Those 120000 death links, plus a few for extra fun

My recent return to the workplace has taught me that people choose to be stupid.  They choose to actively avoid information they do not want to hear, and they are very keen on blaming people, even for disabilities.  Here are some links you cannot avoid, stupid people, and this does not even cover Scotland, in which the deaths from Alzheimer’s went up by 31 percent in ONE YEAR.  My mother was falsely claimed to have Alzheimer’s on her death certificate, so presumably the rule is that you misdiagnose before you kill people up here.  They also had a joint effort between the social work department and the  NHS to make my life a misery for caring for her.

Make sure you take some heed, before it happens to you.  If the English are going to insist on voting for these morons, then at least pick a decent one and get him Fit for Work

Independent – Landmark study links 120,000 deaths to Tory austerity

Health and social care spending cuts linked to 120,000 excess deaths in England

Mirror – Economic Murder

Daily Mail – NHS cuts blamed for 120000 deaths

Marketatch – UK austerity linked to 120000 deaths

Research linking care cuts to 120,000 deaths ‘is fresh evidence austerity kills’


Thousands died after fit for work assessments – Guardian

Mirror – Tory government keeps report on fit for work tests secret

Mail – almost 2400 people declared fit for work dead within two weeks beteen 2011-2014

Telegraph – thousands died after being declared fit for work

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The Best Madness Ever

Why don’t you try thinking about it another way?” Leon frowned at Kira. “You never seem to deviate from this position of not being good enough.”

Look, there is no other way to think about it. I have a job to do. That has been the case ever since I met him. I am the problem.”

Why do you feel you have to work so hard for his affection? He won’t even speak to you.” Leon screwed up his face. Your non-relationship makes no sense?”

It makes perfect sense to us. I can’t bear to look at him, he can’t bear to look at me. Every time we go anywhere near each other one of us ends up extremely upset. It is much safer if we avoid each other.”

But you said he seemed quite pleased to see you?”

Yes, and I was pleased to see him, but it is in the nature of our awkward characters that it is always teetering on the edge of a huge fight. Negotiation is bound to be difficult.”

He seems to be winning on that front.” Leon pursed his lips. Kira was different since she had met Sam. Less anxious, and yet still consumed by Sam. If anything, more than ever.

Not at all. I still lack confidence, and I am too easily distracted. This is about head space, and life goals. It is not about ordinary things at all. If it was I would starve for a year and turn up in a bikini with some exceptionally good aphrodisiac, now wouldn’t I? What on earth would be the point in that? He has plenty of women. Even I wouldn’t be crazy enough to dissuade him from such a convenient and comfortable arrangement if that’s what he wants.”

What about what you want?”

I want him to be happy. I don’t want him to be unhappy. Neither of us will be happy until I do the damned work, regardless of how he arranges things with his genitalia.” Kira was growling now, impatiently twitching at the computer.

But you said he didn’t know anything about what you were doing? Isn’t he just an asshole really? What do you get out of this?”

Being difficult or unaware doesn’t make you an automatic asshole, I’d just like to point that out. You are right, of course, but if I remember correctly, I was being an actual asshole the last time we had any dealings with each other, because I was hurt. Sam doesn’t usually tolerate ‘feels,’ for all his chosen pithiness.” Kira looked blank. “Trust me, it is much easier if we make it a public only relationship. I don’t want to have to eat his cubs anyway. That is what lions do.” Kira got up and rubbed her sore back. “I just want to kick his ass with impunity, and nine years ago there was no question of my ever getting to do that. He can keep his bits to himself apart from that if he wants. I just love the idea of making him bloom, and for that he needs to be challenged now and again. Safely, by someone who cares. It is in the grand tradition of the super-Greeks.”

I wish somebody loved me like that. Have you ever considered that maybe he loves you too?”

God no. Trust me, you would not want an imaginary relationship this contorted.”

Why not? Maybe he longs for a soft cuddly twin who doesn’t take any shit from him.”

