Ah the feels

Yeah, Ewan, but you really need to eat more vegetables for that problem.

Seriously, I woke up this morning – and morning is rather unfortunate today – rather low and this was in my email.  I take it the fictional Ewan doesn’t approve of cosying up to Trump by squandering defence expenditure on Iran either.

The project is delayed by a car issue which is taking rather a long time to fix.  I also need more hours, and am scratching around for additional work at the moment due to my long term mistrust of the job market.

I have been rather scattered, of late, by my surprisingly stressful job.  I got some advice from one of my colleagues, and apparently I am looking at it in a less superficial way than is required.  Heavy on the detail, light on the content, apparently.  I will see if this makes a difference.

In any case, I always have a few irons in the fire and put a great deal of time into making sure there is a stream of work, which leads to a lot of very strange job applications.  I hope I won’t have to, as I rather like the idea of getting good at this.  Intense geekery is always fun.

Losing weight again, but not impressed by the mirror at the moment – I will still be in the ugly phase for another 30lb or so.  I am wondering whether fasting is a good idea to get past this bit.

I had a surprisingly vehement reaction to my friend’s comments on the recent male related events last night.  I seem to be holding this as a precious moment.  Precious moments are very important to you, once you are faced with the shortness of your life I guess.  I’m sorry I got quite so instantly annoyed about it, though.

Also wondering about the implications for the Sheep in Wolf’s clothing project.  It is important to make these evaluations.  It seems just now as if I am sufficiently bonded for the project not to be affected at all, which is amazing.  Creatively, I also have to factor in threats to the project and the flow.  I think ultimately it depends on the person concerned.

I am certainly irritated with the Boris developments, but that was taken into account before I started it, so I will focus on writing until the situation becomes clearer.  At least I have some idea who the funding backers are after the Iran events.  It also seems clear that Boris will be no better than Theresa May for selling us out to America. It will make the performance better, but I am not sure how many complications we really need.

So, as we draw the thoughtful end of the week to a close, money, love and avoiding stress seem to be the priorities for a happy life this week.

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