So the new story is here,,,,,,
It is a very quick run down on the facts from many sources on the Trans contagion and the reasons behind it for those who are interested. I am now not interested any more. I was sufficiently interested to spend a lot of time looking at people objecting to the issues associated with it, I was suitably upset at the issue of children suddenly being able to consent, I was upset by people at their lowest chopping bits off themselves, now I am no longer interested. It is, as usual, a fairly interesting and thought provoking story, but the lack of people doing any reading of anything over 140 characters has meant a slow start.
The cover was about two months work, Dylan’s face went reasonably well considering it was my first piece of art-grade papier mache, made a couple of wigs for him. I think he is largely irrelevant to be honest, just another random picked as a figurehead, except it is painfully obvious on this occasion. The more times this happens the less effect it has when you have seen a few of them.
I have been trying to write up the story of the Earl and Viscount, but I am just not thrilled enough by the subject to finish it or get it in the right place.
I think the next story will probably be a story explaining the difference between xenophobia and racism to really stupid people as this seems to be confusing for them.
To give a simple example “I don’t like Scotland and Scottish people” is xenophobia, “I do not like her because she is Scottish and I intend to find a way to withdraw her income” is racism. I am not Anglo-Germanic, I lived in England for several years despite the innate racism in Buckinghamshire and Kent, in particular, and actually liked Somerset.
I do not plan on answering any more questions from two people that had the opportunity to solve a problem for me and declined. If your relationship is built on bitching about other folk it is not a relationship at all.
I did have a provisional title for a similar couple pending, but I don’t really want to tell that story again because it was kind of covered in the Bawbag trio of titles from different angles and Bawbag has demonstrated his genuine affection by not bothering me any further. The new couple demonstrate this very well, so I think we will do them instead.
I don’t know why codependents are so childish really.
Got the job I did not think I would get, it is OK but the English new starts are complaining that there are too many Scottish people working for a Scottish company.