I think Sam’s love of control is well established. I don’t want to end up looking pinched and terrified. I want to be loved, not moulded, thank you. Besides, can you imagine how the Yanks would take a fat chick? America hates women, never mind women who don’t conform to the delusional rules of trophy-hunting success. I’m not in the business of ruining careers.”

Is that why you’re hitting on the Foreign Secretary?” Leon was quite pleased with this development, especially as it meant a host of new opportunities emerging from Kira’s creative brain.

No, I actually like the Foreign Secretary, and he is big and kind enough not to mind me creatively crying on his shoulder.” Kira looked up. “Besides which, he needs a good shake too. His health needs some attention. Nagging from crazy strangers is almost tolerable.”

Everyone will assume you agree with his politics, however. They may not take it well.”

They can take it however they want. He is the only one in the party that cares about the public or credits them with any brains at all. If the English will insist on continuing to vote for them, we might as well give the UK to the only decent one, assuming we can woo him away from his evil paymasters at some point.”

Can we do that?” Leon stared at the wall. This was so bonkers, it actually might work.

Of course we can.” Kira rethreaded her needle as she worked on her latest figurative work. “We can do whatever we like.”

You used to say that to your mother.” Leon smiled.

She is still here, so I am still saying it to her.” Kira nodded towards the large flowered tube on the table. “Poor mum. Why are people so stupid?”

They do what the Reich tells them, and the Reich wants anyone disabled dead.”

True. Let us not talk of it just now. We need to get another grant application in.”

When is it due?”


Are you crazy? People work on these things for months!” Leon was dumbfounded.

I only found out this morning. I just need a few photographs. I will write it up tonight.” Kira seemed remarkably calm. “I’ve been writing business plans for years. It isn’t difficult.” Kira smiled. “I could even make an application for ‘beneficial to the community’ schemes and include the new project.”

There is nothing beneficial to the community about the Conservative party.” Leon spluttered. “Especially not as you seem hell-bent on promoting the Foreign Secretary, of all people.”

Everything will be fine. A national-scale project will help enormously with the scheme for Sam. I had better finish some of the old stuff though, just in case anybody ever actually buys any of it.” Kira’s work had not sold recently. She seemed blissfully unconcerned, as she did not rely on it for income. Kira’s life seemed to be a very long learning curve. Leon wondered if she realised how little time she had to perfect the over-arching work-of-art that was her endlessly expanding brain. “Don’t worry, Leon. I just need to get more work to fund it. Look what fun I had after Brexit, and it didn’t cost me anything at all!”

So, basically the idea is we get the Foreign Secretary, who is just as crazy as you, into Number 10. Then what?”

Then I will need a proper publisher to appear, as if by magic, and take the Conservative books I am working on. Once I have a publisher, it will then be time to return to the original book, which theoretically removes all politics as we know it and creates an entirely new landscape for debate. Sam has no idea how clever he is. I shall take great delight in presenting it to him.” A twinkle seemed to sparkle in Kira’s eye as she glanced at Leon.

Are you sure he is the clever one?”

He is the key to my lock. Why do you think I hold him in such precious esteem, even when he insists on being silly? There is nothing either of us can do about that. We shall just have to make it a rhetorical question.” Kira seemed to be glowing as she smiled, and returned to her sewing.

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Logo Change and New Video Project

Logo change today, I have been plotting this for some time, but today I finally went ahead and did it.  So far it has been very popular with my facebook list. Here it is:

I am in a very dancey kind of mood at the moment.  I wonder if it could have something to do with the video component of the Boris Johnson Experience Project?  We are doing a lot of plotting and planning………


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How the world works

A potted history

The 1950s, for a starting point, which is similar to now because they too had been wooed into thinking that manufactured chemicals were all beneficial and anything modern was good. This was immediately post-war, which saw the massive growth of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, both of which had hugely benefitted from WW2.

