It’s better when you don’t notice

I used to have a friend who spent his entire life going over every negative exchange he had, whether this was at the shops, or serious bullying, or stalking in some cases.  He had been through a lot, and had quite aggravated PTSD.

Things that he mentioned eventually included events that had happened when I was there, and some of the bullying had been directed at me.  I hadn’t noticed.  He told me several times anyway. I used to tell him not to notice.

“But it happened? Aren’t you angry?” he would say.

Well, if I had to deal with it, I would deal with it, but I find it much better not to notice.  It is usually much better and happier not to notice.  There are a lot of stupid people in the world.  You just ignore them and do what you are doing.

This is the difference between a victim and a leader.  A leader just blasts on regardless, and a victim sits and frets about it.

I can think of nothing sadder than a bully who stalks his own girlfriend, and a girlfriend that immediately joins in when he harasses other women.  These people are sick. He has groomed her to this extent, I expect he will be getting her to procure more victims for him eventually.

I again spent yesterday afternoon enquiring as to whether there is anything I can do about this other than make police complaints, as this is of no interest at all and seems like rather a waste of time the police could be spending on more important things.

Since my film was nothing to do with them and they weren’t involved, they could have just let me get on with the job.  Instead I am now expected to be stopped completing a project yet again because I don’t matter.

I have been through a lot, and the bottom line is always that I don’t matter.  Hence it is much easier not to notice nasty people. I recommend it.


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Another mystery solved

So last night I discovered that an online stalker had been using my name to torment some ghastly woman I met once.  I suspect it is probably bawbag, since he has a record of having previously done this to other people.

I was, needless to say, not amused, particularly as he was dumb enough to email and indicate that he wants his current girlfriend to attack me.

Why, you ask?  Well he appears to suffer from a similar personality disorder to a couple of relatives of mine.  It is pointless to diagnose, since nobody seems to have a relevant treatment for it, but in any case, he is bamboozled by anyone saying no to him, despite at the same time knowing perfectly well that he is an inadequate and horrible person. He said so himself.

Apart from that, I am apparently not permitted to either grieve for my dead loved ones, purchase a cup of tea or make a film to help everyone, including him.  This would upset his sense of grandiosity.

Why he is still not in jail is a mystery.  The number of people angry with this guy is growing steadily.  The aforementioned girlfriend seems to be quite happy with this situation, to the point of joining in.

I cannot imagine waking up every morning determined to damage other people, or how you would not figure out that this was not a happy way to live your life, so I cannot help these people with their problems.

Far better to leave them to it.

In the meantime, an aspiring boyfriend from before I met bawbag is turning up at the door daily, and thinks that criticising me is the way to my heart.  I have no interest in this person and am wondering whether to deal with this less politely.

This is the problem with toxic family.  You are left with a kind of permanent wound that means people want to flout your boundaries all the time, with apparently no time limit. Why they don’t find themselves something more worthwhile to do I do not know. Presumably they have nothing in their heads but yet more bile.

Anyway I have other things to do, so at least that mystery is solved and I can carry on with my work, which is of considerably more interest and importance.

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So, recently I have dated a few people and one of those people was a very nice 28 year old.

Unfortunately he was unable to keep up with me, so I had to say no thank you.

I haven’t exactly been a power house for the last year or so, so this was nothing to do with activity. It was to do with outlook.

I have no interest in sitting quietly worrying about what other people think, and he does.  I have no interest in sitting waiting for a date whenever it suits him, he thinks that is normal. He made various comments which made me understand immediately that it would never work because I am creative and he is not.

He is still calling me a couple of months later, because he would like this to work out and I was a bit cross when I finished it. If I was his age I would probably be calling him a stalker.

Thankfully he is in a different city, and I have most recently dated a surgeon from the emirates, who surprisingly I got on really well with. I have tried a variety of countries across the Middle East, and so far UAE is actually coming across rather better than the rest, Libya obviously being the worst.  My ex from Dubai remarked that bawbag sounded like a donkey.

