Automation has arrived

r/Tufting - I want to buy this gun for tufting but I can't find one for sale, could one of yall help me out?

It is similar to this.  I am not using it for the current work, but the fact it has arrived means I can work on Predate, a piece I wanted to do featuring Wolfe and I.

These used to cost about 600 gbp, apparently millenials like doing dull things with them, so they are now relatively cheap.  I am yet to see much in the way of good work online so we shall see if I can sex it up a bit.

This is quite exciting and will involve the construction of a very large frame.

I will work on it next year or so.  Just now I am finishing up the work for Joy is Power.

This will take until Christmas, especially with the new project work.

I am having difficulties motivating myself to get back onto some computer work, which will be necessary to launch my health project.  Unfortunately, although I know exactly what to do this time, I was still too out of it and exhausted to get decent footage of the skin issues prior to curing them, so I will just have to talk about them.

The Long Covid has made exercise a more tactical project than previously, but with the benefit of not having to spend every waking minute looking for work, I should be able to tackle it over the next year or so.  This is important for one of the new projects.

Next up is probably going to be a long series of footstools.  They are pretty odd.



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