This was the post-union golden age in the USA, where large manufacturers were enabled by lack of workers’ rights.  This meant potentially unlimited growth, however education was less accessible, so your degree actually meant something, and your technical skill, often gained in your workplace from an apprenticeship gained on leaving school, was duly rewarded.

A high level of employment  meant that consumer confidence was relatively high. In the UK, properties which had been impossible to maintain during the war period were now being snapped up by this population of eager consumers, who set to work spend, spend, spending on new-fangled fabrics and trendy furniture.

A golden time for many, still miserable for the rest, the 1950s saw huge interest in marketing, methods of communicating and advertising, on which my father founded his career as a commercial artist.

Moving through to the 70s, and we see the ‘natural backlash,’ and the food counter culture, which my father was again a big part of.  Both of my family doctors as a child were homeopaths as well as conventional doctors.  The enmity that we see now between natural health and conventional medicine did not yet exist, and so as a child, I was just as likely to be prescribed herbs or homeopathy as an antibiotic.  At that time, the pharmaceutical companies had not yet seen fit to condemn anyone in opposition, and perfectly normal people did not see fit to argue over science that does not exist.

Do you see the difference between this and today?  Today the Board of Nutrition and the medical community are entirely dominated by the food manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies.  They endlessly repeat a mantra of guidelines that aren’t even correct.

You are told to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.  The benefits of increasing your consumption continue on a steep trajectory until you hit seven.  The World health organisation recommend 9-15.  The reason for this lie is that it is not possible for producers of fresh fruit and vegetables to have a member of the board of nutrition on the payroll to represent them. This lie alone ought to tell you that something is wrong with your reliance on advice from authority figures that you used to unthinkingly trust.

The medical community, meanwhile, are apparently taught that all natural medicine is to be condemned and replaced with pharmaceutical products.  This change has happened in my lifetime.  The doctors themselves seem to be unaware of this change, presumably the free holidays have affected their memories.

This attitude percolates down to the point that people scrap daily online that everything ‘scientific’ is good and anyone that does not subscribe to their viewpoint is bonkers or stupid.  Science is sponsored.  As with all statistics, the results are used to paint a picture, but that is all it is.  In a vast number of cases, the science does not exist, because the science does not attract profits for companies who have had it all their own way for decades, with budgets bigger than entire countries.

The only way to reach the truth, or to get the level of treatment that is possible, is to find out by yourself. Find out what to eat, find out how to solve problems that medical science cannot solve, of which there are many.

Someone online mentioned trusting a professional the other day.  My experience of professionals, whether they be financial, scientific or medical, is that they are paid to give you information that is limited by the scope of their day-to-day jobs.  You cannot expect them to be interested in their subject, because they have a salary to spend and holidays to take.  Trusting a professional is not an option.

The only answer is to find out by yourself.  The world is not improving, and you are not stupid.  Trust nobody, there is a lot of money invested in keeping you dumb.

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Why does America like assholes so much?

Donald Trump Attacks Puerto Ricans Who ‘Want Everything Done For Them’

The above article is based on actual tweets from Donald Trump in reference to the recent disaster in Puerto Rico.  Personally, I think Trump is becoming rapidly senile, and we can expect more gaffes and non-understanding as his presidency wears on.

In the meantime, Trump fans are again sticking up for this as if their dubiously Christian values are supported by pointing and laughing at people in serious trouble.

This feature of American education struck us in the UK first when the fights broke out about the impeachment of Bill Clinton.  America apparently could not decide between worship of an adulterer, on the grounds that he was a go-getting success story, and disapproval of a man getting his bits licked by an unsuitably cuddly intern.  America likes its women stupid, thin, and compliant, and its men greedy, nasty and brutal, with no regard for others, apparently.

So, should we take it from this that ultimate capitalism is basically a dom/sub game, where you pick your preference, to fuck or get fucked?  What implications does this have for the future of all these ravished countries they have insinuated themselves into by bringing them their idea of demawkraseeeee?

