
I am, of course, very flattered by all this attention, but I really don’t need any more staring.  I would say using the bank computers to stare at the website is misuse of company resources.  Perhaps I should complain to your manager?

This is, of course, misery porn.  The nasty little boys are still hoovering evidence of damage, and again became hysterical yesterday.  They are using cloud VPNs on their particularly nervous days. No doubt he still thinks that he is entitled, and I am a peasant who apparently deserves to be abused at work.  That is certainly how his wife behaved.  From the perspective of somebody who actually has some genuine management talent, this is laughable.

This could all have been averted, of course, if they had not assumed that I would be so broken by this event that they would be reading woebegone tales of my life being destroyed.  This is perverted behaviour, but it is reflective of a particular kind of pornography, which men with very small brains and too much testosterone are particularly fond of.

Having had some time on my hands of late, I have been taking a look at popular pornography in an effort to understand why you would attack someone who went out of her way to avoid attacking you, even as you did it.

It is the kind of objectification pornography that feminists like to object to on the grounds that it is considered abusive.  From many perspectives, it is considered odd that other women quite like this form of pornography because it generally has a storyline and involves an unusually long element of foreplay because that is the nature of submission porn.

There are several events on in Glasgow this week, should you be interested in meeting these women. I took the trouble of researching them today.  When you return to abusing the company computers to see what I say next, here are the events where you can meet submissive women and masochists this week.  Feel free to bring your wife, should you have one.  Or not as the case may be.  Should you happen to be a submissive bisexual male, I am sure this can also be accommodated by some big hairy man who isn’t fussy about little skinny boys who don’t understand what responsibility is:

The Glasgow Dungeon:  Hengler’s Circus 351-363 Sauchiehall Street

This one has an entry fee, but if you like performing in public, you will learn about submission on Friday July 27th at 8pm.  It is £10 to get in, but you are welcome to wear your bare-assed chaps or whatever people wear to these events. I am sure you will be made most welcome.

On Sunday 29th there are two events, T cup and Brush up in the afternoon and evening respectively.  T cup seems to be aimed at ladies who like tea, so this might be a good option to look for potential victims or a dominatrix, which might help you enormously.  Brush up starts at 6pm and relates to people who like medical play, which seems a little bit vicious, but it might be your thing, I do not wish to know.

The Counting House, George Square

Thursday night, 26th also sees the munch at the above, which is probably free to get into, and I would assume this is an older, less flashy but probably considerably more talented crowd. This starts at 8pm.

Sir John Moore, Argyll Street, Glasgow

Saturday night at 6pm sees a more casual event called Kinky drinks at the above.  Look for the table with the sunflowers.

Good luck.  I am sure you can both find the lady you are looking for if you actually try.

Toodle pip,









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