Work Update

I have no idea why I associate Boris Johnson with rock pools, but apparently I do.  At least four of the pieces I am working on associated with Boris are related to rock pools.  I have a carpet, a box and a trunk on wheels, a small table all with rock pool tendencies.

Wolfish, one of the remaining David Wolfe pieces, is swimming in a coral reef in a tank, but apparently in my head Boris is all about rock pools. Perhaps the psychologists could have a think on that one. It is probably something to do with sex, although I am not aware of it.  Most of my work is related to emotion rather than sex in terms of whichever form things take, but the colours are usually a give-away in terms of the sexual element.

The furniture progress has been slow but Jemima Khan is going to be spectacular, Iain Duncan Smith is a lot of work, and Theresa May is yet to get off the ground due to lack of funds.  Darius Guppy is on pause as he needs a lot of sanding work.

I am starting to get psyched up for the book, so I will be doing some reading shortly in anticipation of Lucifer Ogilvie.  Not to be too cynical about it, but it would help a lot if Boris likes it, so I hope I can at least persuade him to read it when the time comes. My ideas seem to be developing somewhat, so hopefully it will be a funny and clever take on Conservatism through the eyes of the alternative Boris.

The games are on hold at the moment, I managed to salvage them from yet another broken computer. (my cat is very fond of computers, which is why I seem to go through five or six laptops a year, although she does not seem to share the same love of the PC).

I am seriously considering a short story about racism, since whoever manages such things has successfully persuaded us that protecting our own rights involves maligning other people’s.  Mind your Language, a programme which is usually denounced as racist in the UK, is massively popular in India and Pakistan.



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