Further, since there is some similarity here, a case of narcissist versus empath?  Empaths are clearly a bit socialist, and socialism is a very bad word to many Americans, who are not taught sufficient economic history to realise that they are educated to believe this in an effort to prevent any dangerous resurgence of unionism or workers having anything approaching rights?  Capitalism, on the other hand is inherently narcissistic.  Lose your empathy and shit, shit, shit on other people as hard as you can, quickly, before they notice.

So, to be happy and realise your American dream, you should lie, steal, shit on other people, grab as much cash as possible and spit on anybody that has not done the same or that shock-horror actually wants to help you for no apparent reason.  (Some readers will know that I have some direct experience of this) Once you have done this, you should patronize and use anybody that you regard as beneath you, no matter what the evidence of their being more intelligent or nicer than you, on the basis that they have less in the way of cash.  This is purist narcissistic behaviour, so it is little wonder that Americans are fascinated by this particular personality disorder and apply it at every opportunity.

We are seeing some new American aggression online too, in the form of the obsession with the kneel protest against racist brutality, because the kneelers apparently do not worship the flag sufficiently.  We in Britain know all about this, as my friend ‘Aldous’ used to say:

“Why is Great Britain the best country in the world?”

“Because it simply is, sir.”

We used to do the same thing, when we expected our little soldiers to go and slaughter people all over the world to establish our linguistic empire.  We were very successful, for such a piddly little country, and we still reap the rewards.  However, we left a trail of engineering and industrial seeding that we are not seeing from the Yanks.  The Yanks are more interested in sustaining the hopefully soon-to-decline oil industry and making sure that everyone will buy their poisonous food so that they can install their money-pit healthcare and fake voting system all over the world.

Trying to explain this to shouty and ill-educated Yanks is a fairly boring sport.  Sometimes I waste as much as fifteen minutes on it.  Yesterday, a Canadian who was writing a science fiction book about Canada invading America with the aid of aliens was being ‘destroyed’ by a Yank shouting about how this could never happen.

“Try looking up epistemology.”  I said.

This is a polite way of saying “Don’t you know the difference between knowledge and opinion, you miserable little shit?”  but he failed to look it up and could not join the fairly obvious dots, so I then had to explain it to him, which he then ignored because he could not answer.  American education is some of the worst that I have ever seen.  They like to keep people dumb and unhappy so that they will buy more stuff and believe more shit.  It is, in short, the most dangerous country in the world.  In my lifetime it has gone from dumbass teenager to violent twenty something, and the results are not pretty.

So, next time you get to Macdonalds, Baskin Robbins, Asda or Starbucks, keep walking.  You are supporting a violent, stupid and narcissistic country who would fuck you and then see you dead for an extra tenner.  You have been warned.



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All about Boris

The Mayor Boris Johnson in Croydon, South London, Tuesday November 22, 2011. Photo by Andrew Parsons/ Parsons Media



Interviewed him for a TV current affairs research job in the 1980s.

My notes say he was a shallow, egocentric upper class twit who I would not trust to go to the loo on his own.

Johnson is typical of the upper class boot boys of his era. Unprincipled, self serving and arrogant beyond belief. Bullington boys with enough money to buy their way out of the trouble they caused, wrecking restaurants, indecently assaulting women passers by and using threatening and abusive behaviour that would get us plebs locked up.

Don’t laugh at Boris,give him he hatred he and his list boy friends warrant.


OK – I have a problem with this comment on a number of levels – the first one being that neither Stanley nor Boris are genuinely upper class.  Boris is more aware of this than his sister, which is why he has perfected his presentation skills to the point that he remains likeable and relatively honest for a Tory.

Having experienced Rachel, who works hard at not understanding how the other half live, Boris is a deceptively responsible person when compared with Stanley, whose luck in life is matched only by a psychotic libido.  Yes, he has polished a public act called Boris, but no, I cannot agree that he is a standard Bullingdon boot boy, especially as he avoided actually doing anything with the club as he did not like forking out cash for destroying people’s businesses and getting pissed.

