Hello Monkey!

The above is what happens when you teach small children.  You end up hearing the stuff all the time.

Will be working on creating some bespoke courses next, since it is the one skill I value from my recent studies.

I am now working hard on graphics work whilst finishing up the cushions and hopefully Little Shiva.

I have about three months of work to finish, and the new stuff will be starting whilst I do that.

In the meantime, I am considering devising an entirely new method of teaching, which is more flexible and creative.

We shall see how that goes.  I would like to do more with the games once I finish the first two epics.

I am now powered at work, which means I can do a bit more in the way of writing and studying there. That will speed things up quite a bit, hopefully.

Apart from that, very happy to announce that I will be changing just about everything in the next few months, I will announce changes to the website as I make them so you can check them out.  My health is also something of a priority as we move towards summer. I have been doing too much caring.


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