On moving swiftly on …

We have been encouraged since the 90s to move swiftly on from almost anything, relationships, jobs, conversations even.  It is part of the disposability culture that we have been encouraged to adopt because it improves  consumption by a fraction of a percentage point.

I have touched upon this in a few previous posts.  Children are encouraged to want things you can buy from a very early age now, one product I am thinking of here is ‘My first album’ which comprises of brightly coloured music for children in a thick plastic player.

This is training, and nothing else.  In order to support the political economy, you are to spend your life thinking of little else but what to want as the answer to any problem.

Likewise, the employment culture of forgetting any notion of ‘do ast thou would be done to’ and regarding people as objects, that I have seen rather too much of this year is a similar construct.  Although this was set up for business, it actually just fosters an atmosphere of vicious vanity, in that the vainest and most vicious thrive by eliminating others.

Interestingly, as we see from the fact I still have Little Shiva and my tiresome sister staring at the site, vain and vicious people do not actually move on.  Instead they continue to focus on the object of hatred in the hope of detecting more suffering.  They do this because they are unwell, and this is the only indication that they have that they exist.  Rather than self-reflecting and going off to do some self-development, they continue to check whether you have noticed them or not.

This is  not rational behaviour.  Rational behaviour would be to say – I have caused this person pain, I do not want to do  that again in case someone does it to me.  Irrational behaviour is to sit and stare at your victim hoping to inflict more suffering later.

There is nothing one can do, however.  The condition is incurable, so as the object of this behaviour, the only way to deal with it is to compartmentalise it and go and do something else yourself.

As we have seen from the case of Wolfe’s wife blocking me (see previous post), it is not always possible to move swiftly on, particularly when you weren’t trying to inflict any pain in the first place.  In this case, the correct course of action was to cry a lot and figure out what was wrong with me.  This introspective way of looking at it was correct, although it felt pretty bonkers at the time.  Not all reverberating thoughts are bad ones, even when you wonder why you are still thinking about somebody you don’t feel you ought to worry about at all. (when I say I love Wolfe, it does not mean that we get on particularly smoothly or that I want to be with him 24/7, it means that he is a rich source of personal inspiration and at times joy.)

So, having said all that, whilst I do not agree that moving on from every problem is a solution that is useful – some things are learning experiences, even if they don’t seem like it at the time – it is important to figure out whether your obsessions are useful.  If they aren’t producing anything useful to you, chances are they are not.


The new job is another long term temporary contract.  I actually want another one that is coming up shortly, but whether I will be considered for it is another matter.  In any case, now I can afford the time to think about it, I have three baby businesses to think about.

Four major pieces of writing are being worked on at the moment, I will speak to you once they are in draft form.  Until then I haven’t got the time, sorry.


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I have no intention of seeing or speaking to either of you again so I do not know why you insist on sitting staring at the site.  I know you think it is threatening but it actually just makes you look a bit tragic.

Go and do something more useful.



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the Frankfurt Book fair and other stories

Apparently I am currently at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Several people in the publishing industry have mentioned that I am there.

I don’t feel as if I am there, and it looks to me as if I am not there, so I am not sure how this works, but okay.  Happy fair!

In the meantime, I have just been given the go ahead for the Supermix venture and landed a surprisingly well paid job.  Waiting to hear about another one, and I am working on the new line for Ina whilst still doing  contracts across the globe.

You would think this means I am busy, but not really.  The global work is such that I can put things down and sew whenever I feel like it.

On recent experience, this is about as good as it gets. I am now getting the American Tax problem sorted so that I can publish books for actual money next year as an experiment.

Still a bit ditsy but I will be taking the weekend off now to prepare for my next appointment.

Just got to thinking about the last year and I was quite shocked about the amount of crazy behavior from people, most of whom still have control of staff.  This is very worrying.

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New work surprise

Oddly, I have picked now to work on some entirely new stuff.  I am not sure why this is but okay.  It is smaller and more affordable than some of the previous stuff, which in any case needs some updating.

The designs on the original Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing collection are fine, and they are nice, but they do need some alterations for wearability in some cases.

Also, I think Tatler was right and some of them are really just very unusual sculptures, perhaps for a fashionista, so some rejigging will be taking place when some of the new stuff is done to fill the fashion page.

I am doing some work for some very large companies at the moment, and the time and money wasting is ferocious, which makes me feel a bit sick.

