Things went well this morning, awaiting news of how they pan out.
Quite committed to the new artwork now, am soaking up the delightful coffee shop concerned. He has very specific taste so I am keeping the new item on the back burner just now whilst I work on the existing stuff, which is very resiny.
French knots going well, but I need more gold MORE GOLD MORE GOLD
Took yesterday’s post down as Bawbag is troubled enough without my assistance.
Still stuck in my spot for the moment.
Have a lot of paperwork and decorating to do, and this is intense garden month, so I may go a bit quiet.
I will pick up some wood tomorrow I think, I need a good stable base for the new Haram Bawbag.
Found a glass expert so I am hoping to hear from him tomorrow.
Very happy. Had a lovely chat with a nice middle eastern woman and am plotting my aesthetic seduction of the tiniest little man ever.