment.  I was told by one agency that agreeing to temporary work meant that they would not consider you for permanent work as the bonuses for the staff would come in more frequently if you filled the small jobs.  If you are in this position, it is wise to identify the agencies in your local area which provide the most temporary work, and register for permanent work only on all the others.


Broadly speaking, however, you would be well advised to develop a second career online, using the means at your disposal.  Zoella and Pewdiepie are two examples of people who provide inane yet extremely popular videos for a living, which not only provide for them using youtube hits, but the goods and fees they can command from companies wishing to promote their product.  Bear in mind if you choose this route, that your face is your fortune.  Ina, if she had a face, would probably have another twelve thousand or so followers on youtube, but since she has no face, the hits on audio work are minimal.


Instagram is very important now, if you want to go down this route.  Mobile apps generally are winning over aging social media such as facebook and twitter, although I see that facebook has finally caught on and is vaguely threatening to let us see our friends’ and family posts again.  Personally, I do not exist under my real name online, as far as I am aware, so Ina is my primary identity these days.


From a governance perspective, having a vast number of underemployed and demotivated people is not wise, since they will inevitably spend their time looking at what is going on in the rest of the world. Telling them that it is their fault, no matter what set of circumstances affects their opportunities and future, does not actually help them get anywhere at all, in the same way that benefiting only those with savings and investments does not stimulate local economies.  Scotland is not the only part of the UK which has seen local economies decline due to a lack of interest from central government in doing anything at all for anywhere outside their personal interest area.  David Cameron’s famous letter of complaint to his local council is a case in point.  Sitting in Westminster, it simply did not occur to him that his country pile would be affected by his own cuts to local government spending.


Living in a country where your government consists of fallible people, rather than advisory teams working from accurate statistics (much of the statistics they are fond of quoting are now provided by private companies, who are unable to attain accurate samples since they are pressuring their staff to be inventive to keep the paperwork looking good) is not fun if you can see how and why the decline in your quality of life and future is happening.  It means that you seek change, and when change happens, it has the potential to improve your hopeless case.  I caught the Panorama programme on leave voters this evening, and a guy who could barely string a sentence together was complaining that 14 pounds an hour was not enough for him.  Oh how I laughed.


As I was saying in my previous few posts, the previous two decades or so have separated politics from the people they claim to represent, and the views that they hold, to the point that they have no idea how people are affected by their decisions, and they either do not care, or do not know, how people feel about those decisions.


It is my view that we should make the Brexit and Chilcott events the end of this dubious period in British history.  Understand that you are just as capable as the politicians you complain about, so that there is nothing to stop you replacing them.  Understand that the media is feeding you a line, and that it is up to you to pursue the truth.  Prepare yourselves for a more serious, and yet more progressive way of looking at the world, because ignoring what little power you have means that you only have yourself to blame when it all goes wrong.  Filling yourself full of consumer information rather than the information you need to reach your own potential will lead to the ideocracy that we should all fear.  Unless you are choosing to be the next Zoella, it is not useful to be more concerned about bath bombs than bombs in Istanbul or Bangladesh.



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Brexit and Scotland

Brexit and Scotland

Once upon a time, there was a nightclub.  It was called Club Europa.  In order to be a member of the nightclub, you had to agree to host the members of the club at your house if they needed somewhere to stay.  In return for this, you could enjoy staying at other member’s houses, exchange information and buy and sell to the other members of the club.


Unfortunately Club Europa’s management was distant and difficult to talk to, meaning that none of the members that wanted to do things other than having visitors or buying and selling to each other were particularly happy.  Club Europa also had an extensive list of terms and conditions, and if you got things wrong, you were subject to penalties and additional fees.


On the plus side, Club Europa was fun, and if you were a member you would get to know all the other members, meaning that you were viewed as being more significant than a non member.  In addition, you were sort of insured against running out of money completely, since lots of lovely banks and giant companies provided favourable terms and conditions on the basis that Club Europa would cover your debts.


Several members overspent because of this, and the richer members of the club objected, even though they admitted that the overspenders had spent on their goods.


