Course Fatigue

So we are into day 58 of 2020 and I am finally sick of doing courses.  It is time to do some work.

I will not be working on the main work at the moment, as I am dealing with other things.

I am also working on my new stuff, and am contemplating doing some more analytic stuff for some software giant or another.

Slowly moving out of one zone and into another, but progress is always hampered by lust for knowledge.  I cannot seem to stop learning new stuff.

I am winding myself up to doing some writing, so I suspect two or three new stories will be coming soon.



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While you were sleeping

I have partial completion on around twenty artworks, which I am taking a break from.

I have also moved things on on two other businesses, and I am working on a new idea at the moment, which so far has attracted five or six new clients.  I have Brexitproofed, I suggest you make it a priority to do the same.

Today a lady came up to me in the street. Her friend in Germany had mentioned me.  I was astonished.

She showed me some pictures of some African work, and asked whether she could help me.

I said OK.

I am astonished.

Apart from that, just the usual daily hunt for free wifi and an awful lot of courses.

England must be liberated from the unworthy shackles of the UK.  God Bless Sir Iain Duncan Smith and the pharmachemical industry.


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Brexit Night

So, tonight was Brexit night, which will change absolutely nothing for some time to come.

You still have until the end of the year to find an alternative country on the European mainland, declare yourself resident and not bother coming back.

In the event that you are here and employable, you should be considering finding an income stream outwith the UK to supplement your British income, which will dwindle somewhat without your considering the benefits of a low pound rather than the disadvantages.  If you are not currently employable, do not worry as we will be heading towards a slightly fairer and more cash led economy as time goes on.

I am very busy at the moment, but have been considering the matter of love today.

Bumped into Frank the wank fae the bank again, and he looked suitably chastened.  Saw Bawbag, who looks unusually handsome at the moment.  This, from experience, means that he is absolutely bonkers and is to be avoided. It is usually safer to wait until he looks awful, and then he is quite nice.

Not sure why the connection to Little Shiva was quite as strong.  He is still visiting, but more sensibly only when I make a post.  I am not sure if it is a character issue, since it certainly isn’t very conventional.  You don’t go to extreme lengths to damage someone you like, so it is very unclear what he thinks he is getting out of it.

Anyway, very busy with new stuff, and I have a lot of work to do, so will catch up when I have moved things on a bit.  Today was tax day, so boring paperwork.

I think we should all assist England in their bid to be independent.


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The Return of Grumpy


In my usual perverse way, I will now hide behind a mountain of sewing until he disappears again.

40 hours of French knots in the last three days, and I am only half finished the first stage of sunlight, which is going to have to be imposed onto a larger piece I think.  Not too worried, as I think it will be a very nice whatevever it ends up.

Have a ton of courses to do, and I am considering taking up teaching online.  It involves people, which is never good, but I think I should consider it.

Busy day ahead, lots of stress.

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Sad Loser

I cannot imagine how much of a failure I would have to be to spend my time threatening other people.

It takes a special kind of failure to spend all your time frothing at the mouth envying others, especially when your life has been so utterly selfish.

It is also indicative of stupidity.

Unlike the person causing the problem, I have had very limited time to myself.  Despite this, I have a full life.

I pity you.  You are an embarrassment.

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Author Research Challenge

OK I am defeated, so I am throwing this one out to the authors out there.

“Most famous author in the UK”

Lived in China for several years and brought at least one son up there.

Once stood on the balcony of an asylum with Berlusconi.

Has an exceptionally mannerless and badly behaved son.

If anyone has any ideas who this is, please reply to the tweet as comments on this website just get handbag adverts.



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Mrs Shiva


I see you are back indulging in your husband’s fixation, so I will write you a note.

I have absolutely no reason to lie to you at this point, and I am also going to presume to give you some advice, so hold tight.

I did not know anything about you until after the job was over, when I looked him up on companies house.  Everyone in the office apart from me knew about you, he said nothing to me because he was apparently attempting to crank things up for the sadist. It was extremely hurtful that nobody told me.

There was a lot of male bullshitting, because I have never seen a man work so hard to get attention as he did.  Do not take that personally, he likes attention, and if you persist in attempting to be married from the other end of the country, he isn’t getting that from you. Note it is attention that is the issue and not sex.

I totally ignored him because I believed that he was sleeping with a married woman in the office, whom he paid very close and not very pleasant attention to all the time I was there.  You certainly cannot accuse me of untoward flirting, because I did not even look at him due to the unpleasant atmosphere created by the crap management in that office.

