The Danger of Seeking Approval

As a devil-may-care type of chick, both in appearance and in attitude, I have, inevitably, attracted many desperate seekers of approval in the course of my life.  Some men seek approval as a habit, some it takes the form of a horrific psychosis.  Either way, it doesn’t tend to cut a whole lot of ice, since I am a rebellious responsibility freak who doesn’t really care what anybody thinks to a great extent.

Prior to falling stupidly in love with Wolfe, I was a very serious, very shy version who had been severely bullied for years and who wanted to make a genuine contribution to progressive thought.  I felt so stupid after this episode, that I am now an artist and fiction writer working on some instructional but fairly pointless computer games.  What a waste of a great education and work ethic.

My mother has a kind of cold war going on with her approval seeking children, and a red hot war with me, in which she kindly accepts my endless care and then complains about it.  This has led to a wider war of nuclear proportions, in which my allegedly very nice sister feels quite free to phone me the night after my mother’s stroke to advise me that the stroke, which she sat and watched before going shopping, was in fact my fault and that she was entitled to her mother’s property.  When she told my brother that I had refused to listen to this, he backed her up on it.  It is the family property unless it comes to doing any actual work, that of course is mine all mine.

Since my brother has no hope of ever getting my approval due to this lazy greed, he naturally has to turn to her to get this, and so he and my drunken sister kow tow to a psychopathic narcissist who has pursued her obsession with superiority based on bank account alone for more than twenty years.  She is also potentially violent, and so I now live with double doors locked and when they choose to visit my mother, they do so locked in an annex which means that I am safe from their unwanted and very negative attention.  The only good thing about my brother is that he is interested only in money, whereas the sisters are incredibly spiteful and try to get more complaints from my mother in order to discredit me, the most educated person out of all four of us.

Desperation for approval may look benign, but it can take extremely vicious forms.  Compared with a tiny bit of approval from somebody else, you do not matter at all, and you should identify this trait in the people around you and AVOID IT.  There is nothing more depressing than a friend you have had for years turning around and telling you that you do not matter in comparison with them getting some fleeting approval from your aging parent. Desperation for approval, therefore, involves quite a deep level of dishonesty and lack of initiative that is really not worth having in your life.  Similar to the recent studies of people who habitually swear, showing them to be more honest and hardworking, approval seekers will happily smile at you and stab you in the back if they think they will get some brownie points from some imaginary authority.

In a working context, whistleblowers are the enemies of the approval seekers, who have kept the economy in a wasteful mess for generations.  There was a golden time of growth during which change was desirable and new ideas were welcome.  This golden time has been over for nearly forty years, replaced with the desire of fat cats to maintain a level of incompetence in others which is not at all useful or pleasant.

So, to conclude, if you agree to be an approval seeker to pay your mortgage, you are spawning the next generation of useless, facile, greedy backstabbers who will continue to rape the economy until one of the African nations finally grabs the bull by the horns and takes it all away from you.  A motivated, honest and non-wasteful workforce will destroy your dreams of your third car, your triple glazing and your bullshit holiday to Cuba so that you can snigger at the poor people you spit on every day.

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The Gamebia doing very well

The Gamebia Everipedia Page


So far, this project has cost a lot of time and money, but I believe that my efforts have not gone in vain, since I have about £600 quids worth of equipment almost ready to head out to the Gambia and another £600 quidsworth awaiting my attention.  All for as little money as possible, since I do not actually have any.


The Gamebia facebook Page


At this point, the project is in profit, and has made about £100.  This is subject to change as the capital equipment gathering can be quite costly, although my salvage skills have proved extremely useful.  So basically I have saved money by learning how to fix a few brands of computer and encountering standard problems that other people do not apparently bother to learn how to fix.  You would be extremely alarmed to know how easy it is to break into your computer, for example. You might want to look at that.


The Gamebia google plus Page


Trying to explain social media to somebody who has only seen it on a mobile phone is also odd, especially as I decided fairly early on that social media was of limited use for Ina.  I have amassed a bit of knowledge along the way though, although losing the old blog was a tremendous blow as I was storing a lot of information on it.  Even if you are paying someone to manage your material, you still have to back it up because people are stupid.


The Gamebia linkedin Page


Also, trying to explain to the future owner of The Gamebia that this stuff is not actually mine, is quite interesting since I have set it up so far.  There are things I cannot do, but what I have done I have put into his name, since I will be letting go of the project once it is into a good and hopefully profitable routine.