In fact, Boris is a scholarship boy, spurred on by sibling rivalry, and Stanley is the son of a farmer.  A farmer who lost his farm because Stanley’s dreams and opportunities lay elsewhere.  To suggest that they are merely upper class twits would be a gross underestimation of their social skills.  Actually, they are fairly ordinary Somerset farmers who are now doing something else.

I rather like this mischief.  The idea of having a trademark manner and hairstyle which renders you memorable, combined with the arch observation skills necessary to pull such social mobility off with aplomb, appeals to me enormously.

Currently, Boris sees his role as distraction.  As long as you are watching Boris, you aren’t watching boring old Phillip Hammond or Theresa May.  Who remembers a single thing Hammond did as foreign secretary?  Exactly.  He is no great shakes as a chancellor either, but they are all very rich.

Boris is guilty of flippancy and he is guilty of not taking politics terribly seriously, but this is why he presents a good antidote to the massively grim notion of Conservative rule.  He is also providing himself with sufficiently great publicity never to have to worry about selling a book.  If he decided not to bother going to work tomorrow, I have no doubt that he would not want for money.

This is not to say that Boris is always nice.  Plainly this is not so, but again who really wants to look much further than the entertaining front?  Stanley is very good at this wall of distraction too, which makes it easy for them to deceive when necessary.

To conclude, insulting someone on the basis of class is snobbery, whether you are looking up or down.  One chooses one’s persona to a great degree, exemplified by my being considerably posher than my siblings.  This sounds like I am acting, especially as I went to a horrid school and my siblings all went private.  I can tell you that it is not an act at all, I, like Boris spent two years from ten to twelve avariciously reading Wodehouse.  It is an imprint which does not leave you. (I can tell you that it is no advantage at all when you live in Glasgow and have an infamous leader from Red Clydeside as an ancestor)

Boris’s carpet is in the final stages, but I would like to present it with the first of the furniture collection, Bordello Rhetoric, as they represent both Boris and Al.  As ever, these are made as gifts, but should Boris not wish to pick up his presents, they will be put out for sale in due course.  Once I have the shoes and the furniture complete, I will commence work on Lucifer Ogilvie.

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France elects Macron

We in Scotland know a lot about cultural warfare.  It starts subtly, and then when you realise that you are at war, it becomes very obvious.  From deciding what we are for marketing purposes – in our case tartan, shortbread and country dancing which includes the Canadian Barn Dance rather than warriors who are very capable of showing you a really good time before flaying you alive – to eroding the nation’s confidence by misleading them as to the nature of their financial welfare (Scotland is far better off than England, who have sucked us dry for decades, if not centuries) we are well aware that an entity claiming that you have no culture is declaring war.

France has just voted for Macron, a man who presided over their economic problems, which make ours pale into insignificance by comparison, under Hollonde.  I think this choice is a mistake.

Front Nationale have never been all that dear to my heart, even ten years ago they were fairly brutal, but it seems very sad that France, a country so proud of their traditions and culture, should vote for a man who would like to see that culture diluted to the point of eradication.

I was in Paris a couple of years ago, and was very shocked at the deprivation I saw even on a heavily sanitised tourist trip.  People are suffering greatly from lack of employment, lack of housing and there were some frightening scenes just out of our direct vision, immigrant populations without much access to resources forming flea markets and tent villages amongst the motorways and elegant buildings.

France has been struggling under this burden for some time, and they have had far more extreme terrorist activity than we have had in the UK.  At what point do we agree that this is not acceptable and do something about it?  You may not be directly affected by terrorism, but you can bet that you know someone that knows someone who has if you live in most of the countries in Europe.  Macron has also stated in the past that ‘France will just have to get used to it.’

To what end, you may ask?  Well Macron is a globalist, a believer in the supremacy of the corporation, a believer in cheap labour and branded values.  He is not a patriot, but like Tony Blair an opportunist who seeks personal gain from expediting the wishes of the elite.