Instead of making basic decisions about simple things, apparently once you become a sufficiently wealthy brand, you exploit people in other countries so that you can then waste the money they should have had on employing teams of meaningless consultants, who then squander hours and hours of your staff’s time asking them simple questions with a view to drawing obvious conclusions and reporting back to you.

Needless to say, I do not feel I missed out on anything by not working for such companies over the last decade.

The star of the show so far has been a Chinese lady, who solved the company’s quandary in two sentences.  Excessively well paid Indian managers are more concerned that they will somehow be punished for being remotely creative, and so I have seen a few sweats break out when they fail to ingratiate for a millisecond.

I can’t help but think this is not good for either business or the economy, but who is going to stop it if nobody is willing to stop gawking at brand names?

Anyway, more news coming shortly I suspect,



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Ina Disguise on Pinterest

Ina Disguise Pinterest  

Click on it if you want. Follow if possible, I will catch it when I am next in.


I am in the process of retagging all the posts and audios on Pinterest, which may or may not be useful, but in case you are interested in seeing an easily classified layout of posts, they are nearly there.  I have got as far as February, and the rest will be done shortly.

If you want to follow, once everything is tagged and on there, only the new items will be appearing, it is basically to make it less necessary for me to spam or wonder what the main themes are on the site.

Interestingly the themes have changed since 2017.  Until I actually faced my phobia and met Wolfe in person – the process of being in love with a famous person is not a happy one, you do wonder if you have gone mad somewhat, I worried about self-confidence a lot.  I have since then had so many bricks thrown at me by stupid people that I have accepted that the problem has not been my lack of self-confidence but the amount of aggression from stupid people I have had to tolerate since childhood.

This of course started with familial abuse, but now that we don’t need to deal with them any more I don’t have to worry about it.  Therefore things are certain to improve.

I have been very upset by my mother’s death.  All work I was doing at the end of 2017 has been dumped, because of stress caused by aggressive NHS people protecting their not very professional status, my moronic money obsessed relatives, and Little Shiva.

I have temporarily resolved the practical issues caused by all this, and it is now time to put some work into freeing myself from ever having to deal with people like this again.  The solution seems to be to avoid people entirely.

Thanks to Little Shiva, I have finally accepted that people in general are not worth the time, so I am planning to devote myself to Boris and Wolfe for the forseeable future.

I would like to speak to Boris soon if possible because I have a couple of things I want to run by him and make sure they are viable.  Also I have a feeling that he will be reasonably happy about what I have to say.

Anyway that is the update for today.  All other business is now up to date.



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Saturday washout

Saturday is a kind of enforced day off at the moment, because it is the only day that Australia, India, the Middle East, Europe and the USA are all having a weekend at the same time.  Sunday is okay, but Saturday is a waste of time.

So, I think unless something else comes along, I think we can declare Saturday the enforced day off.  Currently I am doing some work across the globe, and it becomes tedious on Saturday.

Unless anything else happens, I will be returning to some semblance of normality next week, and in the meantime am building an alternative income stream. This is a good exercise in resourcefulness, which would help other people enormously.

The world of work has changed significantly in the last decade, and it was not great then.  Gone are the days when all you had to do was a good job.  Now you are expected to pretend to conform in order to get through the next ten minutes, which is impossible for anybody to do consistently, particularly when conformity has such a narrow basis.

Literally the only thing everybody has in common is the TV shows or American movies they watch, so it is little surprise that they obsessively pursue this.  It is the only possible safe ground.

I do not think the world is improving as a result, needless to say.

I am working on an idea I have about the influence of industry on the badly formed developments we are seeing, and I am sorry to say that everything since 1900 seems to have involved Germany and the USA, both of whom the UK are very interested in.

Little does the UK know that it is destined to be swallowed not by either of those, but by India.  India, because of the history of illiterate peasants, is now producing genetically superior investment bankers – this has been studied by neuroscientists – and it is not the USA or Germany that will absorb the UK, it is India.  China is far more interested in the USA and Germany seems to believe that Europe will tolerate seemingly endless wage reductions.

Anyway, I am feeling a bit happier now I have dealt with that and a few other issues, and now we need to get through November.

If my unhappy friend in London would care to get in touch, I am sure I can find a cheese box for him to paint, should he wish to come and join me.



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