It is a shame the inventor/apple geek was a conservative, because otherwise we would have got on. As it was he was just a rude and rather old man.

Anyway I seem to have settled on orthodox Jewish as not working, moderate Muslim works much better.  Still no Hindu takers, but my experience of Hindus is that they are very right wing so this is likely to not work either (sorry Little Shiva) The one Pakistani Christian that I dated was actually the worst of the lot, total hypocrite.

So that is how things are going.  Busy at the moment otherwise.


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For those who may be new to the site

Work is about to start on the Joy is Power film project.  I will be checking in with the local police, and disruption will be kept to an absolute minimum.

Some of you I have only just met for the first time.  So, to answer your questions, yes I am making a statement, no it is not overt and it is very positive, particularly about the area as I am very fond of it.

My biggest fan is the Prime Minister, however this is a non-political project and I am not actually in the slightest bit conservative.  Boris knows this, he likes me anyway so expect the unexpected as I have his head on my kitchen table.

Toodle pip, and I trust I will be seeing you soon.  I do have a couple of businesses to run and a couple of intense jobs, so you may not see much of me, but have faith in the fact work will be proceeding at ungodly hours.

Many thanks


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Big changes coming shortly

Haram Bawbag is now in the final stages and should be ready next week or so, barring any major disasters with the detailed portion.

Feeling a lot better since the change of diet, and normal service will be up to date by next week.

Little Shiva is going to be the next big challenge, and as it is key, will take a lot of blood, sweat and tears to complete.


Thank you for your patience at this time.

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So bit further on with the admin now, and on the last two basic frames for the new work, which is an epic slog.

Made a few hundred items for Haram Bawbag, and spoke to him on the phone regarding my recent bereavement.  I am sure he is suitably chastened after that conversation.

Little Shiva has been in a few times, we have also had a visit from Boris, I do not know why, but he seems a little bit down. Possibly the strain of being surrounded by corrupt self interested liars, but who knows?

Neighbour has taken to sitting in a garden chair coughing into the garden, so I am considering privacy fencing rather than actually having him prosecuted as this is not condusive to a peaceful life.

Little Shiva has been postponed a bit due to the new stuff  being put away, but will be underway as soon as I clear some workspace.

Haram Bawbag is going to be dismantled prior to getting him out of the studio, so I am psyching myself up for that. Got some advice from a removal guy that was doing some work for me, and he agrees that it needs to be split to be moved.

Virus headaches now a lot rarer, but this has not been a pleasant experience. Back on supermix.

Apart from that, work going well and it is nice to have a two day week so that I can rest and work on other stuff. Some of the colleagues are a bit toxic, but we are used to that. Water off a duck’s back after the epic delusional entitlement of my family. It strikes me again that millennials are just boomers without the easy life.

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Glad that is sorted out. That was a rather frantic and very tiring day.

Moving swiftly on, I am working hard on another project at the moment and will not be back in action as Ina Disguise for about a month, whereupon things will be looking a lot more like a recognisable business project.  This is a sad end to the heavily personal nature of Ina Disguise, but it is time to engage the ignition on this labour of love.

It is also time to do some writing, so this may delay things a tiny bit.

Wolfe, thank you so much for dropping in last week, it meant a lot to me.

Good luck with your Tiresome Tory Totty, Lucifer.

Here is my new theme song.

Toodle Pip


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When is a Lady not a Lady?

Being a lady is a complex business.  I have just been schooling a gaggle of clucking chickens who were bullying a woman for using the word stupid.

She was using the word stupid to highlight a problem with epoxy resin.  As you know, I work with epoxy resin, and I am well aware how dangerous it is long term, despite being fortunate enough not to have an instant reaction to it.

Sometimes being a lady involves being self effacing and backing the fuck off, as was the case with Little Shiva.  Had I not backed off, the evil giant would have gunned for him instead of me, for one thing, and the beautiful married chick I thought he was with might have been upset.  I did everything I could to remove my eyes from that boy, to no avail.

Sometimes the stakes are somewhat higher.  Being a lady in the case of Haram Bawbag involved dissing his ex girlfriend so that he would stop stalking her and boring the pants off me talking about her and their very dull relationship.