Good luck with that France.  You will think very differently when you reap what you have sown.  Just as England will lose what little they have left to the Conservative rush to fill their own pockets, you will lose your identity unless you think more carefully at the election to come.


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Corporatist Healthcare – a handy peep

As we know, the NHS is quietly on the way to being privatised.  Whilst the system is not set to change over to the American system immediately – I thought the articles from the USA today were very interesting.  Here is the first, from congressman Mo Brooks.  Enjoy reading the Independent article and then watch the video:

Poor people don’t deserve healthcare because they haven’t led good lives


Quite the charmer, isn’t he?

Here is the third entry, from Congressman Tom MacArthur:

Personal tragedy drives deal making GOP congressman on health care

Now this last article is quite complex, the congressman is proposing a corporate solution to a public health issue – he proposes that states accommodate higher cost patients at their own discretion, based upon a system where they can opt out of full coverage healthcare insurance schemes.  So having a baby will cost you lots of money in some states because they have opted out of mandatory maternity cover, but should your baby then have cancer, the state may or may not have a financial pool to pick up the increased cost of insurance.  Otherwise, the insurance companies have the option to simply charge anyone with pre-existing conditions more for being ill rather than opting people out of the system on the basis of their illness altogether.

Now he does this on the basis that, unusually for a republican, he is aware that it may well happen, and in fact has happened to him, twice.  His background in the insurance industry has made him unusually clued up on the issue of insurance.  Here we see the great failure of the American healthcare and political system.

Rather than showing concern for the victims of their piss-poor idea of taking care of their own people, he cites the example of himself and his father, both of whom certainly have a work ethic, but no apparent sense of responsibility for direct care.  You cannot be in two places at once, had either him or his father had direct responsibility for caring, they would have been unable to fund medical care at all, but rather than reflect upon this, he comes up with a corporate solution to a public health issue that again shits on the poor and unwell.

The Republicans would seem to be desperate to prove that there is a corporate solution to everything, that corporations are capable of showing some responsibility towards their victims/customers, and that everything will mysteriously work itself out, regardless of people’s individual circumstances or the level of understanding at state level.

Having worked in hundreds of different places in my life, the understanding of his policy is likely to be limited.  Rules will be misinterpreted, states will get it wrong, the public will be told by a bored receptionist that no, they cannot get any help with their stroke/cancer/brain injury and that they are uninsurable.  People will try several places and simply give up and watch their loved ones die.

This of course, does not matter to a conservative, as long as their costs are kept down and they aren’t held back by the great unwashed.  This is the reason they become fearful in later life.  Having spent so many years shitting all over everybody else, they suddenly realise that they too, require help and nobody is available to provide it because they need to amass their own pile of not very self-protective cash.

The system of American healthcare, and the idea that it will never happen to you is laughable to us in Europe, because of our more advanced idea of social conscience that they were so eager to stamp out when they smashed their unions.  My grandfather was lured to the USA on the promise of work in the 1920s, only to find out that he was expected to be a scab, whereupon as a good communist he left rather quickly.

I was asked whether I wanted to move to the USA in 1998 when I was touring and playing backgammon.

“No,”  I replied “I could not live in a country where I know perfectly well that people are dying of poverty. I actually had no idea that the NHS was as important to me until I was actually here with people who just don’t get it.  This is not a civilised country.”

The same thing goes for food in the USA.  Mo Brooks, above, blames people for smoking, drinking or eating the wrong thing, yet there is no question of shutting down the providers of poison.  No question of the corporation showing the responsibility and education he expects from the individual.

Their ideas of ‘cheap food at any cost’ have led to suffering all over the world, from smallholders losing their farms to people who can afford American chemicals and trucks, to the infestation of patented life in the form of seeds.  GM and hybrid crops from America are economic and agricultural invasion, not supplied, as they say to prevent starvation, but supplied to make the poor poorer and starve them out, and to create a smaller population of more malleable landowners.

