Gee I really learned something today
So, what have we learned from our recent experience?
- People are not to be trusted, no matter who they are.
- The art of management is dead.
- Great brand names do not make for great companies.
- Manners do not maketh the man.
- People who appear friendly are often just gossip gathering.
- Never ever trust someone who doesn’t communicate.
- Never ever trust anybody.
- Giving does not mean your gifts are appreciated.
- Kindness is bad (we knew this already)
- Nobody cares what you have done, good or bad. They only care if you will do what you are told without question no matter what it is.
- There is no point in hope.
- Carers find each other first in any given room. This has become apparent since mum died, they always make a beeline for me.
- People who are in a state of terror do not act rationally.
- People who inflict terror get away with it.
- People like negative information. The website hasn’t been this popular since the Brexit referendum.
- People like attacking other people, or seeing you upset.
- Family are poison (again not a surprise)
- It isn’t worth taking the risk anymore, so don’t try.
- Being helpful is a definite disadvantage.
- Terror does not help you learn.
- There is nothing nice outside this house.
- Everyone wants to rip you off or damage you, so avoid them.
- There is no point in trying to stop what is about to happen to the Uk because they are all too stupid and selfish to help even themselves.
- People who are more fortunate become proportionately more selfish and less thoughtful as time goes on.
- There is no point in trying to solve anything, because you will either be attacked or destroyed.
I wish I could tell you something more positive, but there ya go. Sorry Boris. Sorry Wolfe. Dem’s the breaks.