In conclusion, the project is thus far going well and attracting some enthusiasm, although we cannot get started on the actual work until the first package arrives in the Gambia.  There are a few more things I can do, such as putting a cat video on the Gamebia youtube page to get the partnership sorted out, but mainly I seem to have taken up computer salvage so far.


Catching up with artwork for World of Interiors is high on the priority list right now – I will be in April’s edition, which will be out this month.



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Thank you Boris!


Thank you Boris.  At least somebody does what they say on the tin.

My friends in the Gambia are over the moon to be rejoining the commonwealth.

Furniture is up next after I get these computers out to The Gambia to get the project off the ground.

Good luck with South America



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Lack of imagination in politics

Lack of imagination in politics

I see the ongoing battle between left and right is being won online by the right at present.

Fake news and misleading headlines are not new.  All this ‘new’ phenomenon should tell you is that you should have been reading more carefully in the first place.  There is always more than one way to read any article.

Many years ago, I was placed next to a young radical Muslim male at work, who dismissed anything I said as being ‘white cow’ and who was generally a bit uncouth.  He was brought up in a very wealthy area of Glasgow, at 19 had his own Mercedes, and although he was allegedly studying politics and philosophy, could not understand it when I said that reading newspapers should be regarded in much the same way as studying philosophy or history.  Nobody is telling the truth, because everyone is trapped in their own time with their own social mores.

You can argue that as a Muslim, he would be rather attached to the idea of ultimate truth.  That is until I mention that a far more devout Muslim that was also in the work group understood me perfectly.  A scholar is a scholar after all, and it belies the argument of all Muslims hating everyone that isn’t, when you consider that the scholars are often more open-minded than the victims of a domineering imam.

This is a good analogy for the current state of politics. Labour appear to be too afraid of offending the few voters they have left, do not seem to see that the party needs radical reform to Labour, rather than New Labour values and that being decisive is a basic requirement of forming any kind of opposition.  We seem to be trapped in this idea that politics consists of left versus right, when the truth is far more complex.

At bottom line, the difference between Conservative and Labour in the UK is similar, but not the same as the difference between Republican and Democrat in the USA.  The Democrats are still further to the right than the UK Conservatives, but they adhere to the principles of communitarianism as a method of benefitting capitalists.  There does not seem to be a party representing socialism in the USA, certainly not one we would have heard of.

As I have mentioned before, politics is not a straight line.  It is s circle, and you will find that far left and far right are closely bound if you look at the examples of history.  Both believe in a nation, both believe in the rights of people within that nation, the disagreement actually hinges on whether you are a team or an individual within that nation.  Taken further, it is the difference between opportunity and rights.  Socialism can, in certain circumstances be considerably less fair than conservatism.  My personal viewpoint is that opportunity always out performs the right to stay in your social place, therefore I am considered as being towards the right rather than left by my less interested protesting socialist friends.

Socialism, as we have traditionally understood it, has relied heavily on someone already owning the means of production, so we must rail against it to protect our rights.  This is all very well, but there is no reason why you cannot go and procure some means of production by yourself, and support someone less able in earning a living.  Here is where I differ from your average Conservative, who says that they already have their piece of the cake, and you aren’t getting any.  For a society to survive under either political system, it would be a whole lot healthier if Conservative thinking was a whole lot more about pride in concern for others and the dignity of work, no matter what level you happen to be at.

This is now considered very old fashioned thinking.  Who on earth reveres the cleaner?  Communists would very quickly tell you that without the cleaner, the system breaks down, so you must show some respect to your comrade no matter what task they have been assigned.  This now starts to look like a class war, when in fact it is all about resources and social values, an entirely different prospect.  Having worked for old and new aristocracy, I can tell you that old school aristos are very much appreciative of their staff, whereas new money and younger aristos prefer to employ someone they can abuse.  Again, nothing to do with class, this is to due with cultural values, and our cultural values currently stink.