If we are to survive as an independent nation, we should be more wary of America generally.  They are extremely fond of money, and they are not responsible citizens of the world.  I am with Prince Charles.  There is no reason at all why Britain should not, as an island be the purveyors of clean food and clean politics, rather than becoming immersed in the complex deception and domineering double talk employed by the Yanks in the course of their complete disrespect for the poor, whatever country they are unfortunate enough to be poor in.



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Why the UK needs le Pen to win

Greetings fellow couch potatoes.

Never did I think I would see the day that I would actually want Front Nationale to win in France.  I spent some time observing them in Second Life, and the crowd ten years ago were not particularly edifying. An older le Pen was in charge then.

Times change and so do we, and I was commenting only last week that our fortunes in the UK depend heavily on the outcome of the French election.

Why?  Macron is the French equivalent of Tony Blair, a corporatist who welcomes Europe and wholly imaginary ‘unity’ in France (Front Nationale has always been a far stronger right wing force in France than we have in the UK – my ex, who was rather swarthy himself, was a keen supporter.)

If Le Pen wins however, our negotiating position significantly improves in Europe.  Two feeder economies in negotiation are far stronger than one.  It is, to put it simply, our best chance of having a country at all in a century or so.

The EU was set up on the basis that there was safety in size – you can easily see the future being China versus India versus Russia versus the USA in only a couple of decades.  An attempt to form a super-state rather than forge shaky alliances with other countries in Europe is therefore considered desirable for defensive and negotiating purposes.  The other reason for the EU is corporatism.

Labour is significantly cheaper when there is plenty of it and it creates a nice division amongst the population in terms of fighting for employment rights or even having a job at all.  As far back as 2002, there were over three hundred applicants for each relevant job available in Scotland, and I am sure if you asked other people, it goes far further back than that.  In the event that you want 30 or so specific PHD qualified applicants, you can easily have them under a system of free movement.

As I have said before this is bad for you as an individual.  More supply means you are compensated far less for your skills, and you have limited means to fight back if you simply cannot get a job at all.

So as a Scottish Nationalist, I am afraid I cannot buy into the idea of unlimited immigration in the face of the lack of employment I have experienced.  It is utterly soul destroying to find your government offering grants to people from other countries to stay after their degree, whilst doing nothing at all to aid natives in the form of providing relevant jobs in sufficient quantity.

The entire system in fact, falls down if you cannot secure a sufficient supply of jobs.  The sociological basis of racism is competition for resources, as we have seen from the example of the north of England.  These people are not all racist, they are starving and living in decaying circumstances.

This is why Brexit was a good move for the English population, and an unusually intelligent decision.  Weak pound equals jobs, stalling immigration means less competition for jobs.  This adds up to a potentially better standard of living for everybody in the UK.  A revival in manufacturing was exactly what the UK needed, and a low pound is the most exquisitely democratic way of making sure that happens.

We have not even begun the system of starve-in-order-to-boom yet, and people are complaining, backtracking and I am getting the impression that the Conservatives believe that we cannot Brexit at all. This is extremely shortsighted, and there seems to be a prevailing misunderstanding of Conservative history in the party.  Conservatism has not always been the party of the rich cutting taxes.  The idea is that you provide opportunities for the masses, and the government is thereby enabled to cut taxation because everybody is paying it.  What we have now is a system where they cut taxes at any cost, including people quite literally starving to death.

Perhaps it would take a messy haired free thinker to point this out, once we have secured a Frexit.  It would seem unlikely that a thinker is going to emerge from anywhere else in the party.  A more egalitarian, conscience-led Conservatism would be considerably more popular.

I will be going further into this topic in Lucifer Ogilvie, but I thought I would just plant the seed, if it is not already there.

Boris’s carpet is going very well, and the first layer is almost complete. I think it is going to be rather nice.

Toodle Pip, chums




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