The NHS is going after Brexit

As someone who has obviously had to keep a very close eye on the job market of late, I think it is only right that I should tell you what Head Teacher May has planned for you after Brexit.

I was hoping it was a coincidence, but I think not.

The NHS is, as we know, being dismantled and handed to private interests to manage.  This, in itself is less of a problem, as it simply means that the bloated and inefficient NHS is handed to private companies who have to at least attempt to make it work efficiently.

However, jobs are coming up now which indicate that insurance companies and ’employee benefits’ companies from overseas have been given the green light to set up systems to sell you health insurance, or to provide it as part of an employment package. I will be talking to the third one that has shown interest later today.

So, now we know this, we look back at all those people dying under welfare and health policy alike, and we see that indeed, we are not at all paranoid, we are being streamlined in preparation for a more corporatist and by it’s very nature fascistic society.

Now I know that people like my brother, the giant and Little Shiva will not be at all worried about this because they lack the insight or life experience to percieve that this is not OK.  It doesn’t affect them, so of course it is OK.

There are millions like them.  It is an unforgivable stupidity. This is about self-interest for a very limited number of people and nothing else.

There are hundreds and thousands of people who need help, whether that is with health, welfare, self-worth, etc.  According to the financial vacuum that the Conservatives commandeer, these people are scheduled for death, and you are doing nothing about it.

I have been disabled by a couple of stupid people who have ensured that I cannot do anything about it, and in any case, my mother is already dead.

Welcome to America,

I hope all the people who damage others, and who actively vote for this shit die of an uninsurable condition.  Meanwhile, if you have any money, I suggest you get your insurance cover before you develop any illnesses.


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