England Likes Voting To Kill the Disabled and Scotland Follows Instructions

Killing of the disabled in England pre covid

Independent – Austerity study links 120000 deaths to austerity measures

Guardian – Austerity study links 130000 deaths to austerity measures

University College London – Austerity study links 120000 deaths to austerity measures

Research linking care cuts to 120,000 deaths ‘is fresh evidence austerity kills’

New Scientist – Austerity study links 120000 deaths to austerity measures

The Alzheimers Scandal nobody talks about in Scotland

Iain Duncan Smith rewarded for his death policies


Pandemic deaths

Health.org.uk – 6 out of 10 deaths from covid disabled

Government and NHS discrimination linked to COVID deaths of disabled people

Gov.uk – look how many people we managed to wipe out

DNR for Covid patients with Learning Disabilities

Independent – DNR for disabled during Covid


Were Do Not Resuscitate Orders Illegally Placed on Disabled People?

Independent – blanket DNR

BMJ – seeding care homes

ONS- lots more examples of death of the disabled during pandemic

Our world in data – excess deaths during pandemic

Disability Rights UK Care home discharges ruled unlawful

GP online Care home discharge policy unlawful

Public Health Scotland – pandemic suicide

Gov.uk guidance for care homes during the pandemic

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