One couple, Scotia and Albion, were members for forty odd years.  They had benefitted in some ways, but over time Albion got fed up providing beds for all the visitors, objected to the giant list of terms and conditions, and wanted to see what life was like without the club.  Unfortunately, Albion could not afford the rent without Scotia, and Scotia was not only tired of him, but extremely enthusiastic about Club Europa.


Albion’s answer to this was very simple.  If he kept telling the lovely Scotia that she was ugly, poor and could not cope without him, she would simply do as she was told and he could leave the Club.  With Scotia all to himself, he reasoned, she would settle down and they could live a more impoverished, and yet freeer life without the interference of the club.


Scotia did not agree with this.  Aware that Albion could not pay the rent, she felt sorry for him, but she loved all the visiting members of the club, loved going to parties and loved the recognition of being a member of Club Europa.


Albion was very cross.  He gathered his closest friends and told them all to tell Scotia how utterly awful she was.  Surely she would become depressed enough to keep paying his rent?  He hesitated over cancelling his membership, in the meantime, as he simply did not know what to do?




Have we got this straight yet?  Scottish Independence is nothing to do with Brexit.  Two separate issues.  Scottish Independence is also nothing to do with hating England.  Scotland would be better off independent.  If England had oil, we would hear all about it, ad infinitum.  Every day would bring more insults and accusations than we already tolerate.


Independence is also nothing to do with oil.  Scotland would be doing OK without oil.  The oil is a bonus.  It is a question of wanting the government you actually vote for to carry out your business, instead of constantly having to tolerate the policies of a government which not only pumps out a lot of misinformation about you, but takes advantage of your resources in order to do it.


Independence, for me at least, is not a class war.  I, for one, fully appreciate private money paying for wilderness in Scotland and would not seek to build new towns all over it, unlike some other SNP members.  The fact that many objectors seem to miss, is that independence would create an entirely new political landscape which we would be free to shape ourselves.


Brexit is not about racism.  In some cases it is certainly about English nationalism, and the most aggressive Brexiteers seem to think that England owns the other three nations.  How inconvenient that people live in those nations, and have a vastly different culture and outlook.


I have written previous posts on Brexit showing an alternative view of why people would vote.  To put it in very simple terms:

The existing UK is better off outside Europe.  Europe is likely to split over the next twenty to thirty years, over issues such as bee death due to chemicals and GMO (Germany)  Debt (Portugal, Spain, Greece) Immigration (Poland, Hungary, Eastern bloc, France) Paying in too much (Germany, Belgium, France)
Regulation is for the benefit of very large companies.  eg. Codex Alimentarius prevents poorer nations participating in the trade of certain goods.  It does not benefit small enterprises or individuals at all and suppresses innovation and growth. This, in turn, suppresses the UK, wherever you are.
Scotland would prefer to be in the EU for the purposes of safety and recognition.  Ideally this should be achieved before England exits, to make the process of retrieving our resources with the aid of the European courts easier and safer.
TTIP will create the largest single market in the world.  It is a bad idea, but the Brexit question is a question of how much control you want to have over who signs it.  Do you trust the EU or Westminster? Scotland’s past experience with England indicates that the EU is the better bet.  England gets the government they vote for, so naturally they prefer Westminster.
The deal made with Europe, killing our coastal economy, madness for a giant island, is not likely to change without significant renegotiation. Whether we stay or go, Brexit was a good result for discussing this with the EU.
Scotland does not belong to England, and the Union was not supposed to create English dominion. It is not OK that we fought alongside England for centuries, and Tony Blair stole our sea and disbanded our regiments.  Fatal error.
In terms of the future, endless merging with other political economies is shaping up to be an extremely bad idea.  To refer back to the example of GMO, chemical accidents and patenting of seeds – either Germany or the USA are going to be in control of food production if people are stupid enough to sign up to an agricultural plan which involves killing 80 percent of bees, paying for patented seeds which you can be sued for if you adjoin a user, buying chemicals which are destined to increase in complexity as time goes on.  GMO will ultimately produce the same result as antibiotics.  Superweeds and Superbugs already exist.

Got that?  Scottish nationalists are not racists.  Brexiteers are not all racists.  There are plenty of alternative reasons for either or both decisions.  To recap:
Scotland better off without England
UK better off without Europe but can’t afford it without Scotland.

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