So, I propose that a new party is formed, abandoning the principles of right and left for an entirely new paradigm.  How about a party that does the following? I propose we call it the Healthy Culture Party

  • teaches the basic principles of economics in primary school
  • reinstates the old arithmetic qualification that taught people how to understand the news, banking documents and how to manage money generally.
  • ensure that everybody understands that work is a means to earning a living, and no reflection on your worth as a person.  On the contrary, the school janitor may be the person who writes the next world changing treatise on education, so you had better be polite.
  • Take pride in ensuring that NOBODY STARVES TO DEATH IN YOUR COUNTRY
  • Encourage innovation, free thinking and genuinely free speech, in the place of labelling hate figures as we have been doing for the last twenty years.  Conservative culture is now at the point of point and hate at every opportunity, with Labour failing to call them to account or opposing them on anything, a very dangerous state of affairs for anybody in this country. Don’t forget, tomorrow that hate figure could be you.
  • Respect borders.  Much the same as respecting boundaries in any relationship, it is simply not your call to tell other countries what to do.  If you are respecting the right of Saudi to behead and bomb people, you have to respect the right of other countries to run themselves as they see fit and vote for. We have mobs instead of diplomacy currently.  It does not seem to help.
  • Rate opportunity above preserving the notion of class oppression.  It is far more important to have a liberal financial system that fosters the growth of new and small businesses and looks on failure as experience, than encourage the idea that born poor means that you stay poor.
  • Reinstate the laws against monopolistic behaviour and discourage over large business generally.
  • Stimulate and encourage diverse thinking and alternative ways of doing things in an effort to produce the next generation of creative thinkers rather than fostering conformity, which is only for the benefit of the very large corporations and multinationals that will dictate future political activity.  To preserve the notion of the nation state and the idea that there is a government between you and a Walmart education and health record, this is extremely important.
  • A housing benefit system that adequately reflects property values, to encourage investment and discourage false valuations on property.  This has damaged our formerly diverse economy almost as much as incentives for large American food and beverage chains.  It is no good for the economy, and no good for the many talented people who could be creating British brands.
  • Encourage the preservation of history, conservation and power that does not destroy the planet we depend on.

Of course, this set of ideas makes me an unusually liberal conservative, with communist tendencies, which is quite close to the truth, I suppose, given my background.  I would vote for that.  It would render us a lot closer to France in terms of views, which can only be of benefit given our current medium term future.

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Spent £100, gave £50,000


Would you spend one hundred pounds in order to give someone else £50,000?

The Gamebia project, as it is now known, has costs and benefits.

  • The costs are to me, and once I have completed all tasks, the costs are going to be between £0 and £100.
  • The benefits are to an individual/ family in the Gambia, and will be the equivalent in local money of between 5 months and 4 years of the average Gambian wage.  We worked out how much this would be for one modest person in the UK, and this worked out at £50k.

The reason for the disparity is as follows:

  • The person I am doing this for may decide to sell some of the equipment I am salvaging and keep only the laptop, which will yield about 5 months of local wages at the value of the equipment before I fixed it.  It means that the postage was a bit pointless, but if this is what he has to do to survive, this is fair enough.  I am not doing this to control anybody.
  • Assuming that I manage to fix as many machines as possible, the repaired value is 4 years of Gambian average wage, again quite a lot, but how many local people can afford this?
  • In the event that he decides to use the equipment to get other people used to computers and working, it will mean that he can use sites like fiverr, clickworker, youtube and hubpages to establish a presence online and create some passive income – income derived from work done once, and viewed many times.  It also means he can be supported towards the ultimate aim of the project, which is to create a small gaming company producing visual novels, which are not all that cost effective to produce for most people here, but would make a very good income there. This makes the potential value of the project, provided that he puts the time in, which I believe he will, limitless.  I reckon it will take a full year of fairly intensive work to get to the point of handing over control of new projects.  In the meantime, I will have a team of people who can use work I can provide to train and earn at the same time, which seems to me to be mutually beneficial as I will be able to make a lot more novels in a short space of time.  In addition to this I get to learn how to fix a host of new machines I would not otherwise have looked at.

So, all in all I believe this to be a worthwhile way of spending some time.  My friend was wondering why on earth I would do it, and I think my friend in the Gambia was wondering if he was a ‘bumster,’ which I believe is a local term for gigolo.  Not at all, I just thought limitless was a lot better than 5 months wages.

As a caring person who believes strongly in the value of opportunity, and as someone who gets by on almost nothing as a rule, I think I am spending my time wisely.

So, tell me, would you spend £0-100 on giving someone else £50,000?

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New Project – The Gambia

I just opened the studio after a three week hiatus whilst I got the computer games off the ground, only to find I had left a heater on.  Not good.

