My recent return to the workplace has taught me that people choose to be stupid. They choose to actively avoid information they do not want to hear, and they are very keen on blaming people, even for disabilities. Here are some links you cannot avoid, stupid people, and this does not even cover Scotland, in which the deaths from Alzheimer’s went up by 31 percent in ONE YEAR. My mother was falsely claimed to have Alzheimer’s on her death certificate, so presumably the rule is that you misdiagnose before you kill people up here. They also had a joint effort between the social work department and the NHS to make my life a misery for caring for her.
Make sure you take some heed, before it happens to you. If the English are going to insist on voting for these morons, then at least pick a decent one and get him Fit for Work
Independent – Landmark study links 120,000 deaths to Tory austerity
Health and social care spending cuts linked to 120,000 excess deaths in England
Daily Mail – NHS cuts blamed for 120000 deaths
Marketatch – UK austerity linked to 120000 deaths
Research linking care cuts to 120,000 deaths ‘is fresh evidence austerity kills’
Thousands died after fit for work assessments – Guardian
Mirror – Tory government keeps report on fit for work tests secret
Mail – almost 2400 people declared fit for work dead within two weeks beteen 2011-2014
Telegraph – thousands died after being declared fit for work