Sometimes, however when the stakes are incredibly high for more than 70 million people, it is important to assert one’s self and let one’s inner cavewoman out for a bit, whether this is practical or not is another matter.  I am not genuinely concerned about Lucifer’s life choices.  I am, however, concerned about some pretty serious shit that affects everyone, and I would like to help if possible.

Tonight being a lady involved telling some poor chick that using a negative word is fine when you are trying to alert people to danger.  I am not sure what these women do when there is a large fire, but saying ‘please exit’ in a quiet voice will not cut it.

Anyway, that was fun, I hope Lucifer enjoyed it as much as I did.

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A Grotty Health Post

So, today I have done another couple of courses, am working on another one and am considering one which involves taking a day off work, shock horror.

My throat is very swollen because I have returned to the diet I was on before I had to take one of my current jobs.  I am now on a couple of bulbs of garlic every day and am drinking supermix once more.

This is a good thing, as it verifies that I was harbouring an infection that was unlikely to ever be picked up and I will be feeling much better soon.  I do not think I will be stopping the garlic again any time soon.

The reason I had not been on it since having this job is that pooping quite as often as one does on supermix is not very convenient when you are relying on other people’s toilets, however I do not like the health problems associated with my age group, and so whenever I encounter one I do something about it.

Over the winter, due to the cold, I had been indulging in my winter diet, which is more convenient as it involves fewer toilet visits and is more comforting.  This involves a lot of steamed vegetables, sweet potato, some meat and raw chocolate.  Comforting though this is, and extremely healthy, it is not the ultimate diet for keeping you away from health problems.  Supermix is pretty much always the answer.

So, I have been back on Supermix for a few days, and started on the garlic cure the day before yesterday, now I am processing infection which involves a little misery before you experience the bliss of feeling twenty years younger than you actually are.

I had an actual spot a couple of weeks ago, which came as a bit of a shock as I have not had a spot since the first time I went raw ten years ago.  This means that I was getting some toxic build up, probably from protein bars which I was also enjoying over winter as when not raw I low carb to avoid incessant weight gain on a ‘normal’ diet.

Now I have gone back into full detox mode, I will not be experiencing this again.  I can look forward to looking and feeling much better soon.

Apart from that, all good, not doing any work today as I am a bit annoyed after some rubbish I encountered over the weekend.

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Free of three projects

So, obviously I will be dropping the Conservative Party work, the Lucifer Ogilvie collection and a more recent attempt at communicating with other humans, although I will be completing on some of the remaining Boris artwork collection as it is expensive and unfinished.  I obviously wasn’t that fussed about doing it, or it would have been done by now anyway.

This is a bit of a bore, since I was quite interested in the exercise, but Lucifer Ogilvie now has a very dull, rather than amusing and open ending, so I don’t think it is really worth writing. The Conservative stuff was lurking around for two or three years and I was allowing myself to be distracted by the most mundane tedious garbage so a case of the usual procrastination being the enemy of getting any actual work done.

That and time, because I always have a lot to do.  The work I actually do want to do does tend to get done, although with the number of things I do at once, relatively slowly.

I have found over the years that this makes for a better result.

I wonder what this says about my attitude to family life?  Evidently I do not rate children as a worthwhile pursuit. I am sure that there is some dude somewhere that could inspire me to fire one or two out before it is too late, but I wouldn’t trust him and by the time I did it would be too late anyway.

Working on the writing for Haram Bawbag at the moment, and I think I will be doing the Sikh dude at some point.  Still avoiding sewing because of the breathing issue, and seeing if switching to my summer eating habits early will take care of some other problems which have arisen.  I no longer trust doctors at all, so it is important to deal with one’s health issues.

My foreign work is going reasonably well, and I am hoping to do something worthwhile closer to home shortly too.

I could tell you a fabulous and fascinating political story, but I don’t think I will bother doing that either.  It is very topical, but I don’t care enough about it to contribute to the massive time wasting.



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