Family stress is likely to be intense over the next six months as I try to preserve my mother against all odds due to the most unreliable friend I have ever had.  The fact that this ‘gentleman’ was supposed to be a pillar of the community has just made his common-as-muck behaviour far far more expensive.

Being me, I have decided to make this the springboard for yet another project.  It is a salvage operation which is designed to help generate some future income for a community in the Gambia.  Not strictly a charitable act, since if the games are successful, this will give me an enthusiastic crew of people to work on future pieces of work.

For those who don’t get it – this is how to make the most of the world the way it already is, and make it sustainable for a population across the globe to actually survive.  The ‘liberal’ sentiment that has you demanding more refugees to reduce your income apparently does not understand the concept of ‘labour specialism’ or the benefits of economic variety.

Were I to want to move to Africa, so far I would move to Morocco, which is a bit like the Europe of the 1930s in terms of economy.  Ironically, I was made more welcome there than I was in London.  As a Scot, this is not entirely surprising but it goes to show that struggling people are a whole lot more welcoming to certain people than people who believe that they have earned the right to be mean-spirited, self protective and bad mannered.

As someone who has worked hard all my life, to so far have next to nothing, with what I have left about to be taken to pay for my comparatively secure mother because of the inaction and snobbery of a lazy old man, it would seem strange to most people that I would choose to use my remaining time to benefit a community in a country I will probably never be able to afford to actually visit.  My friend found this very strange, until I pointed out to him that it is in my nature to be practical and helpful before I think about my welfare, at which point he remembered that this is indeed the case.

From an economic perspective, it is most interesting already how people can be financially oppressed by something as simple as lacking a postcode or secure mail service.  I am having to come up with ingenious ways of getting around a system in which you can send ten mobile phones in secure parcel, only to find that only three are in the parcel by the time they arrive.

As for the costings from this end, there is a subtle bidding war between parcel companies that has expressed itself via facebook and twitter.  The cost of sending my parcel is going down by the day, via adverts that look as if they have randomly appeared on my timelines.  We have even automated bidding wars.

Anyway the first two games are going well.  I have a strong concept for both, and I think Wolfe, in particular, will be delighted at what I have come up with in terms of infogaming.  It is a lot of work for one person.




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America First and the Slave trade.

America first and the slave trade

There is nothing virtuous about virtue signalling.  It seems to be the new hobby of choice for thousands and thousands of people.  The irony is, that they did nothing when Obama banned Iraqi refugees for six months, and these same people are accusing Trump, who clearly knows nothing at all about political theory or philosophy, of corporate policies which he is actually counteracting with his for their benefit.

As somebody who actually does, I hate to point this out, but Trump’s policies so far have indicated that he actually cares about the 50 percent of people who have suffered from globalisation, and that he does not mind offending his billionaire buddies in the course of putting things right.

God forbid that a politician actually does what he says he is going to do, as soon as he can do it.  How dreadful!

Many of Trump’s policies have been prepared in advance by the Obama administration.  The pillage of the national parks in the form of the legal ability to frack was already scheduled. The American people seem only to be interested in finding a hate figure and putting the blame squarely on them.

To be absolutely clear, I am no fan of Trump.  He was a brash and messy operator in Scotland, and he does not have any interest at all in the welfare of individuals when it comes to his own interests.  However, his actions so far indicate that he wishes Americans to actually get jobs, shock horror, and that wage rates are set to improve if his policies last any length of time. It is a very sad day when the left does not protect the interests of the vulnerable, in favour of policies which can only lead to a reduced standard of living and income for the majority.

It is very similar to the common misunderstanding in the UK promoted by the media, that protecting your own interests in the form of an actual border is racist and backwards.  Anybody with the slightest understanding of how economies actually work can tell you that this is corporatist.  To scream for more immigrants is to lower wage rates, reduce opportunities for the population and to allow the development of an under-underclass who are exploited and make a mockery of minimum wage rules or basic living standards. Many of us who actually see what happens to immigrants when they get here want to reduce the numbers on the basis that in a situation of desperation, nobody is safe.

Far better to pursue a similar neo-colonial investment programme such as that employed by China in Africa.  Nigerian businesses have complained about the Chinese starting businesses there and undercutting them, such is their success in this direction.  If you really cared about the people fleeing their countries, you would invest in them, via charity or seed funding, but instead people appear to prefer standing about the street telling the world how wonderfully open minded they are whilst effectively reducing their own living standards. I say bullshit to that behaviour.

