Ina Disguise on Pinterest

Ina Disguise Pinterest  

Click on it if you want. Follow if possible, I will catch it when I am next in.


I am in the process of retagging all the posts and audios on Pinterest, which may or may not be useful, but in case you are interested in seeing an easily classified layout of posts, they are nearly there.  I have got as far as February, and the rest will be done shortly.

If you want to follow, once everything is tagged and on there, only the new items will be appearing, it is basically to make it less necessary for me to spam or wonder what the main themes are on the site.

Interestingly the themes have changed since 2017.  Until I actually faced my phobia and met Wolfe in person – the process of being in love with a famous person is not a happy one, you do wonder if you have gone mad somewhat, I worried about self-confidence a lot.  I have since then had so many bricks thrown at me by stupid people that I have accepted that the problem has not been my lack of self-confidence but the amount of aggression from stupid people I have had to tolerate since childhood.

This of course started with familial abuse, but now that we don’t need to deal with them any more I don’t have to worry about it.  Therefore things are certain to improve.

I have been very upset by my mother’s death.  All work I was doing at the end of 2017 has been dumped, because of stress caused by aggressive NHS people protecting their not very professional status, my moronic money obsessed relatives, and Little Shiva.

I have temporarily resolved the practical issues caused by all this, and it is now time to put some work into freeing myself from ever having to deal with people like this again.  The solution seems to be to avoid people entirely.

Thanks to Little Shiva, I have finally accepted that people in general are not worth the time, so I am planning to devote myself to Boris and Wolfe for the forseeable future.

I would like to speak to Boris soon if possible because I have a couple of things I want to run by him and make sure they are viable.  Also I have a feeling that he will be reasonably happy about what I have to say.

Anyway that is the update for today.  All other business is now up to date.



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