Devil’s in the Detail

The trishul arrived.  It is much better than the last one, but still a little delicate, so I may be forced to either stitch one or await funds for the big one.

The Damaru is on its third coating of resin, so far it is a bit brittle so I think it will take quite a bit.  I have not ventured into covering it yet as I think I may be forced to fill it with casting resin to make it strong enough for the job.

I am also working on a new  base for Haram Bawbag which will be much nicer than the oil can.  I think it will be one of the cheaper items, at about 3 and a half thousand gbp when it is finally done.  Again there are now increasing issues with paying for bits and pieces as I get more ambitious.

I am on the central panels for the tongues now, as I have tidied up the first flushes of gold and trim, I have rather wild plans for about a hundred thousand french knots and overstitching, but we will see how I feel as we go.

The first job is to do some chalk mandala style work on the window section.  This is to make it strong enough to retain its shape once I hang it from my girder.  Once I take the window panels out, I will need to work quite fast to put the windows in.  There are four rather hobbity large windows, and probably 12 or so little windows to be made.  These will be done by hand, so it is a bit more complicated than a simple decorative glass job.

I am shooting for the chair being under 40000 gbp but again, this depends on how much more time I am putting into it.  I have put in six months thinking and six months solid full time work on it now, and I have guesstimated it at 2 years.

Once I have it ready for hanging, I will then have to work extra hard to keep up with its resin requirement financially, and I will be starting work on the shoe and small bag collection.  I make the most expensive cushions in the world, so I may do some more of those for a laugh.

The greatest interest, however, has been the lighting, so I definitely want to complete some of my earlier work on that.

I could also put some serious time into extending the clothing and ceramic work, as this involves no outlay.

I have a lot of writing to catch up on in the midst of all that, and I am hoping to regain a career shortly, although this has been quite the source of stress.

Iain Duncan Smith is Fit for Work  is getting quite a bit of attention suddenly, but it is another resin drain, so it will be a while yet due to funding.

Marketing is what should command my attention once all that is done, since nothing I am doing is seeing much circulation at present.

I would like to avoid any further disasters, so I am afraid I am a bit unfriendly at the moment.

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Gold and more Gold

Japanese gold, Indian gold, Chinese gold, gold from a defunct shop I used to rely on that is now like hen’s teeth.  How much gold is Little Shiva’s chair going to take?  As much as I can find.

Another Trishul is on the way, but I would really like the big 15 inch one on ebay.  It is a hundred quid or so so there is no way I will be buying it anytime soon.

Researched some Sanskrit for part of it, and decided it was a little bit too regimented for the badly drawn effect I wanted.

Started work on the Damaru, it is going to take a lot of stabilising as it will be carrying at least 40 kilos before anyone even sits on the thing.

Met a tiny irate man.  Well, when I say met, I met him a year or so ago, just after the bank debacle, but he was so irate I didn’t think he could possibly be interested. He is also very tiny, with impeccable taste.

I am obviously not going to make any kind of move after the disastrous year I’ve had. I will try further eye contact and see if a conversation starts.  He is in the restaurant business.

I am very upset.

I have been reading about the Christian men’s movement to introduce fear and dread as a method of controlling their relationships.  This is very similar to some of the Islamic teachings on physically and mentally intimidating your spouse.

I think sometimes a reality check ought to involve a cattle prod.  If you can’t be friends, you shouldn’t be in bed together.  Simples.

I wish I could talk to someone sensible. There hasn’t been a day in I don’t know how long that I would not have been happy to see Little Shiva, which is very stupid.

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Ina Disguise the Scottish Racist

Tonight I was chatting with my Sikh author friend Pardip, and we were trying to talk about Arabs.  Pardip is a relatively well known author, I think I probably outstrip him for international audience and sheer graft, but he has a loyal following.

Now Pardip really hates Arabs, apparently they did something to Punjabis that is hated to this day.

It became apparent after a few minutes that it was not at all possible to have a rational conversation with Pardip, so I am sorry to say I muted him and moved on to an apparent snowflake American, who suggested to me that all cultures must be respected in all countries.

That would seem to be racist? I said.

Bitch from hell that I am, I was explaining the new laws on domestic abuse.

Why would a Lybian woman living in Scotland have less rights than a Scottish woman?  I asked.  Can you see the problem?

Alas this yank seems to have been a bit thick.  He is also very kinky, which means that assumed subservience is his thang.  Agreed subservience is a very different topic to legal subservience.

What the kinkies were worried about, is that in their situation of agreed consent, would the new laws on bullying and domestic abuse affect them getting their jollies?

Obviously not until somebody somewhere decides they are not OK in exactly the same situation they were in yesterday and forgets to actually say so, like a perfectly normal adult.

In my case I was concerned about this, since our rich Libyan friend, below decided suddenly to apply his culture and gender to mine and was actually entertained in doing so because, according to him, of his money.

My great grandfather started a revolution on the basis of equalizing rights.  It is looking as if I have to do the same thing, in the face of a lot of confusion and coy racism, where people think yes let us have battered women from country X because it is OK there.  Let us pretend we think this is OK because to do otherwise would be racist.

That is the same principle as allowing an adult male to use the police to bully a woman who went to a great deal of trouble to create a gift and do him a favour.

Do we want to live like this?  Is there really any confusion as to whether a Pakistani/Indian/African/European woman has the same rights as a Scottish woman to answer back?

If you think there is, then you’re the racist.

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