It is as ridiculous as the Caribbean demanding slave reparations from Scotland, a country who lost 100,000 people who were sent there as slaves.  Just because you are white, it doesn’t make you immune.  Meanwhile black Africans continue to enslave black Africans, as they have done for centuries.  Go and protest at that. Arabs continue to persecute anybody who does not agree with them.  I don’t see you all protesting that either.

Yesterday I tolerated some anti-Israeli bullshit from a Scottish Nationalist.  Right, so it is OK to hate Jews again, as long as you are pretending to be tolerant?  This makes no sense at all.

What does make sense, is that everybody halt the march of the New World Order and the spread of communitarianism, because this is a fast way to fat slavery.  The key to fairness is to encourage people in their own countries in the form of investment and care, not invite them to yours or demand to interfere with theirs.

Just eight people have half of the money in the world.  Eight.  Where are the protesters???





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Depression Britain with Philip Schofield

Millionaire Philip Schofield berates mother for spending tenner on herself at Christmas

First of all, sorry I have not been posting regularly.  There is something about losing all your work, despite paying a so-called professional a fee for taking care of it, that leaves you feeling rather demoralised.

Work on the collection stopped over Christmas as it was difficult to keep the supplies coming on with the post.  The game is moving on, but since my eyes started to deteriorate the sewing is rather behind at present.

Also, this is likely to be a very difficult personal year, as my former friend has quit his position taking care of things. (he didn’t, so it is probably just as well)

Anyway, do take a look at the above article, wherein multi-millionaire Philip Schofield berates a foolish former teacher for spending a tenner on alcohol at Christmas and admitting to it.  How different from the bland children’s TV presenter many people remember?  He is presumably looking to be on the New Year’s honours list next year for services to the poor.

Speaking of which, the honouring of two civil servants for services to welfare seems to be some kind of Tory attempt to undermine the monarchy, given that even I was shocked by this.  Advisers to the Queen should be aware that it is not only the starving poor that view this with some horror.  Are we to honour the supervision of starving a sector of the population, at a time when THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH JOBS IN THE UK and the Conservatives, this time in the form of the blisteringly thick Andrea Leadsom, are tooting their little hunting horns to maintain immigration to keep farmers’ wages bills down?

Speaking as someone who has habitually worked twenty hours a day most of my life, although it is now for the princely sum of £5k per annum, (since the fact that carers effectively save £45 to £50k per year in fees to Tory-owned care homes is apparently worthless)  I have never stopped in all my working life to begrudge money to people who cannot work or are not considered to be worth employing.  I cannot even conceive of being that thoughtless and mean spirited. Shame on you, Philip Schofield.

We are not amused, Boris.  We are not amused at all.


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The Joy of Trump


Now that he has seduced the rednecks with this lovely performance from his campaign, we are being told that the Rockettes have been told that they are not permitted to refuse to perform for the presidential inauguration.  Take a look at the Rockettes for comparative purposes:

This is a clear upgrade on the same theme, Trump is simply announcing a move to the big league of desperately old fashioned American entertainment.

In addition, Putin and Trump have evidently agreed to renew their arms race with a view to telling he rest of the world what to do, presumably involving killing a lot more people.

Expect increased radicalisation, more terror attacks and further moves to divide and conquer at the expense of hippy dipshit Europe in the developing nations.  There are cost-effective ways of countering this impending doom scenario, but will anybody in the Conservative government have the time or inclination to notice?  This after all gives permission to up national security and buy more weapons with money which is needed to stop sectors of the British population from starving to death.

So, as usual you are being told the opposite of the truth.  Buying more weapons is supposed to be the answer to world peace, spending more money will help people by killing them, and America persists in thinking they are policing the rest of the world.

Likewise we have now been told that starving the unemployed does not work No evidence that welfare sanctions work and that they cannot find a way of preserving the income of the one million millionaires, so they cannot figure out how to Brexit.  Brexit is essential for your future safety, never mind actually earning a living.  The misery of domestic political lies started a very long time before the crash of 2008.  As far back as 2002 we were told not to admit to the lack of jobs, because middle class people don’t talk about struggling.

Fuck that, frankly, we have been mismanaged by self-interest for some time.  At some point during the Thatcher government, the brakes were taken off the banks in the form of them no longer having to ensure that virtual money represented real money.  We have ridden a false wave of spurious growth ever since.

