Poor poppet

You really miss me this much?

I’m not coming anywhere near you after that experience, so I don’t think this is likely to work.

Your business is your business.  I’m working on something new.

I probably won’t mix the two, so if you want to know more you will have to bite the bullet.


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Enough already

You were on the website 11 times yesterday.

Your employer was on the website twice.

Your idiot friend was on the website almost as much as you.

You destroyed my job.  You have curtailed my project temporarily.  You have made my life unpleasant.

Your unhappiness is not my fault.  If you want to change something about your life to make yourself happier, you know what to do.  You have kind of blown it in this direction, don’t you think?

To a normal person, that would indicate that you should now go and do something else.

I would suggest that you do not follow the instructions of somebody who should not be allowed anywhere near staff.

I would also suggest that you stop doing whatever you are doing that is making you get bigger every time I see you, otherwise losing all that weight will be kind of pointless since your testicles will shrink and you will lose what is left of your hair.

Do you seriously want that to happen, alongside the mood swings and inability to do your job properly?

I cannot help you any further. You went along with bad advice, therefore you made sure of that.

It is time for you to do something else.

I am not sure how many more ways I can say the same thing.  This is tedious.  I do not appreciate pointless staring.  If I wanted a stalker, I would pick a more interesting one.

Now please go and do whatever weird shit you were doing before you started your nonsense.  I am not interested.  You are not a positive person, and because of that you hold no interest whatsoever.

You are nice to look at, but you are also a mammoth tosser.   You cocked it up.  You blew it.  Go away!



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Work news

Still waiting to hear.  I really want to start work now so I would like an answer before the weekend.

Another interview tomorrow.

Iain Duncan Smith is going well.  Working on shoes and Boris writing at the moment.

I have made the last two posts private, since they were really a guest spot item.

Apart from that, SB, nice strategy.  Most interesting drive you had today.  Much more interesting than anything for the last two months, that’s for sure. Good luck with that bit.

Toodle pip,


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Sauce for the Swan

I know it’s usually a goose, but it seems apt.

Family entertainment at its best.

There is no rule that states women have to pretend to be stupid to believe your bullshit, SB.

Why would you even make up something that spurious? She is awfully dumb for such a cheeky little girl.

And no, I was not laid off, I was terminated for inappropriate conduct which consisted of a polite email and an attempt to give your husband a book about stress, dear.  Considerably different when you try to get another job.

For the benefit of the audience, staring brat team leader 2 is now trying to blame staring brat team leader 1 for everything.  He apparently expects us to believe that staring brat team leader 1 magically gained access to his email and personal messages and persuaded the Manager to then blame staring brat number 2 for everything when talking to me, keeping himself out of the picture in an effort to appear heroic.

Whilst staring brat team leader 1 had already tried this tactic and failed (because he was enormous and I have no interest in anybody that looks as if he can break my neck easily, including team leader 2), so it is plausible from that point of view, staring brat team leader 1 did not force staring brat team leader 2 to behave like an arse, nor did he tell him never to disclose that he had a perfectly serviceable wife in addition to the beautiful and also married girl he denies having a very obvious relationship with in the office.

Wow, this is the stupidest reason for getting fired ever, but it is nice to be so gorgeous when I am SOOOOOOOOOOH OOOOOOOOLD!  If only I got to have fun with this rather inconvenient quality I seem to have. Imaginary Wolfe is right, this will not stop until I am unfuckable.

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You are winding me up

You are one crazy boy.

You will find my meeting with Wolfe in October 2017, if that’s your bag.

I am going out to meet a real person, if there is one.  See if you can figure out where I’m going.

I might issue a clue.

I can’t be bothered unless you have something to say.



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OK you can search that

That’s all I’m planning to remove for you, so you can pay to have the remainder searched over and over again if you want.

I will not be controlled by somebody who is clearly not at all adequate and who evidently has too much money.

For the benefit of the long-suffering searchers.  This guy has already got me fired, on extremely spurious grounds.  He apparently believes that I am rich and I owe him something.

Anything that could possibly have bothered him has been removed, and I suggest he moves on with his life.

I cannot help you any further, as I have to clear up the existing mess.


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Oh right so it was one day off

I see, so it was a false flag.

You are quite young to be this obsessive, and I don’t know why you think there is a point to this at all. I liked you, you didn’t like me.  You got me fired.  End of story.

If you want to take up a writing career, perhaps you should go and do that.  I am quite lazy and easily distracted so I am not a shining example of how to go about things.

Broadly speaking, unless you want to spend most of your day marketing you have to produce a lot of tagged output, and short stories are very helpful for this in today’s market.

Apart from that, you are wasting your time.  My life was over by the time I was your age.

Don’t waste it on bullshit.

Damaged people


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To the invader

I have a good idea who is banging at the doors every day, and I do not know what you failed to understand about the following:

I am not safe. I am under attack.

Is that understood yet?  You will not be getting an audience unless you state your business.  I am not in the market for bullshit at present.  You can try email or text.

I may forget over the next few weeks or so, but for the moment the doors are very much locked.  Ina is under reconstruction.


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