He is not much of a leader, mainly due to immaturity and lack of confidence.  He gets very angry very easily, which I imagine is not much fun to live with.  You will remember I was trying to resolve that at the time, and recommended you a book, which I still think you should get.

The reason he is fixated on this website is much the same reason he stared in the office, and as he has a compulsive personality, he finds it difficult to stop.  I have already said you will be getting a picture of the chair when it is finished, which is likely to be into next year now due to temperatures.

Having said that, past observation tells me that he likes you a whole lot more than you like him, so you could try at least pretending to like him. He would blossom if you took it even further than that and actually liked him.

Nobody ever suggested that you weren’t enough for him, so I am not sure why that was a worry. Absolutely no guile was in evidence, as I do not have any.  The other girl was not happy at all.

I am actually too young for him, his ideal is older than me, so watch out for very much older ladies if you are concerned in the future.

Good luck, and see if you can find a job nearer him. Get yourself knocked up, that might settle things a bit.




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The usual suspects

Since I last posted, we have had visits from Little Shiva, malignant sister, the Sadist, Haram Bawbag.  This is rather tragic.  Why can’t you manage to make your lives more interesting?

In the meantime, I am working on two new stores, still moving towards the release of my new project, and am thinking how best to approach a project I will not be releasing for another year.  I have two new jobs alongside my existing workload, and have completed some tasks I was behind with because I was spending too much time with my friend.

Had a look at Bawbag’s cafe today.  It looks a bit like a stoned teenager’s bedroom.  I could not even be bothered reading the menu.  Bawbag’s thing seemed to be to pretend to be you, even as he tells everyone else that you are whatever he has made up.

It seems to me that being stupid is currently considered highly desirable, and that the only way of either meeting anyone or gaining any security is to pretend to be stupid.

Met an old co-worker this week who had worked for an ex boyfriend and mistook me sculpting for something he used to do.  The ensuing conversation was quite funny.

I’m tired of just about everything.  People such as the above seem to be largely full of shit, and shit is very very boring.  Why don’t you spend your time getting lives of your own? Try some introspection.

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The New Collections and Upmarket Interior Designers

This week has been most interesting.  I have been mini-touring interior designers and generally looking around whilst making some alterations.

So far the new collection has 7 or 8 cushions, about ten pairs of shoes, 8 handbags, some of which have been around for a while, three tables, and I have plans for another couple of chairs.  All of this will take some time to complete.

Once that is done I will be producing an updated brochure, since I doubt my business card is making it to the right people even when at the unit. Units vary wildly, you can tell the serious ones by the quality of the goods by and large.  Interior Designers tend to be very busy or not have anything to do depending on how well they are perceived. How I am perceived tends to depend on how serious they are.

I think that is plenty to be getting on with, so now I am making colour decisions.  I would like to present a more differentiated palette than usual, as I feel some of my colour experiments are a little bit predictable. I would also like to do some lighting work.

The shoe process would be greatly aided with some further research, I have a nice fast method now, but I need to mock up a pair and actually try walking in them.  I have resolved some of my issues with this style of shoe, but I suspect afficionados of this will object to the small changes I have made.  I obliterated the seam issue, so now it is a question of whether I have left enough internal space for the lining changes I want to make.

The work situation is looking quite positive apart from that, and I am a day’s work away from being able to release a couple of new lines elsewhere.

Starting to get a bit antsy about writing, so I may have to take a break after a lot of carpet work is complete.  This is likely to take a day or two of hardcore work.

Very content with progress, and looking for some feedback really.  Books going well, but I think it is time to update and sort out the administrative issues with actually selling some written work.

Very tired for now.


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Another Productive Day

Well, today was interesting.

Working on three new business projects, so a little busy.

Welcome to my new interior design friends, I will be networking for a few weeks so I am hoping to add quite a few to my list.  I may create a directory on my interiors page if anyone wants to get in touch and express interest.

I will be building a couple of websites, scrapping an old project, and probably outlining a new one over the next few weeks, so I imagine I will be relatively quiet with the possible exception of the release of the small bag and shoe collection.  I am about a third of the way through that, so I am hoping to have some work to show by Christmas this year.

This has been a long time coming, I have been wittering about shoes and smaller bags for years, and now that Little Shiva is past the major time consumption portion, I finally have time to do it.

Haven’t touched Haram Bawbag recently, so will be moving towards finishing that shortly.

Many thanks to all the readers enthusiastically downloading.  I will be putting out more work shortly.

Hello to my charming shoe muse, should he stop by.


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