This has not been helped by the fashion in recent decades for employing people who will say yes to anything to pay their mortgage.  In real terms the economy of the UK as well as America benefited hugely from a culture of honesty and innovation, which is why Trump is so fond of using this terribly old-fashioned imagery.  He has no intention of backing that up, but this is why it is appealing.  Those of us who remember the popular post-war culture of honesty, bravery and growth feel some fondness for the spirit of patriotism in the form of working together towards a common goal.

The reason for the encouragement of dishonest behaviour for money, lack of empathy for others, labelling people who do not share our views, and fear of admitting that actually borders are a good thing is corporate expediency, which is what both Clinton and Trump represent in real terms, but on a different basis.  Trump is all out for himself and his fellow billionaire, with the same trickle down lies that goes with that that Clinton would support in the form of open globalisation.  It is all at your expense.  At no point does anybody want to help you, unless it involves you giving them yet more money.

And so the cycle continues, and as long as you use the same shops, vote the same way, respond emotionally with helplessness and play facile games on facebook instead of actually taking action, the cycle will continue until one day you will find yourself walking past a starved corpse on the street and not caring.  At all.

Think about that whilst you eat your Christmas dinner.


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Immigration and cultural problems

Earlier this week, a young lady was posting about unemployed people sitting on their bottoms and complaining about immigrants taking jobs.  She was very young and clearly had a job, and so I said:

“Spoken like a person who has never filled a garbage bag with rejection letters.”

She immediately retorted that as someone who has, I was not her target.  So I wondered, does this mean you are to pay for your assumed racism with job applications?  This is the logical conclusion of her conversation so far, is it not? She is basically saying that in order to have a legitimate complaint against immigration, you need to have an unreasonable obsession with finding work and not getting it.

For one thing, unemployed people sitting on their ass and not applying for jobs no longer exist.  These people are sanctioned and are supposed to starve to death under the current rules. Other ‘useless eaters’ such as the disabled are also penalised and told that with three limbs missing (in at least one case) they are fit for work.  For another, concerns about immigration rise directly in relation to the availability of work and other resources.  THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH JOBS IN THE UK TO SUPPORT THE CURRENT POPULATION.

Syrian Girl, a vlogger on youtube, was actually the first person I heard who was keen to ensure that everyone is aware that the European experiment, free movement and the welcoming and dispersal of asylum seekers is actually just about depressing wages and making it easier for employers to exploit workers.

The people who you are keen to blame for their unemployment, meanwhile, used to be employed in factories, in catering establishments and in small businesses which the European experiment has gone quite a long way to phasing out.  Manufacturing suffered because it was cheaper to outsource, catering suffered because of the reduction of cash in the economy and the smoking ban, small business suffered because bigger businesses successfully lobbied for concessions to expand, hence the corner shop is being replaced by mini versions of the large supermarket chain.  Tesco, Sainsbury’s both have a presence in the smaller main streets to wipe out the sole trader businesses that immigrants and locals alike started when they could not otherwise find work.

Hence, your opportunities are more limited all the time, and more people means more competition for jobs which pay less.  No sensible person that genuinely cares about the people around them supports unlimited immigration and a reduction in basic wage and self employed opportunities.

And yet we hear people doing this all the time, associating it with being a ‘right on’ open minded person.  The population have been conned into a trap, where they are exploited in order to justify spending their taxes on bombing other countries, whose populations quite rightly decide to leave and seek safety and work elsewhere.

If you are following what I am saying so far, you will now be aware that you are screwed, and that continuing with the same views will ensure that your children, and their children will be even more screwed.  The alternative, of pulling out of violence in other countries, of being more prudent with your borders, of safeguarding your own opportunities, may not be fashionable, but it creates a healthier micro level economy and competition for the future.  Supporting business at the expense of the individual is basically supporting corporate fascism.

So, the next time somebody calls you a Nazi for being concerned about your country being overcrowded, you can easily explain why the real fascists are pro-Europe, pro-immigration right on liberals who want to see you crushed out of starting your own business, earning small wages for your underemployed situation with one of the big players such as Walmart (Asda)  who in turn have direct ties to pharmaceutical companies. They also tend to have places on the Board of Nutrition to tell you what to go out and buy.  Hence, you adhere to the nutrition guidelines and wonder why you always feel under par, ending up with heart disease, diabetes and dementia in line with whatever drug is most profitable.

If you particularly relish this, carry on pretending that borders don’t matter.

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