Haram ya bass


This is the sad story of a piece that will not be together.  It will not be together because the dude I was making it for was yet another titanic dickhead, which ironically is what the piece was about.

As you can see from the tabletop, the fact that the tabletop will never meet the base is not entirely surprising.  A seasoned viewer will also note that it was the story of a fractured relationship, so it is entirely appropriate that the tabletop will now be used for other things.

It is about 66 percent done, the tabletop is to get some glass, and a few bells and whistles for the edging, but progress so far is encouraging, and I put a few smart food gags into the design.

The Base was a bit further on than the pic by the time I abandoned it, it had some interesting fabric work and the leaves were more prolific, the embossed design had been started, despite the efforts of the prospective owner, who became oddly jealous of it, not me, but it, and started doing things like metal grinding next to it, which caused a bit of damage, but nothing that particularly bothered me, since the thing was being done to enable me to get to know the dude in the first place.

Get to know him I did, and it was not a pretty sight.  I have trusted people in the past when they have been in trouble, but I am afraid my faith was in error this time.  It proved impossible to be friends with a person who doesn’t know what that is.

Anyway, I will use the tabletop for other things, and the unfinished base, which is not really suitable for purpose since I did not get to secure the work from the inevitable ravages it will get sitting in a public place.  It should have had several finishing coats to make sure it was health and safety suitable, but now probably wont last terribly long.

Shame, but it was probably haram anyway.


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