The Three Pronged Approach

So, we have three pieces of work on the go, all for Boris.

One short story, which is burning away at the moment, and is a little bit ‘Passport to Pimlico.’

One very romantic biography, which is very hazy on veracity.

One more serious piece of work, which I am regarding as a longer term job, which will be moving me into reality somewhat.  I am wary of this, as reality is not a lot of fun, however it is probably time I put my heart and soul into something constructive.

I am aware that my politics do not correspond with my interest in the British economy, however it all makes perfect sense to me.  I have spoken at length about this in the past, but the bottom line is that as far as I can see, my best option at the moment is to provide Boris with the relevant information as best I can, from which he can cherry pick, check back, discuss and otherwise digest what I have to say.  I hope he manages to find the time, but that issue is the reason for the treble whammy approach.  Much like a line drawing to full painting, in effect, with different tones and ways of communicating.

Readers who have read my stuff a few times will know that you get a different story on the second and third reading.  Even I am surprised at times, so this just seems to be my thing.  I am not going to stop and ask why I have the belief that this is the right person at the right time, or whether it is the right thing to do.  It feels right, past experience and current circumstances have led me to believe that I should roll with it.

Still a little artistically constipated, but usually a lot of writing sorts that out, so we shall see what happens.




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Patience is a Virtue

I know I am taking a long time over this, but I have several pieces of work I want to do for Boris, and I want to make a reasonably nice job of it.  Boris has been a back burner for about thirty years, so I have rather a lot to say this time.

Alas my last two pieces in the first phase of the Boris collection are going to take a couple of hundred to finish, so not much going on in the studio at present.

I also need to invest in a piece of equipment to do some voice over work, so next month is going to be very expensive by my standards.

Found I was too posh to work in a six hundred a night hotel, which was quite alarming, I am not sure what is to become of me.  I am seeing a little interest otherwise, although the job I really want will be going to someone else as I do not see the point in applying when I have no confirmation that the issues preventing my doing it are resolved.

To put the hotel issue into perspective – I arrived alongside another, more recently qualified candidate who was dressed in an outfit that cost at least 20 times what I was wearing.  She was dragged into a cupboard and interrogated and I was led by two liveried staff into my own window seat in the ballroom, given tea in a silver pot, and greeted by every staff member with a lovely smile.  Even in my albeit elegant £40 outfit I was, apparently, royalty.  It’s very nice, but it doesn’t get me the job, particularly when the manager worries in case I eat them, presumably along with my tea.

Asher (the porn star) is awaiting more Asher, so I will be doing another one of those soon.  Writing is taking precedence whilst I tidy up some general management issues and move things on at home.

Anyway, should Boris get any crazy yet shrewd ideas – I do not wash socks.



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Oh I get it

Leave him alone, he did not actually do anything wrong to you. You would be stupid to risk your marriage over his being unpleasant, since it fits quite well with your own disparaging view of other people.

What you actually need to do is find out why you feel the need to try to make other people feel bad.  You are very young to be so desperately sad. When I was your age I was having too much fun to denigrate other people, and I was terribly shy.

He was stupid and he listened to an extremely nasty individual who was probably quite intimidating.

When you grow up you might figure it out.  In the meantime get a life and stop assuming imaginary superiority because it will make you stupid and pre-senile as well as a horrible person.




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