If it were not for issues of practicality I would add some spotlights at the bottom from the tiled part up as light makes a massive difference to this one.
I have made my first publicity banners with it and I may take some more pics once I have fiddled a bit more.
I like it, it is continuing with the kind of circusy thing I seem to do inside my head, but it is developing a lot now.
I will do a long blurb at some point, but for brevity – it is about women in Islam, and was made as a result of the inspiration behind it trying to stop me using power tools, I suspect as a way of moving the relationship on a bit since I was very carefully trying to be his friend. The mosaic was about his previous relationship, and the helter skelter, zoetrope and carousel are about the reverberations of thought involved in being in love.
It is different every time you look at it, which is very like him, and is another great bit of children’s art. Many of my ideas are from before I was ten, so it is not at all insulting to say my stuff looks like stuff a child would do, because it really is what a child would do given unlimited time and resources.